Is it too late to start preparing IPHO?

  • Thread starter nobelium102
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In summary, the person is wondering if it is too late to start preparing for the International Physics Olympiad (IPHO) since they are already in grade 11 and have only taken math and physics at that level. They are also asking about their chances of making it to the national finals and how many hours they should study to catch up. They also inquire about other similar contests, particularly at the university level. The response states that their chances depend on their country and previous training, and recommends giving it a try. They also mention that these types of competitions are not as popular at the university level, but there may be other opportunities for challenges and problem-solving skills. They suggest looking into the Putnam competition in the US or the International Mathematics
  • #1
is it too late to start preparing IPHO??

I have recently gained interest in physics
I am already grade 11 and i think it's too late to start
i have taken gr 11 math and physics only

do you think i have chance? for IPHO? as in like making up to the national finals?
if it is how many hours at least should i study to catch up?

can you recommend some other contests?
is there a contest similar to ipho for university students?
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  • #2

Depends heavily on what country you are in, and whether you have already trained somewhat.

If you are in the US and have not strayed much of the regular curriculum, then it is probably not feasable, but why not give it a try? The competitions leading up to it are great fun, and who knows, you may even get lucky.

If you are in a country with a comparatively weak IPhO team, then you may be able to make it. Personally I found out about IMO (mathematics olympiad) at the start of my 11th year, and was lucky enough to attend as part of the national team for 2 years in a row because I practiced a lot and aced our national tests (choked pretty bad at the actual IMO, but was a great experience).

You can meet some great people, even if you don't make it all the way. If you are interested in competitions like these I say go for it, what is the worst thing that could happen? You learn some interesting physics and problem solving skills.

Usually these kinds of competitions are not as popular in a university setting as you have plenty of other opportunities and challenges (research, extra courses, self-study, etc.) which to many are more important. I don't know whether a competition exists, but I wouldn't expect it to be like IPhO (in math we have Putnam in the US, and globally we have the International Mathematics Competition for University Students).
  • #3

wow thanks alright I will give it a shot
btw i live in Canada

FAQ: Is it too late to start preparing IPHO?

1. Is it too late to start preparing for IPHO?

No, it's never too late to start preparing for IPHO. While it's ideal to start early, with dedication and hard work, you can still achieve success even if you start later.

2. How much time should I devote to preparing for IPHO?

The amount of time you should devote to preparing for IPHO depends on your current level of knowledge and skills. It's recommended to spend at least 2-3 hours a day on practice problems and studying for the competition.

3. What topics should I focus on while preparing for IPHO?

IPHO covers a wide range of topics in physics, so it's important to have a good understanding of all the basic concepts. However, it's also beneficial to focus on topics that are heavily weighted in the competition, such as mechanics, thermodynamics, and electricity and magnetism.

4. What resources can I use to prepare for IPHO?

There are many resources available for preparing for IPHO, such as past competition papers, study guides, and online practice problems. You can also join study groups or attend review sessions with other students to enhance your preparation.

5. How can I improve my problem-solving skills for IPHO?

Practicing with past competition papers and solving challenging physics problems can greatly improve your problem-solving skills. It's also important to understand the underlying concepts and theories behind each problem to effectively solve them.

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