How Do You Solve These Coupled Differential Equations?

In summary, the conversation discusses two equations and their solutions for the variables l and u, which are found to be proportional to x^n and x^(n-1) respectively. It is determined that the equations can be partially uncoupled and solved separately, with one solution found through integration and the other through substitution and manipulation. The conversation also mentions an alternative method of solving the equations by dividing one by the other.
  • #1
I have the equations

[tex]\frac{l}{u^{2}} \frac{du}{dx}=constant[/tex]


[tex]\frac{1}{u} \frac{dl}{dx}=constant[/tex].

By "eyeball", I can say the solution is
[tex]l \propto x^{n} \ and \ u \propto x^{n-1}[/tex].

I can't see how I could arrive at these solutions 'properly', if you know what I mean
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  • #2
Substract the first equation from the second, and observe that what you got on the left hand side is just the derivative of (l/u).
  • #3
Alternatively, divide one equation by the other

[tex]\frac{l}{u} \frac{du}{dl} = c[/tex]

which has the general solution

[tex]u = l^p[/itex]

Substitute that in the second equation ...
  • #4
Those equations are, in fact, "partially uncoupled"- the first equation, for u, does not depend on l. What I would do is just go ahead and solve the first equation for u, without regard for the second equation.
[tex]\frac{1}{u^2}\frac{du}{dx}= C[/tex]
[tex]\frac{du}{u^2}= Cdx[/tex]
[tex]-\frac{1}{u}= Cx+ D[/tex]
so that
[itex]u= -\frac{1}{Cx+ D}[/tex]

Now put that into the second equation:
[tex]\frac{1}{u}\frac{dl}{dx}= -(Cx+ D}\frac{dl}{dx}= E[/tex]
[tex]-dl= -E(Cx+ D)dx[/tex]
[tex]-l(x)= -\frac{EC}{2}x^2- EDx+ F[/tex]
  • #5
Thanks guys ... I had started on the "divide one equation by the other" path, but for some reason did not carry it to it's conclusion.

@HallsofIvy, the first equation actually does depend on [tex]l[/tex]; I guess you mistook the [tex]l[/tex] in the numerator for [tex]1[/tex]. Thanks anyway :)
  • #6
You are right about that- sorry.

FAQ: How Do You Solve These Coupled Differential Equations?

1. What are coupled differential equations?

Coupled differential equations are a set of two or more differential equations that are interconnected and affect each other's solutions. They are used to model complex systems in various fields of science and mathematics.

2. How are coupled differential equations solved?

There are various methods for solving coupled differential equations, such as using numerical techniques like Euler's method or Runge-Kutta methods, or using analytical techniques like the method of undetermined coefficients or Laplace transforms.

3. What are some real-world applications of coupled differential equations?

Coupled differential equations are used to model many real-world phenomena, such as chemical reactions, population dynamics, electrical circuits, and fluid dynamics. They are also used in fields like engineering, physics, and economics to understand and predict complex systems.

4. Are there any limitations to using coupled differential equations?

One limitation of coupled differential equations is that they can become very complex and difficult to solve when there are more than two equations. In some cases, simplifying assumptions may need to be made to make the equations solvable.

5. How do I know if a system can be modeled using coupled differential equations?

A system can be modeled using coupled differential equations if it can be broken down into interconnected components or variables that are changing over time. It is important to carefully analyze the system and its behavior to determine the appropriate equations and variables to use in the model.

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