Kicking the Bucket or Meeting Your Maker: How Do You Want to Go?

  • Thread starter wolram
  • Start date
In summary: I would definitely not want to be a burden on anyone.In summary, the conversation discussed different preferences for how people would like to die. Some mentioned wanting to die in their sleep or while doing something they love, while others preferred a more dramatic or adventurous death. Some also mentioned wanting to die in a peaceful and natural setting, such as while watching a sunset. The conversation also touched on the idea of being cremated or having a traditional burial, as well as the concept of one's body being recycled after death. Ultimately, the conversation highlighted the importance of being able to say goodbye to loved ones and not wanting to be a burden to others in the process of dying.
  • #1
Gold Member
Dearly Missed
Or meeting your maker, how do you want to go? in bed knowing, of a sudden, in your sleep, how ever.
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  • #2
I want to die in my sleep...just wake up dead one morning.
  • #3
As long as it's not in a fire I don't care, dying is some sort of fiery car crash pinned inside unable to move while the flames creep up at you...yeah that's pretty much the worst way to go in my opinion.
  • #4
larkspur said:
I want to die in my sleep...just wake up dead one morning.

interesting condition :smile:

No matter how I'll go, I hope the last thoughts won't be clouded by fears.

I'd like to end my life in a calm way...preferably with a smile on my face. :smile:


  • #5
Perhaps watching a sunset or out in the wilderness somewhere, but certainly not in hospital or in bed. :cool:
  • #6
I have been dead for so long that I forgot how I actually died. :-p
  • #7
To quote Lance Armstrong;
Lance Armstrong said:
I want to die at a hundred years old with an American flag on my back and the star of Texas on my helmet, after screaming down an Alpine descent on a bicycle at 75 miles per hour. I want to cross one last finish line as my stud wife and my ten children applaud, and then I want to lie down in a field of those famous French sunflowers and gracefully expire, the perfect contradiction to my once anticipated poignant early demise.
Perhaps not a American flag for me, more of St. George's cross.
  • #8
Astronuc said:
Perhaps watching a sunset or out in the wilderness somewhere, but certainly not in hospital or in bed. :cool:

Hospital would be the worst place, i like your idea Astro, trouble is there is not much wilderness in the UK
  • #9
Anything quick and effective, preferably with a bit of flare and originallity.
  • #10
So if any of you knew the end was nigh, would you want to engineer the way you go?
  • #11
I would like to die saving the world or possibly a contry or any bundle of a large amount of people.
  • #12
I would like to die in the middle of doing something else, for example when making coffee.
  • #13
I neither want nor intend to go at all. If it's unavoidable, however, being shot by a jealous husband somewhere in excess of 100 years of age would be acceptable.
  • #14
Why must the husband be over 100 years old??
  • #15
arildno said:
Why must the husband be over 100 years old??

Because the wife must be about a 100 years old for Danger to pull. :smile:
  • #16
wolram said:
Because the wife must be about a 100 years old for Danger to pull. :smile:
Why would he trade sheep for a..wrinkle-heap??
  • #17
arildno said:
I would like to die in the middle of doing something else, for example when making coffee.
In the kitchen is preferable to the bed. :biggrin:

Actually, I thought about making my own pyre, since I'd prefer to be cremated, without a big tadoo.

On the other hand, I like Evo's suggestion sometime in the past about vultures. Dying on a cliff watching a sunsent in a place like Yosemite or the Grand Canyon would be nice - and then let the vultures clean up the next day. My kids however have a problem with that.
  • #18
arildno said:
Why would he trade sheep for a..wrinkle-heap??

I can only guess that as the years add up he would find sheep difficult to catch.
  • #19
Astronuc said:
In the kitchen is preferable to the bed. :biggrin:

Actually, I thought about making my own pyre, since I'd prefer to be cremated, without a big tadoo.

On the other hand, I like Evo's suggestion sometime in the past about vultures. Dying on a cliff watching a sunsent in a place like Yosemite or the Grand Canyon would be nice - and then let the vultures clean up the next day. My kids however have a problem with that.

Well i sure do not want to be burned up or eaten by mangy birds, may be find some very cold place, build a nice fire, have a last bacon buttie, then watch the stars.
  • #20
It would be OK to die while doing something I love - fishing, hunting, riding my motorcyle (as long as I don't have a passenger!). I have often told my wife that if I die in the woods somewhere, just leave me. I've eaten enough animals all my life, and when I go, I want to pay my debt to the food chain.
  • #21
arildno said:
Why must the husband be over 100 years old??
I knew that somebody would pick up on that, but I didn't expect to get tag-teamed. Especially by one who admittedly doesn't care for females and one whose orientation is in doubt. Barmy bastards! :-p
  • #22
wolram said:
Well i sure do not want to be burned up or eaten by mangy birds, may be find some very cold place, build a nice fire, have a last bacon buttie, then watch the stars.
Vultures aren't mangy - well healthy vultures aren't. Besides after one is dead - one won't care.

Think of the body as a vehicle, which gets one through the journey of Life, from birth to death. When one dies, the body simply gets recycled.

I sure don't want my atoms dumped in a box and dropped into the ground. I'd rather have my atoms diffusing back out to the universe from which they were collected where hopefully they do something useful. :smile: :cool:
  • #24
wolram said:
So if any of you knew the end was nigh, would you want to engineer the way you go?

I would like to be able to tell my mom goodbye (if I go before she does). She hasn't been the same since my twin sister was killed(kicked in the head by a horse). I would like to do anything I could to make it easier on mom.

FAQ: Kicking the Bucket or Meeting Your Maker: How Do You Want to Go?


What is "Kicking the Bucket or Meeting Your Maker"?

"Kicking the Bucket or Meeting Your Maker" is a phrase commonly used to refer to the act of dying or passing away. It is a colloquial expression that is often used to discuss one's preferences or thoughts about death and the afterlife.


Why is it important to think about how we want to go?

Thinking about how we want to go can help us make important decisions about our end-of-life care and final wishes. It can also give us a sense of control and peace of mind knowing that our preferences will be honored.


What are some common ways people want to go?

Some people may want to go peacefully in their sleep, surrounded by loved ones, while others may prefer a more adventurous or unconventional way of passing. Some may have specific cultural or religious beliefs about death and the afterlife that influence their preferences.


Can we actually choose how we want to go?

In most cases, we cannot control the exact circumstances of our death. However, we can plan and communicate our preferences to our loved ones and healthcare providers. Advance directives and end-of-life planning can also help ensure that our wishes are respected.


Is it normal to feel uncomfortable talking about death?

Yes, it is normal to feel uncomfortable or even afraid when discussing death. It is a difficult and often emotional topic, but having open and honest conversations can help us better understand and prepare for the inevitable. Seeking support from loved ones or a professional can also help ease any discomfort or anxiety.
