the observed masses of the particles R. Feynman

In summary: I guess that Malcolm MacGregor (retired from LLNL) and one of...In summary, R. Feynman expressed in 1985 that the observed masses of fundamental particles are still not fully explained by any theory, and this remains a significant problem. This statement is still true today, regardless of which type of mass is being considered. The Higgs mechanism in the standard model allows for massive fundamental particles, but the origin of this mass is still unknown. Attempts to explain it through a mechanical model are limited by the fact that it must adhere to quantum mechanics, which reduces intuition.
  • #1
"...the observed masses of the particles.." R. Feynman

Feynman wrote: "Throughout this entire story there remains one especially unsatisfactory features: the observed masses of the particles, m. There is no theory that adequately explains these numbers. We use these numbers in all our theories, but we do not understand them - what they are, or where they come from. I believe that from a fundamental point of view, this is a very interesting and serious problem." end of quotation

Is this statement by Feynman from 1985 still true?
Physics news on
  • #2
Buckeye said:
Feynman wrote: "Throughout this entire story there remains one especially unsatisfactory features: the observed masses of the particles, m. There is no theory that adequately explains these numbers. We use these numbers in all our theories, but we do not understand them - what they are, or where they come from. I believe that from a fundamental point of view, this is a very interesting and serious problem." end of quotation

Is this statement by Feynman from 1985 still true?
Which mass are you talking about ? Your quotation is out of context : where was that written ?

The masses of fundamental particles, your mass and the ones of familiar objects around you, or the electromagnetically invisible masses that show up gravitationnally at astronomical scales ? At different levels, all those different masses are not satisfactorilly explained. But you need to focus the discussion, otherwise if you want to talk about all of them, you should open separate discussions, since those are independent problems.
  • #3
humanino said:
Which mass are you talking about ? Your quotation is out of context : where was that written ?

The masses of fundamental particles, your mass and the ones of familiar objects around you, or the electromagnetically invisible masses that show up gravitationnally at astronomical scales ? At different levels, all those different masses are not satisfactorilly explained. But you need to focus the discussion, otherwise if you want to talk about all of them, you should open separate discussions, since those are independent problems.
The quote is on p152 from "QED, The Strange Theory of Light and Matter".
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  • #4
Buckeye said:
The quote is on p152 from "QED, The Strange Theory of Light and Matter".
So I suppose you are referring to the masses of fundamental particles. Assuming this is correct, do you want to talk about the Higgs mechanism in electroweak spontaneous symmetry breaking, or about the so-called hierarchy problem (fine-tuning and naturalness) ?
  • #5
humanino said:
So I suppose you are referring to the masses of fundamental particles. Assuming this is correct, do you want to talk about the Higgs mechanism in electroweak spontaneous symmetry breaking, or about the so-called hierarchy problem (fine-tuning and naturalness) ?

I have not referred to any particular particles. I'm simply asking if Feynman's statement is true or not?
  • #6
Buckeye said:
I have not referred to any particular particles. I'm simply asking if Feynman's statement is true or not?
I already told you that Feynman statement is still valid, independently of which type of mass you are interested in. I do not ask you whether you refer to any specific or "particular" particle. I ask you whether you refer to fundamental particles, like e.g. quarks, and by contradistinction to, for instance, the proton.

The Higgs mechanism allows you to have massive fundamental particles in the standard model.
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  • #7
humanino said:
I already told you that Feynman statement is still valid, independently of which type of mass you are interested in. I do not ask you whether you refer to any specific or "particular" particle. I ask you whether you refer to fundamental particles, like e.g. quarks, and by contradistinction to, for instance, the proton.

The Higgs mechanism allows you to have massive fundamental particles in the standard model.

If we have no clue where the mass comes from, then how do we know it is not simply "mechanical" mass instead of "electromagnetic" mass or "inertial" mass?
  • #8
Buckeye said:
If we have no clue where the mass comes from, then how do we know it is not simply "mechanical" mass instead of "electromagnetic" mass or "inertial" mass?
This is not a discussion. Trying to address your own questions, I ask you another question to clarify, which unfortunately you do not seem to understand, therefore you prefer to ignore it instead of admiting you do not understand my question. You want to use Feynman's quotation to bring in your own personal views on a mechanical model of fundamental particles. This is unfair. Feynman's quotation has a context which I wish you would like to understand. But you do not understand the currently admitted Standard Model of fundamental particles, so how can you claim it is wrong ?

