Vector Analysis: Seeking Guidance on Identity and Calculation

In summary, the conversation entails a discussion about vector analysis and the calculation of rot\vec A and rotrot\vec A, as well as the consideration of a scalar function \phi(\vec r). The individual is seeking confirmation on their approach and welcomes any comments.
  • #1
hi there!

I´m doing vector analysis the last two weeks and I feel unsure about this identity. Can anyone of you say if I´m on the right way, and if not where my mistakes lie :)

[tex]A_i(\vec r)=\sum_{j=1}^3R_{ij}x_j[/tex], R constant 3x3 matrix

I have to calculate [tex]rot\vec A[/tex], [tex]rotrot\vec A[/tex]

[tex]rot\vec A=\epsilon_{jki}\partial_j(\sum_{j=1}^3R_{ij}x_j)_k=\epsilon_{jki}\partial_j(R_{ik}x_k)=R_{ik}\epsilon_{jki}\partial_jx_k[/tex]

[tex]rotrot\vec A=\epsilon_{lkm}\partial_l(R_{ik}\epsilon_{jki}\partial_jx_k)_k=\epsilon_{lkm}\partial_lR_{ik}\epsilon_{jki}\partial_jx_k=\epsilon_{kml}\epsilon_{kij}R_{ik}\partial_l\partial_jx_k=(\delta_{mi}\delta_{lj}-\delta_{mj}\delta_{li})R_{ik}\partial_l\partial_jx_k=R_{mk}\partial_l^2x_k-R_{lk}\partial_l\partial_mx_k[/tex]

and one more question: consider the scalar:

[tex]\phi(\vec r)=\sum_{i,j=0}^3Q_{ij}x_ix_j[/tex], Q 3x3 constant

is this the correct k-th component of the sum:

[tex]?(\sum_{i,j=0}^3Q_{ij}x_ix_j)_k=Q_{kj}x_kx_j=Q_{ik}x_ix_k ?[/tex]

thanks a lot in advance!
Physics news on
  • #2
any comments are welcome :)

FAQ: Vector Analysis: Seeking Guidance on Identity and Calculation

1. What is vector analysis?

Vector analysis is a branch of mathematics that deals with the study of vectors, which are mathematical quantities that have both magnitude and direction. It involves the manipulation of vectors to perform calculations and solve problems in various fields such as physics, engineering, and computer graphics.

2. How is vector analysis used in science and engineering?

Vector analysis is used extensively in science and engineering to model and analyze physical systems. It is used to describe the motion of objects, the forces acting on them, and the interactions between different systems. It is also used in fields such as fluid dynamics, electromagnetism, and quantum mechanics to understand and predict the behavior of complex systems.

3. What are some common operations in vector analysis?

Some common operations in vector analysis include addition, subtraction, scalar multiplication, dot product, cross product, and vector projection. These operations are used to manipulate and combine vectors to solve problems and perform calculations.

4. What are some key properties of vectors in vector analysis?

Vectors have several important properties in vector analysis, including direction, magnitude, length, and angle. They also follow the laws of vector algebra, such as the commutative, associative, and distributive properties, which make it possible to perform various operations on them.

5. How can I improve my understanding of vector analysis?

To improve your understanding of vector analysis, it is important to practice solving problems and working with vectors in different contexts. You can also study the fundamental principles and properties of vectors, as well as common techniques and formulas used in vector analysis. Additionally, seeking guidance from a qualified instructor or using online resources can also help deepen your understanding of this subject.

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