Polynomial Rings/Fields/Division Rings

In summary: D(a0) = 0D(a1x) = a1D(a2x2) = 2a2xD(a3x3) = 3a3x2I see that we can get D(x2) = 2x, D(x3) = 3x2, but I don't see a way to get a 0 in there. I'm not sure if I'm supposed to be using the fact that F = Z/p or not. In summary, the derivative map D: F[x] --> F[x] is defined as D(a + b) = D(a) + D(b), D(a * b) = [D(a) * b
  • #1

Homework Statement

Let F be a field, F[x] the ring of polynomials in one variable over F. For a [tex]\in[/tex] F[x], let (a) be all the multiples of a in F[x] (note (a) is an ideal). If b [tex]\in[/tex] F[x], let c(b) be the coset of b mod (a) (that is, the set of all b + qa, where q [tex]\in[/tex] F[x]). F[x]/(a), then is the set of all such cosets of (a).
For F = Z/2 = {0,1} our field, which of the following are fields? (note: a field is just a commutative division ring, and Z/2 already has commutative multiplication. We just need to show the following are division rings.)

a) F[x]/(x2 + 1)

b) F[x]/(x2 + x + 1)

c) F[x]/(x3 + x2 + 1)

Homework Equations


The Attempt at a Solution

I think I have a) done correctly and possibly b) but I want someone to take a look at them.

First let's find all of the elements in a) {0,1,x,x+1}
x2 + 1 = 0 here so this also gives us x2 = 1 since 1 + 1 also = 0.
I think the best way to determine that the following are division rings is to check that they all have inverses. So i'll make a multiplication table (excluding 0 and 1 as those are obvious).
(I'm having trouble formatting a table)
For x
* x = 1
* (x+1) = x^2 + x = x + 1

For x+1
* x = x+1
* (x+1) = x^2 + 2x + 1 = 0

Since x+1 does not have in inverse this is not a field.

Now on to b)
The elements in b are {1,x,x+1,x2,x2+1}
Note: x^2 + x + 1 = 0 so x^2 + x = 1.
These are some other things that we need to know for the multiplication table that I will prove here: x^3 = 1 and x^4 = x
(x^2 + x + 1)(x + 1) = 0 * 1 = x^3 + 2x^2 + 2x + 1 = x^3 + 1 = 0. Therefore x^3 = 1 since 1+1 = 0.
We know x^2 + x = 1 so (x^2 +x)^2 = 1 = x^4 + x^2 Now we can write 1 = 1 as x^2 + x = x^4 + x^2. Therefore x^4 = x.
Now for the multiplication table I find that not only does every element have an inverse but in fact has 2 elements that take it to the identity(except for 1 and 0). I'm wondering if this is a problem..
Again excluding 1 and 0 we have
For x:
* x = x^2
* (x+1) = 1
* (x^2) = x^3 = 1
* (x^2 + 1) = x^3+x = x+1

(Just going to post the simplified answer from here on)
For x+1:
* x = 1
* (x+1) = x^2 + 1
* (x^2) = x^2 + 1
* (x^2 + 1) = 1

For x^2:
* x = 1
* (x+1) = x^2 + 1
* (x^2) = x
* (x^2 + 1) = 1

For x^2 + 1:
* x = x+1
* (x+1) = 1
* (x^2) = 1
* (x^2 + 1) = x+1

I'm really just confused as to whether a field(or even just a group) can have 2 elements that take it to identity. If it can then b) is a field, if not then it's not.
For part c) I also find that the elements, excluding 1 and 0, also have 2 inverses each.
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  • #2
An easier way is to check if the polynomials, which you quotient out, are irreducible. If so, the ideals will be maximal and thus the corresponding ring will be a field.

For example a) is not a field, since [tex](x^2+1)=(x+1)(x+1)[/tex] and is thus not irreducible...
  • #3
micromass said:
An easier way is to check if the polynomials, which you quotient out, are irreducible. If so, the ideals will be maximal and thus the corresponding ring will be a field.

This must be some theorem we haven't learned yet. In class I remember my professor specifically saying that we need to check these by creating a multiplication table and checking for inverses. However, if what you said is true, I've determined that b and c must be fields because the polynomials which we quotient out are irreducible. If I were to do this in the way my professor suggested would the fact that I am finding multiple inverses for elements mean anything?
  • #4
Hmm, no, if you find two inverses then you did something wrong. An element should only have 1 inverse (in a field at least).

Let's see what you did wrong in b), you said that the elements in b were {0,1,x,x+1,x²,x²+1}. This is already incorrect. Since x²+x+1=0, we have that x²=x+1. Thus


so the elements in b only are {0,1,x,x+1}.

I believe you made a similar mistake in c.
  • #5
Ah, I didn't see that. That should make life easier. Thanks
  • #6
Alright a new question here:

For F a field, define the derivative map D: F[x] --> F[x] as the unique function with the following properties:

D(a + b) = D(a) + D(b)
D(a * b) = [D(a) * b] + [a * D(b)] and
D(x) = 1.

My professor also added F must be Z/p (p a prime) and F = Q (the rational numbers).

a) Show that D(xn) = nxn-1 (n an integer) (Note: a full induction proof is not necessary. Just show the equation holds true for a general n.)

