Electrical Engineering Student More Computer Engineering Classes?

In summary, electrical engineering is focused on electricity and electronics while computer engineering combines principles of both electrical engineering and computer science. An electrical engineering student can take computer engineering classes, which can provide a broader understanding of computer systems and enhance problem-solving skills. Some common computer engineering classes include programming, digital systems design, and data structures. Prerequisites and specific skills may vary depending on the course and university.
  • #1
I'm almost done with my electrical engineering Bachelor's Degree. I have 1.5 semesters left, and I'm heavily considering grad. school in control systems (probably just a master's).

I've focused on areas such as signal processing, control systems, circuit design, some electromagnetics, and I'm getting a math minor all as undergrad.

But I sort of feel disappointed somewhat that I don't know very much computer engineering at all. Everything in my EE curriculum focuses on circuits at a low level (which i do like, because then you understand things at a very low level). I took a (required) digital logic class a few years ago but it was very basic and didn't get into programming any hardware. I also had a micro-controller class from the EE dept. class required for my degree, but nobody learned anything; that professor was awful. So it boils down to a basic question?

I want to be able to use computer eng. knowledge to design and build (small, but possibly somewhat large) computer systems that I can program (I would assume using assembler or C). If one class would do it, I could take the next compeng class, but the prof is terrible according to friends who've taken the class. I don't really have anymore room in my schedule for computer engineering classes anyway, unless I take 18.5 credits my last semester, which I don't want to do while I'll be in senior design.

So basically, what textbooks should I get for self study? They must be easy to read so that I can have an effective self study? Anyone have any recommendations?
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  • #2

As a scientist with a background in electrical engineering, I can understand your concerns about not having enough knowledge in computer engineering. However, it is important to remember that your undergraduate degree is just the foundation and there is always room for further learning and specialization in specific areas.

In terms of textbooks for self-study, I would recommend starting with "Computer Organization and Design" by David A. Patterson and John L. Hennessy. This book covers the basics of computer architecture and design, including instruction sets, assembly language, and computer arithmetic.

For a more focused approach on programming, "The C Programming Language" by Brian W. Kernighan and Dennis M. Ritchie is a classic and essential book for anyone interested in programming in C.

If you want to dive deeper into computer engineering, "Computer Systems: A Programmer's Perspective" by Randal E. Bryant and David R. O'Hallaron is a great resource for understanding the interface between hardware and software.

Additionally, online resources such as Coursera, edX, and Khan Academy offer free courses on computer engineering and programming that you can take at your own pace.

It's also important to keep in mind that self-study can only take you so far. If possible, I would highly recommend taking at least one computer engineering class, even if it means taking on a heavier course load. Having a knowledgeable and engaging professor can make all the difference in your understanding and application of the material.

In summary, don't be too hard on yourself for not having a strong background in computer engineering. With the right resources and determination, you can definitely acquire the knowledge and skills you need to design and build computer systems. Good luck in your studies!

FAQ: Electrical Engineering Student More Computer Engineering Classes?

1. What is the difference between electrical engineering and computer engineering?

Electrical engineering focuses on the study and application of electricity, electromagnetism, and electronics. It deals with the design, development, and maintenance of electrical systems, such as power generation and distribution systems, electronic devices, and communication systems. Computer engineering, on the other hand, combines principles of electrical engineering and computer science to design and develop computer hardware and software systems.

2. Can an electrical engineering student take computer engineering classes?

Yes, an electrical engineering student can take computer engineering classes. Both disciplines have overlapping courses, such as programming, circuit design, and digital systems. However, it is important to consult with an academic advisor to ensure that the courses align with the student's academic goals and requirements.

3. What are some common computer engineering classes that an electrical engineering student can take?

Some common computer engineering classes that an electrical engineering student can take include computer programming, digital systems design, microprocessor systems, computer architecture, and data structures and algorithms.

4. How can taking computer engineering classes benefit an electrical engineering student?

Taking computer engineering classes can provide an electrical engineering student with a broader understanding of computer systems, which is becoming increasingly important in the field. It can also enhance their problem-solving skills and make them more marketable to employers who are looking for individuals with a combination of electrical and computer engineering knowledge.

5. Are there any specific skills or prerequisites required to take computer engineering classes as an electrical engineering student?

Some computer engineering classes may have prerequisites, such as basic programming knowledge or a strong foundation in mathematics and physics. However, it ultimately depends on the specific course and the university's requirements. Additionally, having good analytical and problem-solving skills can be beneficial for successfully completing computer engineering classes.

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