Should I continue feeding the troll ?
  • #9
humanino said:
This is not a discussion. Trying to address your own questions, I ask you another question to clarify, which unfortunately you do not seem to understand, therefore you prefer to ignore it instead of admiting you do not understand my question. You want to use Feynman's quotation to bring in your own personal views on a mechanical model of fundamental particles. This is unfair. Feynman's quotation has a context which I wish you would like to understand. But you do not understand the currently admitted Standard Model of fundamental particles, so how can you claim it is wrong ?

Should I continue feeding the troll ?

I'm simply here to learn. I offer my apology since my way of learning bothers you.
  • #10
Buckeye said:
I'm simply here to learn.
I am here for the same reason. I can share what I know, and I am happy to be corrected when my claims are wrong.

The problem with any kind of mechanical model of fundamental particles is that is has to be quantum. That severely reduces intuition.
  • #11
humanino said:
I am here for the same reason. I can share what I know, and I am happy to be corrected when my claims are wrong.

The problem with any kind of mechanical model of fundamental particles is that is has to be quantum. That severely reduces intuition.

I guess that Malcolm MacGregor (retired from LLNL) and one of his mentors must be all wet when they propose that the electron might have mechanical, nearly spherical, mass with a point charge located at its equator of that mechanical mass that is spinning at near relativistic speed and with a title angle of 55 deg to accommodate the spin nature of the electron.
  • #12
Buckeye said:
Malcolm MacGregor (retired from LLNL) and one of his mentors
I do not take authority arguments as acceptable.
the electron might have mechanical, nearly spherical, mass with a point charge located at its equator of that mechanical mass that is spinning at near relativistic speed and with a title angle of 55 deg to accommodate the spin nature of the electron.
What is this good for ? Why should we need to change from a simple, well motivated mathematical formalism (Dirac equation) which does explain the spin to a complicated mechanical model. Can you reproduce the accuracy of the calculations for the electron and muon magnetic moments ?
  • #13
humanino said:
I do not take authority arguments as acceptable.What is this good for ? Why should we need to change from a simple, well motivated mathematical formalism (Dirac equation) which does explain the spin to a complicated mechanical model. Can you reproduce the accuracy of the calculations for the electron and muon magnetic moments ?

If memory serves me right, then the answer is Yes. MacGregor has worked out the moments. It would be helpful if you had access to MacGregor's book "The Enigmatic Electron". They might also have the book by Myron Evans and Jean-Pierre Vigier titled "The Enigmatic Photon - Volumes 1-3".
  • #14
Buckeye said:
If memory serves me right, then the answer is Yes. MacGregor has worked out the moments. It would be helpful if you had access to MacGregor's book "The Enigmatic Electron". They might also have the book by Myron Evans and Jean-Pierre Vigier titled "The Enigmatic Photon - Volumes 1-3".
Has he not calculated 55 deg to reproduce the magnetic moment ? This is very different from being able to calculate it, like in QED. Besides, this still does not account for the muon. And QED can do even much more
  • #15
humanino said:
Has he not calculated 55 deg to reproduce the magnetic moment ? This is very different from being able to calculate it, like in QED. Besides, this still does not account for the muon. And QED can do even much more

If QED is so great, then why do we have QCD? MacGregor is just one man, who in some circles might be called a crackpot or quack, and yet he is hard at work together with other professional scientists trying to sort out some of the problems with the mass of the electron and its other properties. Remember - this thread is about mass, yes?
  • #16
Buckeye said:
If QED is so great, then why do we have QCD?
You question is similar to asking "if you have a kitchen, then why do you have a bedroom ?".
  • #17
humanino said:
You question is similar to asking "if you have a kitchen, then why do you have a bedroom ?".

Not really. I'm comparing a Quantum Electric Kitchen with a Quantum Colored Bedroom.
  • #18
Buckeye said:
Not really. I'm comparing a Quantum Electric Kitchen with a Quantum Colored Bedroom.
You got me once again.

QED is for eletromagnetism, QCD is for the strong force. Those are different interactions.
  • #19
Buckeye said:
If QED is so great, then why do we have QCD?

Since we have more than one fundamental force? :biggrin: QED is, as the name suggests, the quantum field theory of electromagnetism.

And yes, mass in the standard model are accomplished by interaction with the Higgs field.
  • #20
humanino said:
You question is similar to asking "if you have a kitchen, then why do you have a bedroom ?".

you can sleep in the kitchen!
  • #21
malawi_glenn said:
Since we have more than one fundamental force? :biggrin: QED is, as the name suggests, the quantum field theory of electromagnetism.

And yes, mass in the standard model are accomplished by interaction with the Higgs field.

Just how many Higgs particles have been measured so far?
  • #22
humanino said:
You got me once again.

QED is for eletromagnetism, QCD is for the strong force. Those are different interactions.

