Solar system is bigger than previously thought

In summary, the Voyager spacecraft has found that the solar system is larger than previously thought. The team has discovered a new region where the magnetic particles from the solar system meet those from interstellar space. This region is considered part of the solar system because the direction of the magnetic lines is unchanged. The team believes this is the last leg of the journey to interstellar space and predicts it will take a few months to a couple years to reach it. Despite entering this new region in July, Voyager 1 still has not cleared the heliopause or the oort cloud, and its position is still influenced by the sun's electromagnetic field and gravity.
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Voyager spacecraft finds solar system is bigger than thought:

On Monday, project officials said new information sent back from the ship yielded a surprising result.

"If we would have only looked at particle data alone, we would have said we're out of the solar system," said Tom Krimigis, a scientist from Johns Hopkins University who examines data on low-energy charged particles. "But nature is very imaginative, and Lucy pulled up the football again."

The Voyager team believes this region is where lines of magnetic particles from the solar system are meeting particles from interstellar space.

Because the direction of the magnetic lines is unchanged, the project members count this as part of the solar system. When the direction changes, Voyager 1 will finally be in interstellar space.

"We believe this is the last leg of our journey to interstellar space," said project member Edward Stone of the California Institute of Technology. "Our best guess is it's likely just a few months to a couple years away. The new region isn't what we expected, but we've come to expect the unexpected from Voyager."

The spacecraft entered the new region in July, fueling predictions it was getting close to the edge of the solar system.

Voyager 2, which is on a different flight path, is a few billion miles closer to the sun.
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  • #2
I don't understand how they say that they considered that Voyager 1 had left the solar system when it has not even yet cleared the heliopause or the sun's bow shock or the oort cloud which likely orbits our sun or at least is held by it, so by any definition is part of the solar system and then again after that we have the suns various electromagnetic field effects and its gravity that even at that distance still has influence ? Me thinks they jumped the gun by a long shot on this!

FAQ: Solar system is bigger than previously thought

1. How big is the solar system?

The solar system is estimated to be about 4.6 billion years old and has a radius of about 100 astronomical units (AU), which is equivalent to about 9.3 trillion kilometers.

2. What led to the discovery that the solar system is bigger than previously thought?

Advancements in technology, specifically the use of powerful telescopes and space probes, have allowed scientists to gather more accurate data and measurements of objects in the solar system, leading to the discovery that it is bigger than previously believed.

3. How has this discovery changed our understanding of the solar system?

This discovery has expanded our knowledge of the size and scale of the solar system, as well as the potential for other objects and phenomena that may exist beyond what we currently know.

4. Is the solar system still growing?

It is believed that the solar system is not actively growing, but objects within it may continue to change and evolve over time. However, new discoveries and advancements in technology may also lead to further expansions in our understanding of the solar system.

5. How does the size of the solar system compare to other known solar systems?

The solar system is relatively large compared to other known solar systems, but it is also unique in its composition and arrangement of planets. There is still much to be discovered and understood about the vastness of space and the potential for other solar systems to exist.
