Can anyone explain this statement related to tesla's work.?

In summary, Tesla claimed to have invented a way to transfer electrical energy wirelessly through natural media using electrostatic forces and magnetic flux. However, there is no evidence to support this claim and it is generally considered impractical due to its inefficiency. There is also controversy surrounding Tesla's contributions to the field of radio and the suppression of his work by authorities.
  • #1
"Tesla sent electrostatic forces through natural media across a conductor situated in the changing magnetic flux and transferred electrical energy to a wireless receiver"

Can anyone elaborate this..?Is this employed now..? if no, why..?
Physics news on
  • #2
I believe that expression comes from the wikipedia article and other web sites about him. I can't find similar on the web before 2001 or using google books. He's become some kind of god in certain parts of the web and it's hard to tell fact from fiction.

If you want to know who invented radio there are several contenders and lots of heated debate.
  • #3
CWatters said:
I can't find similar on the web before 2001
That's because Tesla's invention of the web before 2001 was suppressed by the authorities, along with so much else that he did :biggrin:
  • #4
aditya23456 said:
"Tesla sent electrostatic forces through natural media across a conductor situated in the changing magnetic flux and transferred electrical energy to a wireless receiver"

Can anyone elaborate this..?Is this employed now..? if no, why..?

Sounds like utter gobbledegook to me.

Probably stems from his having successfully shown that you CAN transfer power to a wireless receiver, it's just grossly inefficient. I have read that he once proposed a grid of his wireless stations throughout the country but that detailed analysis showed that stations had to be no more than about a mile apart and building a grid of 1 mile by 1 mile stations throughout the country, plus the transmitting stations, would have cost approximately the gross national product of the entire planet to buy the land and build everything.
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  • #5

Sure, I can explain this statement related to Tesla's work. Tesla was a renowned scientist and inventor who made significant contributions in the field of electricity and electromagnetism. One of his most notable achievements was his experiments with wireless energy transfer.

In simple terms, Tesla discovered that by using electrostatic forces and a changing magnetic flux, he could transfer electrical energy wirelessly. This means that he was able to send electricity through natural media, such as air or water, without the need for physical wires.

To achieve this, Tesla used a transmitter that emitted high-frequency electromagnetic waves, which were then picked up by a receiver situated in the vicinity. The receiver would then convert these waves back into electrical energy, which could be used to power various devices.

This method of wireless energy transfer was revolutionary at the time and paved the way for modern wireless technologies, such as radio, Wi-Fi, and Bluetooth. However, it is not commonly employed today for large-scale energy transmission.

The reason for this is that wireless energy transfer is not as efficient as wired transmission. A significant amount of energy is lost during the transfer process, making it impractical for long-distance transmission. Additionally, the infrastructure required for wireless energy transmission is complex and expensive, making it more feasible to use wired transmission for electricity distribution.

However, Tesla's work in wireless energy transfer continues to inspire and influence modern technology, and researchers are still exploring ways to improve its efficiency and practicality.

FAQ: Can anyone explain this statement related to tesla's work.?

What is the statement related to Tesla's work?

The statement related to Tesla's work is "If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration."

Who said this statement?

This statement was said by Nikola Tesla, a famous scientist and inventor known for his contributions to the field of electricity and magnetism.

What does this statement mean?

This statement means that in order to understand the universe, we must think about energy, frequency, and vibration. Tesla believed that everything in the universe is made up of energy and that understanding its frequency and vibration can unlock many secrets of the universe.

How did Tesla's work relate to this statement?

Tesla's work focused on harnessing and transmitting energy through the use of electromagnetic waves. He also conducted experiments on resonance and understanding the frequencies and vibrations of different objects. Therefore, his work directly related to the statement he made about energy, frequency, and vibration.

What impact did this statement have on the scientific community?

This statement sparked a new way of thinking about the universe and the role of energy, frequency, and vibration in understanding it. It also influenced scientists to explore these concepts further and led to advancements in the fields of energy and electromagnetism.