Being a strong proponent of the GUT, it seems that QCD is a simple bandaid on top of QED that allows some to keep the two phenomena separated instead of trying to find the missing link. The nature of the core is vastly different from the electrons, but the core still uses almost the same orbital structure as far as experiment and theory show. It shows spin, angular momenta etc etc.

For me, the only real difference between QED and QCD is the mass difference since parity (chirality in organic chem terms) is not much affected. Yep, I'm back to that nasty and still undefined phenomenon known as "mass."

OK, now who's turn is it on the kitchen floor?
  • #23
There we go...
Buckeye said:
Being a strong proponent of the GUT, it seems that QCD is a simple bandaid on top of QED that allows some to keep the two phenomena separated instead of trying to find the missing link.
Once again, you clearly have no clue. Would you say
Buckeye said:
Being a strong proponent of the HOUSE, it seems that THE BEDROOM is a simple bandaid on top of THE KITCHEN that allows some to keep the two phenomena separated instead of trying to find the missing link.
Really, QED deals with electrodynamics, QCD deals with the strong force. Both theories have been succesfully tested in our laboratories. Do you know many theories predicting more than 10 digits on observables !? Name any (that you do not reject). QCD has been tested on many orders of magnitudes. Please take a look at that :
Figure 16.7.
If you are not impressed, then please go back to your 80 personal books or so, and try to understand. This plot is amazing.

For me, the only real difference between QED and QCD is the mass difference since parity (chirality in organic chem terms) is not much affected. Yep, I'm back to that nasty and still undefined phenomenon known as "mass."
You really have no clue, this is desperate... The difference between QED and QCD is U(1) versus SU(3). And yes, we gave Nobel prizes to those people, so if there is anybody calling other people by names, that would be the ones claiming QED and QCD must go to the rubbish bin...
  • #24
Buckeye said:
Just how many Higgs particles have been measured so far?


The point is that we have a theory (or many different theories) that predicts the existence of the Higgs boson and how mass is generated. And this can be done with the LHC. This is how real physics works - one does theories that accounts for all old phenomenons and make testable predictions.

Then if you don't know the difference between QED and QCD or what so ever, I only feel that you have not studied hard enough. You know, there is a reason why quantum physics is the paradigm today. It needs quite large anomalies to leave that.

Try for instance to make up a new, non quantum, theory for superconductivity, that is not Ad Hoc. And a theory for replacing Quantum Electro Dynamics, that have predicted and reproduced experimental values of the order 8th digit or so.
  • #25
Buckeye said:
Being a strong proponent of the GUT, it seems that QCD is a simple bandaid on top of QED that allows some to keep the two phenomena separated instead of trying to find the missing link. The nature of the core is vastly different from the electrons, but the core still uses almost the same orbital structure as far as experiment and theory show. It shows spin, angular momenta etc etc.

For me, the only real difference between QED and QCD is the mass difference since parity (chirality in organic chem terms) is not much affected. Yep, I'm back to that nasty and still undefined phenomenon known as "mass."

OK, now who's turn is it on the kitchen floor?

The core? you mean nucleons right? ;)

Again, you have not studied enough. Maybe buy a new book, how about the new edition of griffiths elementary particles, that will soon be available?
  • #26
Buckeye said:
For me, the only real difference between QED and QCD is the mass difference since parity (chirality in organic chem terms) is not much affected. Yep, I'm back to that nasty and still undefined phenomenon known as "mass."

Chirality is the key.
  • #27
arivero said:
Chirality is the key.

Does this mean mass does or does not play a major role in the differences between QED and QCD?
  • #28
humanino said:
There we go...Once again, you clearly have no clue. Would you say Really, QED deals with electrodynamics, QCD deals with the strong force. Both theories have been succesfully tested in our laboratories. Do you know many theories predicting more than 10 digits on observables !? Name any (that you do not reject). QCD has been tested on many orders of magnitudes. Please take a look at that :
Figure 16.7.
If you are not impressed, then please go back to your 80 personal books or so, and try to understand. This plot is amazing.

You really have no clue, this is desperate... The difference between QED and QCD is U(1) versus SU(3). And yes, we gave Nobel prizes to those people, so if there is anybody calling other people by names, that would be the ones claiming QED and QCD must go to the rubbish bin...

Yes. You must be right, totally clueless.

Took a look at your PDG plots.
I read that various leptons were supposedly scattered from protons, but it seems they have stretched the truth a bit.

Fig 16.7 reports "a fixed target". There are usually a lot of Baryons and Leptons hiding in any piece of metal or non-metal. Exactly how did they avoid the neutrons?

Fig 16.10 claims they used protons. Are those atomic protons (individual hydrogen atoms)? Ooops, I think not.