I think I have this solved pretty easily, here's my proof.

xn is really just, x * x * x * ... * x, n times.
So x2 can be written x * x. So D(x2) is just D(x * x). This gives us:
(1 * x) + (x * 1) = 2x which holds true to D(xn) = nxn-1. Now we have a defined D(x2).
Now try x3, which is really just x2 * x. This gives us:
(2x * x) + (x2 * 1) = 2x2 + x2 = 3x2, which holds true to D(xn) = nxn-1. We could keep doing this to prove this holds for any integer n.

Now b is where I'm getting stuck.

b) Show that if a = a0 + a1x + a2x2 + ... + anxn, D(a) = a1 + 2a2x + 3a3x2 + ... + nanxn-1.

Basically we need to define a coefficient derivative.
First we need a constant rule. Defining one for the integers is easy as 1 = x0 so D(1) = D(x0) = 0 * x-1 = 0. Then we can extend it to any integer since 2 = 1 + 1 and D(2) = D(1) + D(1) = 0, 3 = 2 + 1 etc...
However, my professor said that F is the rational numbers and I'm having a tough time proving that constant rational numbers go to zero.

If I had the constant rule defined for the rational numbers then I could easily finish my coefficient derivative proof:

D(a0) goes to 0 as it is just a constant then for all other elements like D(a1x) = D(a1 * x) = [D(a1) * x] + [a0 * 1] ...
... D(a2x2) = D(a2 * x2) = [D(a2) * x2] + [a2 * 2x]
These would be true if I could prove the constant rule..
  • #7
Apply your second rule to D(1*1). What do you conclude about D(1)? Can you figure out how to extend that to show D(c)=0 for all c in F, if F=Z/p or Q? It should be easy to show D(n)=0 where n is 1+1+...+1 n times. For the rationals, now think about D(n*(1/n)).
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  • #8
Aha! I think I have it now. We know D(1) = 0. We also know 1 can be written as the product of any n and it's inverse 1/n. (Every n but 0 has an inverse here since this is a field). With this we can prove that the derivative of any rational number is 0 as follows:
1 = (4 * 1/4) = D(1) = D(4 * 1/4) = (0 * 1/4) + [4 * D(1/4)] = (4 * D(1/4) = 0 which means D(1/4) must equal zero. We can show this for 2/4 and 3/4 as they are just 1/4 + 1/4 and 1/4 + 1/4 + 1/4 respectively. We can show this for any n | n ≠ 0. which is all we need.
  • #9
nhartung said:
Aha! I think I have it now. We know D(1) = 0. We also know 1 can be written as the product of any n and it's inverse 1/n. (Every n but 0 has an inverse here since this is a field). With this we can prove that the derivative of any rational number is 0 as follows:
1 = (4 * 1/4) = D(1) = D(4 * 1/4) = (0 * 1/4) + [4 * D(1/4)] = (4 * D(1/4) = 0 which means D(1/4) must equal zero. We can show this for 2/4 and 3/4 as they are just 1/4 + 1/4 and 1/4 + 1/4 + 1/4 respectively. We can show this for any n | n ≠ 0. which is all we need.

Yes, I think you have it now. You do need F=Z/p or Q to make this work, I think. In other fields you might need a separate assumption that F(c)=0 for c in F.
  • #10
Thanks a lot, you and micromass have both helped me out immensely this semester. This is my last problem set this semester so hopefully I won't be back.

FAQ: Polynomial Rings/Fields/Division Rings

1. What is a polynomial ring?

A polynomial ring is a mathematical structure that is formed by combining a ring of polynomials with another set of coefficients. It is denoted as R[x], where R is the ring and x is the variable. The elements of a polynomial ring are polynomials, which are expressions consisting of variables and coefficients combined using addition, subtraction, and multiplication operations.

2. What is the difference between a polynomial ring and a polynomial field?

The main difference between a polynomial ring and a polynomial field is that a polynomial field is a type of polynomial ring where the coefficients come from a field, which is a set of numbers that follow specific rules for addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. In a polynomial field, every polynomial has a multiplicative inverse, meaning it can be divided by any nonzero element of the field.

3. What is the significance of the degree of a polynomial in a polynomial ring?

The degree of a polynomial in a polynomial ring indicates the highest power of the variable present in the polynomial. It plays a crucial role in determining the properties of the polynomial, such as its roots, number of terms, and behavior at infinity. The degree also helps in performing operations such as addition, subtraction, and multiplication of polynomials.

4. Can a polynomial ring have more than one variable?

Yes, a polynomial ring can have more than one variable. In fact, polynomial rings can be formed with any number of variables. For example, a polynomial ring in two variables, R[x, y], would consist of polynomials with two variables x and y, and coefficients from the ring R.

5. What is a division ring and how is it related to polynomial rings?

A division ring is a mathematical structure that is similar to a field, except that it does not necessarily follow the commutative property for multiplication. This means that in a division ring, the order of multiplication matters. A polynomial division ring is a type of division ring where the elements are polynomials, and division is defined by the division algorithm for polynomials. Polynomial fields are a special case of polynomial division rings.

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