Prove: If a∈G, a^m,a^n∈S, m,n are relatively prime, then a∈S

  • Thread starter TimNguyen
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In summary, if two elements in a group are relatively prime, then the greatest common divisor of the two is the only integer that is both a factor of both of the elements and also in the group.
  • #1
Let (G,*) be a group and (S,*) a subgroup of G. Prove that if for an element a in G, there exists m,n in Z, which are relatively prime, such that a^m and a^n is in S, then a is in S.

At the moment, I think the problem is trivial but something just tells me it is not.
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  • #2
What do you know about relatively prime integers? There's a well-known characterization of them which could be used here.
  • #3
So m and n have no common factors?
Thus if a^m is in S and a^n is in S, a^m share no common divisors with a^n and vice versa so a must be in S?
  • #4
It doesn't make sense to talk about divisors in a group like that. What does it mean to talk about common divisors of two rotations of a polygon? It isn't that m and n have no common factors: they do, all numbers have common factors, and one called the highest common factor springs to mind.
  • #5
Oh... that's what I meant. So if (m,n)=1, then only a could factors both a^n and a^m?
  • #6
That still doesn't make any sense. Don't think in G or S for now.If I were to say: let m and n be coprime, then what must your first reaction be? (Don't mention G or S at all, please)
  • #7
Then the greatest common divisor for m and n is 1.
  • #8
Well, obviously, since that is the definition of coprime, but what can you deduce from that (still ignoring G and S)? You have done Euclid's Algorithm?
  • #9
Yes, I've done Euclid's algorithm. So it states that dividing m and n over and over until there's a remainder that cannot be factored again will be the greatest common divisor. But since m and n are relatively prime, then I could find integers, p and q, such that mp + nq = 1?
  • #10
Yes, and now what can you do with those when we allow ourselves to think about G and S and in particular a?
  • #11
Oh... I think I get it. Am I supposed to think in terms of a^mp + a^nq = a^1?
  • #12
you can't add elements of the group like that. remember that multiplication of powers of an object adds the indices, ie (x^r)(x^s)=x^(r+s)
  • #13
So... if a^m is in S and a^n is in S, then neccessarily (a^m)(a^n) is in S which is equal to a^(m+n)?
  • #14
yes, that is certainly true, but if x is in S, then x^p is also in S, isn't it, since S is a subgroup. I haven't picked p at random, and y^q would also be suggestively useful.
  • #15
Wow, thanks for all your help Matt.

FAQ: Prove: If a∈G, a^m,a^n∈S, m,n are relatively prime, then a∈S

1. What does the statement "a∈G" mean?

"a∈G" means that the element "a" is a member of the group "G". In other words, "a" is one of the elements that make up the group "G".

2. What does it mean for two numbers to be relatively prime?

Two numbers are relatively prime if they have no common factors other than 1. In other words, their greatest common divisor (GCD) is equal to 1.

3. How does this statement relate to group theory?

This statement is related to group theory because it involves proving the closure property of a group. The closure property states that if two elements belong to a group, their product or power also belongs to the group. In this case, we are proving that if "a" belongs to a group "G" and its powers "a^m" and "a^n" belong to a subgroup "S", then "a" also belongs to "S". This is an important concept in group theory and is used to define and classify different types of groups.

4. What is the significance of "m" and "n" being relatively prime in this statement?

The significance of "m" and "n" being relatively prime is that it ensures that the powers of "a" will cover all the elements of the subgroup "S". In other words, there are no elements in "S" that cannot be reached by taking powers of "a". This is important for proving the closure property, as it ensures that all elements in "S" will remain in "S" after being multiplied or raised to a power.

5. Can this statement be generalized to any group and subgroup?

Yes, this statement can be generalized to any group and subgroup. As long as "m" and "n" are relatively prime, and "a" belongs to the group "G" and its powers "a^m" and "a^n" belong to the subgroup "S", then "a" will always belong to "S". This is a fundamental property of groups and subgroups, and is known as the closure property.
