Study group for working through Spivak/Wilson

In summary, a group of individuals are discussing the possibility of forming a study group for either Spivak's "Calculus" or Wilson's "Introduction to Graph Theory". The goal would be to cover a significant portion of either text and focus on solving problems. The group would meet 2-3 times a week for 1.5-2 hours each session and use an online platform like ThinkBinder for meetings. The group would be limited to a maximum of 4 members and participation and contribution from each member is expected. Some individuals have expressed interest in joining and discussions are ongoing for potential meeting times and platforms.
  • #1
Hello everyone! This is my first post here, though I've been a silent observer in PF for a long time.

I'm planning on working through Spivak's "Calculus" or Wilson's "Introduction to Graph Theory" and was wondering if anyone here might be interested in joining a study group for it. There's no "instructor" as such, so everyone will be working and contributing on their own. After giving it some thought, here's what I have in mind (I'm open to any suggestions/criticisms):

Goal: The goal of the study group is to either cover a significant portion of Spivak's Calculus thereby gaining a much better understanding of Single variable Calculus and hence preparing oneself for Real Analysis, or to cover Wilson's graph theory book, thereby gaining a beginner level knowledge of graph theory, equipping oneself for a more rigorous treatment of the subject. We could decide on the text, depending on the overall interest of the members.

Work Plan: There will be 2-3 sessions every week lasting 1.5 - 2 hours each (the exact dates and times may be decided amongst us). The focus is primarily on solving problems, as I think the theory is well-expressed in an easy-to-understand manner in both the texts. So prior to each session, every member reads an assigned portion of the text (which is decided in the previous session) and tries to work out the problems. At the beginning of each session, members discuss concepts they found hard to grasp (if any), after which the problems will be discussed in detail, and in depth where required.

Access: I'm not yet confirmed on the site we'll be using for meeting, but a quick search tells me ThinkBinder is a decent choice. It has a whiteboard, a math equation editor, has chat support and allows file sharing. Of course, if there are better sites out there, we'll consider those.

Members: I prefer to keep the study group small, possibly a maximum of 4 members.

Participation: I would like to emphasize that the study group exists for the purpose of learning, sharing and collaboration, and contributions by every member in this respect is expected. In other words, slackers aren't welcome.

Please feel free to come up with your thoughts on this, and any suggestions for improvement.

So, is anyone interested in joining this study group for working through Spivak's "Calculus" or Wilson's "Introduction to Graph theory"?
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  • #2
Hi, I'd be interested in a study group for Spivak, it's the only book out of the two I have.
I've currently read the "Prologue" section (and slightly beyond) of the book and done about 50~60% of the problems there.

I live in the UK, and I'll be available from 7pm~10pm GMT.

Also I'm wondering whether ThinkBinder has features akin to that of a forum? It'd be great if we were able to talk outside of the main sessions and for the conversations/questions to be saved.
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  • #3

I'd be interested in going through Spivak in a systematic manner. Available 2pm-11pm GMT.
  • #4
I will be interested also with this, though I have to say and make it clear from the beginning that I'm beginner with proof and might need more guidance. I have the hard copy of Spivak Calculus with me, the third edition. So far I've done several exercises but I've not advanced further than the limit chapter.

I should be available from 2PM-7PM (GMT).
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  • #5
If anyone here is interested, people are forming a new study group for Spivak over at reddit on /r/calculusstudygroup.

FAQ: Study group for working through Spivak/Wilson

What is the purpose of a study group for working through Spivak/Wilson?

A study group for working through Spivak/Wilson is a group of individuals who come together to study and discuss the concepts and problems presented in the books "Calculus" by Michael Spivak and "Fourier Series and Integrals" by J. H. Wilson. The purpose of the study group is to provide support, accountability, and a collaborative learning environment for individuals who are working through these challenging texts.

Who can join the study group for working through Spivak/Wilson?

Anyone who is interested in studying and understanding the concepts presented in "Calculus" and "Fourier Series and Integrals" can join the study group. This includes students, researchers, and individuals who have a passion for mathematics and want to deepen their understanding of these topics.

How often does the study group for working through Spivak/Wilson meet?

The meeting frequency of the study group can vary depending on the preferences and availability of the members. Typically, the group may meet once a week or bi-weekly for a designated period of time to discuss and work through problems together. However, this can be adjusted based on the needs and schedules of the members.

Do I need to have previous knowledge of calculus to join the study group?

While it is beneficial to have some prior knowledge of calculus, it is not a requirement to join the study group. The group is open to individuals of all levels, and members can learn and progress at their own pace. However, it is recommended to have a strong foundation in algebra and trigonometry before attempting to work through these texts.

Is there a cost to join the study group for working through Spivak/Wilson?

No, the study group is typically free to join. However, there may be additional costs if the group decides to purchase study materials, such as solution manuals or supplementary texts. These costs will be divided among the members and are completely optional.

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