Simulation of formation of a solar system

In summary, there are simulations in the literature on the formation of a solar system, such as the Nice model. These simulations also explore the possibility of gas giants migrating towards their star due to interactions with the proto-planetary disc. However, it is unlikely that a solar system would be able to form 100 big planets, as there is no evidence in existing papers to support this.
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Are there any usable simulation in the literature on the formation of a solar system?
It is possible for example that a solar system has 100 big planets?
Astronomy news on
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mersecske said:
Are there any usable simulation in the literature on the formation of a solar system?
It is possible for example that a solar system has 100 big planets?

I'm sure models of the solar system are fairly common, for example, here's a couple of images from a simulation of the Nice model of the solar system formation.

and a paper discussing the above model.
I assume there would also be models testing whether it is possible for Gas Giants to migrate towards their star due to interactions with the proto-planetary disc.

When you say big planets, what sort of mass do you mean? A Jupiter Mass, an Earth Mass?
I'd guess it's unlikely that a system would be able to form that many planets of a terrestrial mass or more, I don't have any papers to show that though.

FAQ: Simulation of formation of a solar system

1. What is the process of simulating the formation of a solar system?

The simulation of the formation of a solar system involves using computer models and mathematical equations to recreate the conditions of a protoplanetary disk, which is the rotating disk of gas and dust that surrounds a young star. By inputting various parameters such as the mass and composition of the disk, the simulation can predict the formation of planets and other celestial bodies.

2. How accurate are simulations of the formation of a solar system?

The accuracy of these simulations depends on the quality of the data and assumptions used to create the model. With advancements in technology and our understanding of planetary formation, simulations have become increasingly accurate. However, they are still limited by the complexity of the processes involved and the amount of data available.

3. What factors are taken into account when simulating the formation of a solar system?

Some of the key factors that are considered in these simulations include the mass and composition of the protoplanetary disk, the temperature and density of the disk, and the gravitational interactions between particles. Other factors such as the presence of a nearby star or the effects of collisions between particles may also be included.

4. Can simulations of solar system formation be used to predict the formation of our own solar system?

While simulations can provide insights into the general processes of solar system formation, they cannot accurately predict the specific details of our own solar system. This is because each system is unique and influenced by a variety of factors. However, by comparing simulations to observations of other young star systems, we can gain a better understanding of our own solar system's formation.

5. How do simulations of solar system formation contribute to our understanding of the universe?

By simulating the formation of solar systems, scientists can gain a better understanding of the processes that shape our universe. These simulations can help explain the diversity of planetary systems and how they evolve over time. They can also provide insights into the conditions necessary for the formation of habitable planets and the potential for life outside of our own solar system.
