What Do You Think of This Ghetto Fight Video?

  • Thread starter kant
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In summary, the conversation discussed a video of a violent fight in a parking lot and the website it was posted on. Some people found the behavior offensive and questioned if the website was promoting illegal acts. Others argued that the website was not responsible for the content and that there were no laws against distributing such videos. The conversation also touched on the topic of a similar case where a distributor was arrested for posting videos of illegal activities. The conversation then shifted to other videos on the website, including one of a sniper shooting a watermelon and another of a drunk wine taster. One person shared a personal experience involving a woman grabbing their butt in a bar.
  • #1

If i was that guy; i would probably move my car. This is pure madness. I am just curious what other people think of this...
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  • #2
senseless violence
  • #3
I think it's extremely offensive behavior. Is that entered in a competition?
  • #4
honestrosewater said:
I think it's extremely offensive behavior. Is that entered in a competition?

Do such competition exist? I don t know. In any case, a friend gave that piece to me.
  • #5
kant said:
Do such competition exist? I don t know. In any case, a friend gave that piece to me.
Lower on the page, it said:
SUCKS - 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 - KICKS ASS



Big-boys.com does not promote or condone any illicit, illegal, obscene, pornographic, dangerous, or exploitative acts of any kind. Please carefully review the terms and conditions set forth in the Contest Submission Form. (emphasis mine)
  • #6
If they are having a contest, I think they're promoting illegal acts, regardless of what they claim.
  • #7
Cool site though: here's one of an F-14 getting shot down by a bird (seriously). I've never seen anything like that before. http://www.big-boys.com/movie10.html
  • #8
I find the name of the site quite ironic, if you look at the apparent maturity of its members.

The plane video is pretty amazing though (And I checked into it, and both crew members made it out alive, hooray!)
  • #9
I remember seeing some video where this guy went at some concert or sporting event or something and started smashing and robbign like 15 cars. Bastard.
  • #10
honestrosewater said:
If they are having a contest, I think they're promoting illegal acts, regardless of what they claim.

Is it not protected by the U.S constitution?
  • #11
kant said:
Is it not protected by the U.S constitution?

Assault is not protected by the US Constitution.
  • #12
They rate all their clips so you can view a 'most popular clips', its not a competition, just a website collecting submissions.
  • #13
Pengwuino said:
Assault is not protected by the US Constitution.

Well, that is just ridiculous. The website didn t assault anyone. It just distribute video clips. They have no control over what is on the tape.
  • #14
Oh the video.

Well you are promoting violence and the law seems to put distributors as an accountalbe party. They control the videos they distribute. It would be like if Disney started selling pornography without a rating. If some kid gets it, that's illegal and they woudl be subject to prosecution.
  • #15
The site probably isn't breaking the law by posting the clip, unless they can be proven to have caused the instigation of the assault, possibly by being a place to post the clip. Why have someone there with a camera to record it unless there's a place to post it? I do think it's irresponsible of them to post it and to provide a place for such ignorance.
  • #16
Pengwuino said:
Oh the video.

Well you are promoting violence and the law seems to put distributors as an accountalbe party. They control the videos they distribute. It would be like if Disney started selling pornography without a rating. If some kid gets it, that's illegal and they woudl be subject to prosecution.

I think there is a porn links on that site, but i don t think that video or other videos like it are pornographic. There are perhaps laws that prohibit the distribution of pornographic material, but there are no similar or analogist laws for the distribution of such videos. The analogy cannot be made.
  • #17
kant said:
I think there is a porn links on that site, but i don t think that video or other videos like it are pornographic. There are perhaps laws that prohibit the distribution of pornographic material, but there are no similar or analogist laws for the distribution of such videos. The analogy cannot be made.

I believe there are. A film distributor was arrested for doing this ... in july or so here in Fresno, CA. They had videos of various gang activities (illegal weapons, fighting, drug dealing) and they got the distributor.
  • #18
GarageTinker said:
Why have someone there with a camera to record it unless there's a place to post it?

... people have recorded executions and drug dealings before. I'm not sure what your logic is here. Just because someone thinks doing something is legal doesn't mean that it is legal...

If this website allowed free posting, they wouldn't be accountable but since this website looks like its regulated and that they take ownership of videos, i suspect they would be accountable.
  • #19
Pengwuino said:
I believe there are. A film distributor was arrested for doing this ... in july or so here in Fresno, CA. They had videos of various gang activities (illegal weapons, fighting, drug dealing) and they got the distributor.

Do you have the link to such article?
  • #20
I meant that having an open contest for videos of illegal acts could end up rewarding people for committing crimes. That doesn't appear to be what they're doing anyway.
  • #21
kant said:
Do you have the link to such article?

Just google "Fresno Uncensored". Huge uproar here... pretty stupid.


or go there... there's the basics of the story. I'll look for info about whoever distributed it.
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  • #22
well that's what happens when you hesitate. that asian kid had only 2 options, and I'm not even sure why the black kid asked him to move the car - maybe he wanted his parking spot.

either way, option 1: tell the black kid to go f himself, and punch him first
option 2: size up the resistance, and realize you are outnumbered, and drive off
  • #23
Hmm it looks like the Asian guy died
  • #24
You should check out this one instead: http://www.big-boys.com/articles/ussniper.html
  • #25
Ohhh this one is hilarious: http://www.big-boys.com/articles/winelover.html

  • #26
^ haha... There was this one time when i went into this bar. There was this really hot( media hot ) blond chick much much more beautiful than the one on the video clip grasped my butt. I thought it was a pathetic way of getting my attention, and i recall saying something less than polite to her. I think i also made her cry and unintentional humiliated her in front of her friends. i felt really bad afterward for mouths... I just can t stand sluty girls...
  • #27
maybe you went to the wrong bar.. they have those gay bars now you know
  • #28
cronxeh said:
maybe you went to the wrong bar.. they have those gay bars now you know

I was thinking the same thing cronxeh
  • #29
cronxeh said:
maybe you went to the wrong bar.. they have those gay bars now you know

... Really, i don t why. I can t date sluts.
  • #30
I think this thread has pretty much bottomed out.

FAQ: What Do You Think of This Ghetto Fight Video?

What caused you to be upset by this video?

I was upset by this video because it depicted violence or cruelty towards others, showed graphic content that was disturbing, or portrayed a sensitive topic that personally affected me.

What emotions did you experience while watching this video?

I experienced a range of emotions such as anger, sadness, shock, disgust, or fear while watching this video. It may have also triggered past traumas or brought up intense feelings.

How did this video affect you after watching it?

This video affected me emotionally and mentally. I may have felt anxious, overwhelmed, or unable to focus on other tasks. It may have also caused me to have nightmares or intrusive thoughts.

What can I do if I am upset by this video?

If you are upset by this video, it is important to take care of yourself. You can talk to a trusted friend or family member, seek support from a therapist or counselor, or engage in self-care activities such as deep breathing, journaling, or taking a break from social media.

How can I avoid being upset by videos in the future?

You can avoid being upset by videos in the future by being mindful of the type of content you consume. You can also set boundaries and limit your exposure to graphic or triggering content. Additionally, you can use content warning filters or seek out positive and uplifting videos instead.

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