Confusing definition of resolvent set

In summary, the definition of \lambda \in \rho(T) for a bounded linear operator T on a Banach space X is that (T-\lambda) is bijective and has a bounded inverse. However, in class, the professor mentioned that \lambda \in \rho(T) if and only if (T-\lambda)^{-1} exists and \mathcal R(T-\lambda) = X, which seems to contain redundant information. This is because the professor may be working with unbounded operators, where it is normal for the inverse to only be defined on a dense subset. In that case, the professor wants the inverse to be defined on the entire set instead of just the dense subset.
  • #1
The definition I have found in a couple of places is the following: We have [itex]\lambda \in \rho(T)[/itex] for a bounded linear operator [itex]T[/itex] on a Banach space [itex]X[/itex] iff [itex](T-\lambda)[/itex] is bijective with a bounded inverse. (This seems to be equivalent to just saying that [itex](T-\lambda)[/itex] is both injective and surjective, since this implies [itex](T-\lambda)^{-1}[/itex] is bounded by the inverse mapping theorem.) But in class, my professor said that [itex]\lambda \in \rho(T)[/itex] iff [itex](T-\lambda)^{-1}[/itex] exists and [itex]\mathcal R(T-\lambda) = X[/itex].

I don't see why my professor's definition doesn't contain superfluous information. Obviously, if [itex]\mathcal R(T-\lambda) = X[/itex], then [itex](T-\lambda)[/itex] is surjective. But doesn't saying "[itex](T-\lambda)^{-1}[/itex] exists" contain the surjectivity statement? I mean, why not just say: "We need (1) [itex](T-\lambda)[/itex] injective and (2) [itex](T-\lambda)[/itex] surjective" and be done with it? It just seems he's said more than he really needs to.

Of course, if [itex]\mathcal R(T-\lambda) \neq X[/itex], I guess that [itex](T-\lambda)^{-1}[/itex] only makes sense as a map [itex]\mathcal R(T-\lambda) \to X[/itex] you can't really just say "[itex]\lambda \in \rho(T)[/itex] iff [itex](T-\lambda)^{-1}[/itex] exists as a bounded operator" without there being some ambiguity...because can't [itex](T-\lambda)^{-1}: \mathcal R(T-\lambda) \to X[/itex] be bounded without having [itex]\mathcal R(T-\lambda) = X[/itex]?
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  • #2
AxiomOfChoice said:
The definition I have found in a couple of places is the following: We have [itex]\lambda \in \rho(T)[/itex] for a bounded linear operator [itex]T[/itex] on a Banach space [itex]X[/itex] iff [itex](T-\lambda)[/itex] is bijective with a bounded inverse. (This seems to be equivalent to just saying that [itex](T-\lambda)[/itex] is both injective and surjective, since this implies [itex](T-\lambda)^{-1}[/itex] is bounded by the inverse mapping theorem.) But in class, my professor said that [itex]\lambda \in \rho(T)[/itex] iff [itex](T-\lambda)^{-1}[/itex] exists and [itex]\mathcal R(T-\lambda) = X[/itex].

I don't see why my professor's definition doesn't contain superfluous information. Obviously, if [itex]\mathcal R(T-\lambda) = X[/itex], then [itex](T-\lambda)[/itex] is surjective. But doesn't saying "[itex](T-\lambda)^{-1}[/itex] exists" contain the surjectivity statement? I mean, why not just say: "We need (1) [itex](T-\lambda)[/itex] injective and (2) [itex](T-\lambda)[/itex] surjective" and be done with it? It just seems he's said more than he really needs to.

Of course, if [itex]\mathcal R(T-\lambda) \neq X[/itex], I guess that [itex](T-\lambda)^{-1}[/itex] only makes sense as a map [itex]\mathcal R(T-\lambda) \to X[/itex] you can't really just say "[itex]\lambda \in \rho(T)[/itex] iff [itex](T-\lambda)^{-1}[/itex] exists as a bounded operator" without there being some ambiguity...because can't [itex](T-\lambda)^{-1}: \mathcal R(T-\lambda) \to X[/itex] be bounded without having [itex]\mathcal R(T-\lambda) = X[/itex]?

You are absolutely correct, when dealing with the classical functional analysis.
However, your professor most likely likes to work with unbounded operators. With unbounded operators, it's normal to have operators that are only densely defined (that is: only defined on a dense subset). So it's ok if the inverse of an operator is only defined on a dense subset. What your professor asks is that the operator is actually defined on the entire set, and not only on the dense subset.

FAQ: Confusing definition of resolvent set

1. What is the resolvent set?

The resolvent set of an operator A is the set of complex numbers λ for which A-λI is invertible, where I is the identity operator. In other words, it is the set of values for which the operator A has a well-defined inverse.

2. How is the resolvent set related to the spectrum of an operator?

The resolvent set and the spectrum of an operator are complementary sets. The resolvent set consists of all the values for which the operator is invertible, while the spectrum consists of all the values for which the operator is not invertible. In other words, the spectrum is the complement of the resolvent set.

3. Why is the definition of the resolvent set confusing?

The definition of the resolvent set can be confusing because it involves abstract concepts such as operators, inverses, and complex numbers. It also requires a good understanding of functional analysis and operator theory to fully grasp the definition.

4. Can the resolvent set be empty?

Yes, the resolvent set can be empty. This happens when the operator has no inverse, i.e. it is not possible to find a complex number λ for which A-λI is invertible. In this case, the spectrum of the operator will consist of all the complex numbers, and the resolvent set will be empty.

5. How is the resolvent set used in practical applications?

The resolvent set is used to study the behavior and properties of operators in functional analysis and operator theory. It is also used in solving differential equations and in the study of linear systems. In practical applications, the resolvent set helps in understanding the stability and invertibility of operators, and in finding the solutions to equations involving these operators.

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