I think it's great that the various colliders get reproducible data. Just what that data means is the problem at hand.

Yes. QED addresses electron dynamics. But now you have to tell me what is the mass of the electron, the shape, the charge/size value, why its mass is 1837 smaller than a proton, why it has an equivalent but opposing charge to the proton, why it does not explode, why it is able to tunnel through those nucleons with their astronomical energy barrier etc.

Yes. QCD addresses the so-called strong force. But now you have to tell me why we need two different theories or concepts to describe a strongly interactive ensemble? Oh, and don't forget. What is the source of the chirality (aka helicity, parity...).

And, pray tell me, when exactly do you intend to answer my very very simple question?
  • #29
Buckeye said:
Took a look at your PDG plots.
They are the official release of the worldwide fundamental physics community. Not mine. Must be hard to stand in the way of this university mafia.
Fig 16.7 reports "a fixed target". There are usually a lot of Baryons and Leptons hiding in any piece of metal or non-metal. Exactly how did they avoid the neutrons?
We have mathematical theorems (so-called factorization theorems) insuring us that the virtual photon interacts with only one quark inside the nucleon. But you are not interested in that mathematical gibberish. Use a hydrogen target...
But now you have to tell me what is the mass of the electron
Around half a MeV
the shape
the charge/size value
One elementary charge. The standard model does not explain its own structure. Connes made nice progress to explain the standard model structure
why its mass is 1837 smaller than a proton
The right question is why the proton is heavy. Or how can the top be so heavy. But not your formulation.
why it has an equivalent but opposing charge to the proton
There are ideas of magnetic monopoles unfortunately unconfirmed. But you, some people do try to address those question BY PROVIDING FALSIFIABLE PREDICTIONS. Oh actually, you do predict that the electron has a size larger than what we have checked to be pointlike. You must really not care about this little disagreement with experimentalist who don't know what they are doing anyway.

why it does not explode
Lepton charge is conserved
why it is able to tunnel through those nucleons with their astronomical energy barrier etc.
What ?
QCD addresses the so-called strong force.
Do you know what we mean by strong ? Attach 16 tons to the end of a string one millionth of a billionth of a meter. That is how strong we are talking about here.
But now you have to tell me why we need two different theories or concepts to describe a strongly interactive ensemble?
If only we never cared to go look into the nucleus, we would not need the strong interaction. QED would be quite enough.

Oh, and don't forget. What is the source of the chirality (aka helicity, parity...).
No, chirality is different from parity. Please, give me your definition of chirality. Then we may begin to talk about the so-interesting issue of spontaneous (dynamical) chiral symmetry breaking.
And, pray tell me, when exactly do you intend to answer my very very simple question?
I think I should not care to answer your questions because you do not care to read my answers.
  • #30
Buckeye said:
Yes. QED addresses electron dynamics. But now you have to tell me what is the mass of the electron, the shape, the charge/size value, why its mass is 1837 smaller than a proton, why it has an equivalent but opposing charge to the proton, why it does not explode, why it is able to tunnel through those nucleons with their astronomical energy barrier etc.

I have told you earlier that electrons don't tunnel through the atomic nuclei (i.e nucleons). When will you learn?

A proton is a totaly different system than an electron. Why does a Boeing 747 weight more than a bicycle?
  • #31
I think this thread has gone on sufficiently long enough. humanino has given more than good enough answers to the questions asked.
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FAQ: the observed masses of the particles R. Feynman

1. What is the significance of R. Feynman's observed masses of particles?

The observed masses of particles by R. Feynman are important because they provide valuable information about the fundamental building blocks of the universe. By studying these masses, scientists can better understand the structure and behavior of matter at the subatomic level.

2. How did R. Feynman measure the masses of particles?

R. Feynman used a mathematical framework known as quantum field theory to calculate the masses of particles. This theory takes into account the effects of quantum mechanics and special relativity to accurately predict the masses of particles.

3. What types of particles did R. Feynman study?

R. Feynman studied a wide range of particles, including electrons, protons, neutrons, and various types of mesons and baryons. He also contributed to the understanding of the Higgs boson, a particle that gives mass to other particles.

4. How do the observed masses of particles impact our understanding of the universe?

The observed masses of particles provide crucial information for theories and models that explain the structure and evolution of the universe. They also play a role in the development of technologies, such as particle accelerators, that allow us to study these particles in more detail.

5. What are the current challenges in understanding the masses of particles?

One of the biggest challenges in understanding the masses of particles is the existence of dark matter, which makes up a significant portion of the universe's mass but has not yet been directly observed. Another challenge is the discrepancy between the observed mass of the Higgs boson and the predicted mass from the Standard Model of particle physics.

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