Unsolved Textbook Exercises: Seeking Help and Solutions

  • Thread starter kelvintc
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In summary: OK, so we've solved part a). Now, we need to find the gradient of \vec{T} on the second surface.We can do this by substituting our known \vec{r}\cdot\nabla into the equation for \vec{T}:\vec{T}=x\frac{\partial}{\partial{x}}+y\frac{\partial}{\partial{y}}+z\frac{\partial}{\partial{z}}Now, we need to find the first and last terms on the right-hand side of the equation.The first term is just \vec{T} itself:\vec{T}=x
  • #1
I encountered many problems while doing exercises in textbooks. :confused: And i have stated it down in a word document attached in this post. Hope someone can help and teach me how to solve those problems. Answers are given. I just don't know how to get those answer.

Thanks a lot. :smile:

p/s : Emergency = next week test. :bugeye:

(2), (4), (5), (6) solved.. thanks


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  • #2
Welcome to PF!

You must show some of your own work here; don't expect your homework to be done for you!
Having said that, let's take a specific question, nr. 4:
Now, what are your problems with this particular exercise?
Make a detailed comment on this.
  • #3
r dot grad T should be a scalar ? i wonder y answer's a vector. I used formulas and can't get those answers. Just can't understand why. So seeking help. Thanks.
  • #4
The answer should be a vector, as it is given in the answer (i haven't checked if the answer given is correct)

I hope you know about the grad "vector":

For example, the divergence of a vector [tex]\vec{v}[/tex] is given by:

Are you familiar with this notation?
  • #5
actually i don't know what means (r dot grad) ? i know div and grad as well
p/s: how you draw those symbols?
  • #6
You can click on the LATEX code to see how you write it .

OK, so you know the "grad", which I'll henceforth write as [tex]\nabla[/tex]

Let's first review how we get the scalar known as "divergence"
Let [tex]\vec{v}=u\vec{a}_{x}+v\vec{a}_{y}+w\vec{a}_{z}[/tex]

We then have that:

This simplifies to, in our case:

(Please comment if this doesn't make sense to you!)

Now, we're ready to tackle [tex]\vec{v}\cdot\nabla[/tex]
This is also a "dot" product (scalar product), and looks like:

Or, simplified:

This is a "scalar" operator which you then apply on T.
  • #7
The answer is correct, BTW
  • #8
oic thanks
  • #9
in q 5 : i found the surface integral = -2, but line integral = 7/6. it didn't match Stoke's theorem.. i wonder y...
  • #10
i never learn that inverse dot product b4.. hehe... thanks
  • #11
and q 2 i really have no idea
  • #12
OK, first:
Have you checked that you get no.4 right?

Secondly, try and group together a few questions you think "belong" to each other, which you would like to focus on.
  • #13
no.1 to 6 are about vectors. All about integrals.. I just wonder y can't get answers using formulas. No.2 is really don't know how to start also.
  • #14
no.5 curl = -x^2 in z direction.. then integral can't get 7/6
  • #15
OK, we'll look into 2 (but you did check 4, or what?).

Now, you've been given equations for two surfaces.
In general, if you have a surface given on the form S(x,y,z)=0 (or constant),
you know that the normal on that surface at a point (x,y,z) is parallell to the gradient of S (evaluated on the same point).
Post what you get here in some detail.
  • #16
can't get no.4 answer
  • #17
Post what you've done. In detail.
  • #18
1) since z=0, [tex]a_{r}[/tex] has no [tex]a_{x}[/tex] component , [tex]a_{\phi} = -\sin{\phi}{a}_{r} + \cos{\phi}{a}_{\phi}[/tex] ... and i can't t the answer for (a) and so on
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  • #19
I meant on Q4; the one I started with.
  • #20
(r dot grad T ) = [tex](\vec{r}\cdot\nabla){T}={{x}a_{x}}\frac{\partial{2zy}}{\partial{x}}+{{y}a_{y}}\frac{\partial{xy^2}}{\partial{y}}+{{z}a_{z}}\frac{\partial{x^2yz}}{\partial{z}}[/tex]
is it?
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  • #21
(2), (3) no ideas
(5) i got [tex] \nabla\times{F}={-x^2}{a}_{z}[/tex] and can't get the answer
  • #22
Absolutely not!
We gained:

We then have:
  • #23
2) Take your first surface (given as an equation)
a)Rewrite that equation into a form S(x,y,z)=0,(introduce S(x,y,z) for the expression in x,y,z)

b) Calculate the gradient of S
  • #24
ooops.. finally understand and get it.. thanks for patience... hehe
  • #25
arildno said:
2) Take your first surface (given as an equation)
a)Rewrite that equation into a form S(x,y,z)=0,(introduce S(x,y,z) for the expression in x,y,z)
can't get it... for an example?
  • #26
In question 2, the coordinates for the intersection doesn't make sense

Either it should be (1,2,1) (not (1-2,1)), or there is some other wrong troubling it.

Question 3 doesn't seem to make any sense at all..
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  • #27
oh typed it wrong.. should be (-1, 2, 1)

(3) it wants [tex]\oint{V}{dS}[/tex]
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  • #28
that means [tex]S1(x,y,z)={x^2}{y}+{z-3}, S2(x,y,z)={x}{\log}{z}-{y^2}+{4} ?[/tex]
but [tex]{\nabla}{S2}[/tex] i never learn b4 (the log one)
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  • #29
Allright, I'll give you an example of what I mean:

Clearly, this equation describes the shell of a sphere with center at (a,b,c).
We may rewrite the equation as:
where in this case, we have:

That is, the spherical shell is composed of those points on which the function S is zero(right?)

The gradient of S is easily found:

The unit normal at a given point (x,y,z) is parallell to [tex]\nabla{S}[/tex] there, but of unit length.
See if this helps you along.
  • #30
You have the correct expressions for S1 and S2.
Now differientiate with the gradient; log(z) is the natural logarithm to z, if you are familiar with that concept.
  • #31
[tex]{S1}{(x,y,z)}={x^2}{y}+{z-3} [/tex]
[tex]S2(x,y,z)={x}{\log}{z}-{y^2}+{4} [/tex]
[tex]{\nabla}{S2}={\log}{z}a_{x}-{2y}a_{y}+a_{z}\frac{{x}{\log}{e}}{z} ?[/tex]
[tex] {\cos}{\phi}=\frac{{\nabla}{S1}{\cdot}{\nabla}{S2}}{{\mid}{\nabla}{S1}{\cdot}{\nabla}{S2}{\mid}} ? [/tex]
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  • #32
Now, you must figure out the unit normals at the intersection point, and calculate the angle between them. (log(e)=1, BTW)
  • #33
log e is not in base 10? it's in base e ? i get the answer correct if log e = 1.. :smile:
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  • #34
Now, the natural logarithm of a number "a" is a number b=log(a), so that:
[tex]e^{b}=a[/tex] (right?)
If a=e, we have:
  • #35
ic.. thanks...

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