Dynamics coefficient of friction

In summary, the question asks for the shortest distance and time in which a car, moving at 33m/s^-1 down a 20 degree slope with a coefficient of friction of 0.58, can stop. To find the maximum acceleration of the car, the formula Fmax = uR is used, where Fmax is the maximum static friction, u is the coefficient of friction, and R is the normal reaction. The angle of the slope should be measured from the horizontal, and the normal reaction can be calculated as mgsin20, where m is the mass of the car and g is the acceleration due to gravity. The net force acting parallel to the slope can be found by subtracting the friction force and the component
  • #1
My question is:
If a car is moving at 33m/s^-1 down a 20 degree slope, the friction between car tires and the road surface is 0.58, what is the shortest distance and time in which it can stop?

I assume that Fmax= u R is correct formula?
(where Fmax=force max, u=coeff of friction, and R= normal reaction)

I also assume that R = mgsin20
(where m=mass, g=9.8, sin 20 for angle of slope)

Any help would be much appreciated!
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  • #2
polly06 said:
I assume that Fmax= u R is correct formula?
(where Fmax=force max, u=coeff of friction, and R= normal reaction)
The maximum static friction will be [itex]\mu R[/itex], but friction is not the only force acting on the car.

I also assume that R = mgsin20
(where m=mass, g=9.8, sin 20 for angle of slope)
Careful. The angle is usually measured from the horizontal (an 0 degree slope is perfectly horizontal) so check your trig.

To find the maximum acceleration of the car, find the net force acting parallel to the slope.
  • #3
...ok, thank you for your prompt reply Doc Al.
Where I am confused is:
Max static friction = uR
...so how can R be calculated when the mass is unknown?

...so I deduct that it should have been R= mgsin70

...so I now need to determine the net force acting parallel to the slope by deducting the friction forces from the the force produced by the car's mass and acceleration?

I have referred back to my study notes, and to online tutorials, but seem to be missing something here!
Part time studies by correspondance was never meant to be easy!
  • #4
polly06 said:
Where I am confused is:
Max static friction = uR
...so how can R be calculated when the mass is unknown?
Just express it symbolically as you've been doing. You'll find that you don't need the mass to find the car's acceleration. (The mass will cancel in your final formula.)
...so I deduct that it should have been R= mgsin70
Right. The normal force must balance the component of the car's weight perpendicular to the slope.

...so I now need to determine the net force acting parallel to the slope by deducting the friction forces from the the force produced by the car's mass and acceleration?
There are two forces acting on the car parallel to the slope: The friction, as we've discussed, and a component of the car's weight. The sum of these two (one is negative, of course) gives the net force. Then use Newton's 2nd law to find the acceleration.
  • #5
polly06 said:
...so how can R be calculated when the mass is unknown?
It can't- but you don't need that, you only need the net acceleration. If you carry the mass as "m" in the formula you should see that it cancels out at the end.

...so I deduct that it should have been R= mgsin70
Yes, or mg cos(20).

...so I now need to determine the net force acting parallel to the slope by deducting the friction forces from the the force produced by the car's mass and acceleration?
Well, you don't want to determine the force "produced by the car's mass and acceleration", you want to determine the acceleration produced by the car's mass and force (force causes acceleration, acceleration does not cause force!).

Actually you are correct that the gravitational force is F= mg where g is the acceleration due to gravitational force. I think that's what you meant but I still wouldn't say that the acceleration "produced" the force. Notice that you will also want to find the component of that down the hill- a little more trig.
  • #6
..thanks for the replies.
I have booked into see a phyics tutor this week.
I shall reply with my findings
thanks again

FAQ: Dynamics coefficient of friction

What is the dynamics coefficient of friction?

The dynamics coefficient of friction, also known as kinetic friction, is a measure of the resistance to motion between two surfaces in contact with each other.

How is the dynamics coefficient of friction different from static friction?

Static friction refers to the resistance to motion between two surfaces at rest, while dynamics coefficient of friction refers to the resistance to motion between two surfaces in motion.

What factors affect the dynamics coefficient of friction?

The dynamics coefficient of friction can be affected by the nature of the surfaces in contact, the amount of force applied, the speed of motion, and the presence of any lubricants or contaminants.

How is the dynamics coefficient of friction measured?

The dynamics coefficient of friction is typically measured by conducting experiments where the force required to maintain a constant velocity between two surfaces is measured and divided by the weight of the object.

Why is the dynamics coefficient of friction important?

The dynamics coefficient of friction is important in understanding the movement and interaction of objects in various applications, such as in machinery and transportation. It also helps in designing and improving materials for better performance and efficiency.
