Is This Special Case of Stokes Theorem True?

In summary: For example, consider the divergence of a vector field with a volume form \Omega:\int_S (\mathrm{div}\ X) \Omega = \int_{\partial S} \langle X, N\rangle \omega.In summary, the covariant divergence of a vector field with a volume form \Omega is given by:where the divergence operator is written as a sum over all coordinate systems in which the vector field exists.
  • #1
Do you agree that the following identity is true:
\int_S (\nabla_\mu X^\mu) \Omega = \int_{\partial S} X \invneg \lrcorner \Omega
where [tex] \Omega[/tex] is volume form and [tex] X\invneg \lrcorner \Omega [/tex]
is contraction of volume form with vector X.
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  • #2
From Loomis, Sternberg, "Advanced Calculus", p. 447, where [tex]\Omega[/tex] is the volume form corresponding to density [tex]\rho[/tex]:


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  • #3
Under the appropriate hypotheses, Stokes' theorem says that

[tex]\int_S d\omega = \int_{\partial S} \omega.[/tex]

By definition,

[tex] (\mathrm{div}\ X) \Omega = d(X \lrcorner \Omega),[/tex]


[tex]\int_S (\mathrm{div}\ X) \Omega = \int_{\partial S} X \lrcorner \Omega.[/tex]

Assuming your [tex]\nabla_\mu X^\mu[/tex] is the divergence of [tex]X[/tex], isn't this just the Divergence Theorem?

Sternberg's [tex]\iota^*[/tex] is just pullback along the inclusion map, i.e., restriction of a form on [tex]M[/tex] to the n-1 dimensional submanifold [tex]\partial D[/tex]; instead of a manifold-with-boundary, he's defined [tex]D \subset M[/tex] as a domain in an n-dimensional manifold [tex]M[/tex]. In case you're interested, on p. 109 of his Lectures on Differential Geometry, he gives Stokes' Theorem in the usual way, and on p.119, he gives this same "Stokes' theorem for domains."

  • #4
Thanks for your replays. Nabla symbol which I used means covariant derivative
and its trace with vector happens to be just divergence of this vector, so my
identity is true.
  • #5
paweld said:
Thanks for your replays. Nabla symbol which I used means covariant derivative
and its trace with vector happens to be just divergence of this vector, so my
identity is true.

Then Omega must be the volume form of the Riemannian metric for which Nabla is the covariant derivative. Without specifying these data your formula may be confusing.
  • #6
arkajad said:
Then Omega must be the volume form of the Riemannian metric for which Nabla is the covariant derivative. Without specifying these data your formula may be confusing.

Yes, you are right.
  • #7
jasomill said:
Under the appropriate hypotheses, Stokes' theorem says that

[tex]\int_S d\omega = \int_{\partial S} \omega.[/tex]

In my understanding, omega must be an (n-1)-form on an n-dimensional differential manifold, and so Stokes theorem does not apply to the question involving integrals of a vector and scalar on, say, manifolds of dimension 4. Is this incorrect?
  • #8
In my understanding, omega must be an (n-1)-form on an n-dimensional differential manifold, and so Stokes theorem does not apply to the question involving integrals of a vector and scalar on, say, manifolds of dimension 4. Is this incorrect?

A volume form on an n-dimensional manifold is, by definition, a nonvanishing n form. Thus [tex]X\lrcorner\Omega[/tex], as the contraction of a vector field with an n form, is an n-1 form.

In other words, having fed it one vector field, it still expects n-1 more.

The exterior derivative takes k forms to k+1 forms, so [tex]d(X\lrcorner\Omega)[/tex] is another n-1+1=n form. The equation

[tex]d(X\lrcorner\Omega) = (\mathrm{div}\ X)\Omega[/tex]

was not an identity, but my (perfectly sensible) definition of the divergence with respect to this volume form. In other words, since the top exterior power is 1-dimensional, [tex]d(X\lrcorner\Omega)[/tex] must be a scalar multiple of [tex]\Omega[/tex]. I defined the divergence to be this scalar (I didn't write something like [tex]\mathrm{div}_\Omega\ X[/tex] because there was only one volume form in sight).

It's not hard to verify that this agrees with both the classical definition in [tex]\mathbb{R}^n[/tex], and with the original poster's definition in terms of the metric covariant derivative on a Riemannian manifold.

Perhaps it will clarify things to point out that, in the Riemannian case, if we take [tex]\omega[/tex] to be the induced volume form on the boundary and [tex]N[/tex] to be the outward-pointing unit normal vector field, we also have

\int_S (\mathrm{div}\ X) \Omega = \int_{\partial S} \langle X, N\rangle \omega.

  • #9
Perhaps it is also useful to notice that, looking at

d(X\lrcorner\Omega) = (\mathrm{div}\ X)\Omega

on the left there is a "d" that will also differentiate the coefficients of [tex]\Omega[/tex] in a coordinate basis.
Then one may wonder where are these derivatives on the RHS? The tricky part is that they hide themselves in the Christoffel symbols entering the definition of the covariant divergence!

FAQ: Is This Special Case of Stokes Theorem True?

1. What is the special case of Stokes theorem?

The special case of Stokes theorem is a mathematical theorem that relates the integral of a vector field over a surface to the line integral of the same vector field around the boundary of that surface.

2. What is the significance of the special case of Stokes theorem?

The special case of Stokes theorem is significant because it allows us to calculate the line integral of a vector field using the easier method of calculating the integral over a surface, which is often simpler to evaluate.

3. How is the special case of Stokes theorem different from the general case?

The special case of Stokes theorem applies when the surface is a closed surface, meaning that it completely encloses a volume. In the general case, the surface can be open and does not necessarily enclose a volume.

4. Can the special case of Stokes theorem be applied to any type of vector field?

Yes, the special case of Stokes theorem can be applied to any type of vector field, including conservative and non-conservative fields.

5. Are there any applications of the special case of Stokes theorem in real-world problems?

Yes, the special case of Stokes theorem has many applications in physics and engineering, such as calculating fluid flow, electromagnetic fields, and work done by a force on a moving particle.
