Exploring the Physical Significance of the Virial Theorem

In summary, the conversation discusses the Virial Theorem and the commutator [\hat{r}\bullet\hat{p},\hat{H}] in relation to stationary states. It is mentioned that taking the expectation value of the commutator over stationary states results in a value of zero. The question posed is about the physical significance of this commutator and its expectation value.
  • #1
Hi everyone

I have a question regarding a step in the proof of the Virial Theorem.

Specifically suppose [itex]|E\rangle[/itex] is a stationary state with energy [itex]E[/itex], i.e.

[tex]\hat{H}|E\rangle = E|E\rangle[/tex]


[tex][\hat{r}\bullet\hat{p},\hat{H}] = i\hbar\left(\frac{p^2}{m} - \vec{r}\bullet\nabla V\right)[/tex]

Taking the expectation value of the left hand side over stationary states, we see that

[tex]\langle E|[\hat{r}\bullet\hat{p},\hat{H}]|E\rangle = 0[/tex]

(The Virial Theorem for central potentials then assumes [itex]V(r) = \alpha r^{n}[/itex] and one gets <T> = (n/2)<V>.)

My question is: what is the physical significance of this commutator and what does it mean physically that the expectation of this commutator wrt a basis of stationary states is zero?

Thanks in advance.

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  • #2
  • #3

I would like to start by commending you on your thorough understanding of the Virial Theorem and your insightful question. The Virial Theorem is an important concept in physics, specifically in the study of systems that have a potential energy that depends only on the distance between particles, known as central potentials. It relates the average kinetic energy of a system to the average potential energy, and is a useful tool for understanding the behavior of these systems.

To answer your question, let's first look at the physical significance of the commutator [\hat{r}\bullet\hat{p},\hat{H}]. This commutator represents the uncertainty in the position and momentum of a particle, as well as the effect of the potential energy on the system. In simpler terms, it tells us how the position and momentum of a particle change in response to the potential energy of the system.

Now, when we take the expectation value of this commutator over stationary states, we are essentially averaging out the effects of the potential energy on the system. This is because stationary states are eigenstates of the Hamiltonian, and thus the potential energy remains constant in these states. Therefore, the expectation value of the commutator becomes zero, indicating that the effects of the potential energy on the system are balanced out by the uncertainty in the position and momentum of the particles.

In the case of central potentials, where the potential energy is proportional to the distance between particles, the Virial Theorem tells us that the average kinetic energy is equal to half the average potential energy, multiplied by a factor depending on the form of the potential. This provides us with a useful relationship between the kinetic and potential energies of a system, allowing us to better understand its behavior.

I hope this helps to answer your question and further your understanding of the Virial Theorem. Keep exploring and questioning, as this is the essence of science. Best of luck in your studies.

FAQ: Exploring the Physical Significance of the Virial Theorem

1. What is the Virial Theorem and why is it important in physics?

The Virial Theorem is a mathematical equation that relates the kinetic and potential energies of a system. It is important in physics because it allows us to understand the overall behavior and stability of a system, as well as make predictions about its future evolution.

2. How is the Virial Theorem applied in different fields of science?

The Virial Theorem has applications in various fields of science, such as astrophysics, thermodynamics, and statistical mechanics. In astrophysics, it is used to understand the dynamics of galaxies and star clusters. In thermodynamics, it helps to describe the behavior of gases and fluids. In statistical mechanics, it is used to study the properties of large systems of particles.

3. Can you explain the physical significance of the Virial Theorem in simple terms?

The Virial Theorem tells us that the total kinetic energy of a system is related to its potential energy. This means that as the kinetic energy of a system increases, the potential energy decreases, and vice versa. It is a fundamental principle that helps us understand the equilibrium and stability of a system.

4. How is the Virial Theorem derived and what are its assumptions?

The Virial Theorem is derived from the equations of motion of a system, using mathematical techniques such as Lagrangian mechanics or Hamiltonian mechanics. It assumes that the system is isolated, meaning that there are no external forces or energy inputs. It also assumes that the system is in a steady state, with no changes in its properties over time.

5. Are there any real-life examples of the Virial Theorem in action?

Yes, there are many real-life examples of the Virial Theorem. For instance, the stability of a planet's orbit around a star is determined by the balance between its kinetic energy (from its motion) and its potential energy (from its gravitational interaction with the star). Another example is the behavior of a gas in a container, where the kinetic energy of the gas molecules is related to the potential energy of the container walls.

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