Where can i find Aircraft Flight Data?

In summary, a student is looking for flight data to validate their thesis. There are several sources of this data, which can be obtained from real flights, or performance specifications of aircraft.
  • #1
Hi all

i am a student doing my thesis on the aircraft performance. However, i am in a need of actual flight data to validate my work. The parameters i am looking at are the range, fuel usage, velocity and altitude. Does anyone know where can i access to those data of any flights or any types of aircraft? The data could just be the average or the data of a single flight would be just fine.

Thank you
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  • #2
The trade publication Aviation Week has pretty detailed specifications tables on their paywalled web site. These are also usually also in your library in a March issue.
Flight International has similar tables, perhaps a bit less comprehensive, in their annual World Airliner and World Military Aircraft Census issues. Again, check your library.

Do note that the parameters you list are all interdependent and that for normal use, the actual numbers will be well short of the extremes the type is capable of if one specific parameter, say range, is pursued.
  • #4
Thanks you both for replying my post. but i think there is a bit misunderstanding here. The flight data I am looking for is actually the data recorded from a real flight, not the performance specification of the aircraft. It is sort of the data recorded every minute during the flight saying what is the current altitude, how far has been traveled and how much fuel left.

Btw, I am looking at particularly either turbo jet or turbofan engine.
  • #5
What you are asking for is a raw data summary, which in reports is always adjusted to remove variance sources such as wind or temperature and atmospheric pressure differences.
You might get such data from NASA on some of their X planes, or perhaps ask some of the NASA counterparts in Europe like the DFLR or the ONERA in France. As a student, you might also get this kind of data from one of the domestic producers, such as Boeing. Ask for the data on some obsolescent type, maybe the 727 or the 717.
A big airline such as United or American would also have this kind of specifics and might be willing to let you have access. Please remember to ask nicely and to explain why this data is important to your studies. Just asking without a good rationale makes it harder for anyone to give you what you want.

FAQ: Where can i find Aircraft Flight Data?

1. Where can I find real-time aircraft flight data?

Real-time aircraft flight data can be found on various websites such as FlightAware, FlightRadar24, and FlightStats. They use data from air traffic control systems and satellite tracking to provide live updates on flight status, location, and other information.

2. How can I access historical aircraft flight data?

Historical aircraft flight data can be accessed through websites such as FlightAware or FlightRadar24 by selecting a specific date and flight number. Some airlines also provide access to their own historical flight data through their websites or mobile apps.

3. Are there any government sources for aircraft flight data?

Yes, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) provides access to aircraft flight data through their website. This includes historical flight data as well as real-time data from air traffic control systems.

4. Can I access aircraft flight data for specific airports?

Yes, there are websites and databases that provide airport-specific flight data. For example, the Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS) has a database that allows users to search for flight data by airport code.

5. Is there a cost to access aircraft flight data?

Some sources for aircraft flight data may require a subscription or payment for access to certain features or data sets. However, there are also free resources available, such as government websites and open data platforms.
