Deuterium fusion into Helium-4

In summary: What's the relative fusion probabilities of d+d and d+t and d+He3 then? Obviously it depends on the abundance of d, but how much easier or harder are the other two reactions when both the t and He3 are being made from the d+d reaction?
  • #1
Hi All

Just wondering why does deuterium fused with itself not make helium-4 - instead it makes a triton or a helion and a proton or a neutron. These products could then fuse with deuterium to make helium-4.

What stops deuterium from fusing straight into alpha particles? Is the kinetic energy too high for it to stick together as a whole or is it driven by a more exotic process?
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  • #2
Hi there,

I could be mistaking, but the reason for deuterium not fusing into helium-4 come from the nuclear spin. Deuterium has a nuclear spin of +1, and helium-4 has a spin of 0. Then again, both combination of tritium (+1/2) + proton (+1/2) or helium-3 (+1/2) + neutron (+1/2) fit well.

  • #3
but spin 1 coupled to spin 1 can give spin 2,1 or 0 as final state.
  • #4
In order to conserve both energy and momentum, fusion can only occur with two particles going to two (or more) particles.
  • #5
qraal said:
What stops deuterium from fusing straight into alpha particles?

What makes you think the reaction [itex]d+d \rightarrow {\rm{^4He}} + \gamma [/itex] doesn't occur?
  • #6
clem said:
In order to conserve both energy and momentum, fusion can only occur with two particles going to two (or more) particles.

How do you explain neutron capture then? E.g. Au-197 + n -> Au*-198
  • #7
Vanadium 50 said:
What makes you think the reaction [itex]d+d \rightarrow {\rm{^4He}} + \gamma [/itex] doesn't occur?
Emitting a photon brings in a factor of alpha=1/137 compared topurely strong processes.
  • #8
QuantumPion said:
How do you explain neutron capture then? E.g. Au-197 + n -> Au*-198
The key there is the star. When states of finite width are involved there can be absorption of neutrons with energies within the width of the excited state. That can't happen with
d+d-->He, all of which are stable.
  • #9
So any definite answers? Guys?
  • #10
  • #11
I believe clem is correct, there's nothing to carry away extra energy unless you go electromagnetic (d + d -> He4 + gamma) and that process is suppressed by the factor of 1/137 compared to d + d -> He3 + n and d + d -> t + p.
  • #12
Well that makes sense. The case of muonium fusion doesn't change that because the muon is another particle in the mix.

What's the relative fusion probabilities of d+d and d+t and d+He3 then? Obviously it depends on the abundance of d, but how much easier or harder are the other two reactions when both the t and He3 are being made from the d+d reaction?

I'm wondering just how hot the core of a brown dwarf star gets in order to burn deuterium, which must be pretty easy to do (inside brown dwarfs I mean) since it's only 1/6000th of the hydrogen available.

A recent paper on the Anthropic Principle (do you want me to drag out a reference?) discussed alternative Universes with higher levels of deuterium. What if a star was mostly deuterium? How light would it be and still achieve fusion?

hamster143 said:
I believe clem is correct, there's nothing to carry away extra energy unless you go electromagnetic (d + d -> He4 + gamma) and that process is suppressed by the factor of 1/137 compared to d + d -> He3 + n and d + d -> t + p.
  • #13
clem said:
Emitting a photon brings in a factor of alpha=1/137 compared topurely strong processes.

That doesn't prevent the reaction from occurring.
  • #14
But it is not d+d-->He, which I thought was the original question.

FAQ: Deuterium fusion into Helium-4

1. What is deuterium fusion into helium-4?

Deuterium fusion into helium-4 is a nuclear reaction in which two deuterium atoms combine to form a helium-4 atom. This process releases a large amount of energy and is the main source of energy in stars.

2. How does deuterium fusion into helium-4 occur?

In this reaction, two deuterium nuclei (composed of one proton and one neutron each) fuse together to form a helium-4 nucleus (composed of two protons and two neutrons). This fusion process requires extremely high temperatures and pressures, such as those found in the core of a star.

3. What are the benefits of deuterium fusion into helium-4?

Deuterium fusion into helium-4 is a clean and nearly limitless source of energy. It produces no greenhouse gases or radioactive waste, making it a promising alternative to traditional fossil fuels.

4. What are the challenges in achieving deuterium fusion into helium-4?

The main challenge in achieving deuterium fusion into helium-4 is creating and maintaining the extreme temperatures and pressures required for the reaction to occur. Additionally, controlling and containing the reaction is a complex engineering challenge.

5. Can deuterium fusion into helium-4 be used as a source of energy on Earth?

While deuterium fusion into helium-4 has been successfully achieved in experiments, it has not yet been harnessed as a sustainable source of energy on Earth. Scientists continue to research and develop methods for controlling and sustaining this reaction in a controlled environment for practical energy production.
