Centers of groups and products of groups

  • Thread starter hgj
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In summary, to prove that the center of the product of two groups is the product of their centers, one must define the center of a group as the set of elements that commute with all other elements in the group. For the product of two groups, G and H, the center would be defined as GxH={(g,h) such that g in G and h in H}. To further understand this concept, one could consider the product of the centers of G and H, which would be defined as P={z in G such that zg=gz for g in G} and Q={z in H such that zh=hz for all h in H}. With this understanding, one could then define the center of GxH,
  • #1
I need to prove that the center of the product of two groups is the product of their centers.

If I let G and H be two groups, then from definitions, the center of G is Z(G)={z in G such that zg=gz for g in G} and the center of H is Z(H)={z in H sucht that zh=hz for all h in H}. Also, the product of G and H is GxH={(g,h) such that g in G and h in H}. My problem right now is that I'm not sure how to define the center of GxH and I'm not sure how to define the product of Z(G) and Z(H). I'm hoping that if I could understand these two things, I could do the problem.
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  • #2
GxH is a group. Call it K. Do you know how to define Z(K)?

Z(G) and Z(H) are groups. Call them P and Q. Do you know how to define PxQ?

FAQ: Centers of groups and products of groups

1. What is a center of a group?

The center of a group is the set of elements that commute with every other element in the group. In other words, it is the set of elements that do not change the group's structure when multiplied by any other element in the group.

2. How is the center of a group related to the group's commutator subgroup?

The center of a group is a subgroup of the group's commutator subgroup. This means that the center is a subset of the commutator subgroup and also satisfies all the properties of a subgroup, such as closure under multiplication and inverses.

3. How is the center of a group related to the group's normal subgroups?

If a group's center is non-trivial (contains more than just the identity element), it is always a normal subgroup of the group. This means that the center is invariant under conjugation by any element in the group.

4. What is the product of groups?

The product of groups is a new group formed by taking the Cartesian product of the two original groups. This means that the elements of the product group are ordered pairs, where the first element comes from the first group and the second element comes from the second group. The group operation is defined component-wise, meaning that the product of two ordered pairs is also an ordered pair, with each component being the product of the corresponding components of the original ordered pairs.

5. How is the center of the product of two groups related to the centers of the individual groups?

The center of the product of two groups is the product of the centers of the individual groups. In other words, the elements of the center of the product group are ordered pairs, where the first element is an element of the center of the first group and the second element is an element of the center of the second group.

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