Uniform Plane Waves vs. Plane Waves

In summary, "uniform plane waves" have properties that are similar to those of "real" plane waves, while "planes waves" are the idealizations where the amplitude and phase variations across the wavefront are negligible.
  • #1
What is the difference between "uniform plane waves" and "planes waves." Are these terms used interchangeably?

What properties would a "non-uniform" plane wave have?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Uniform plane waves?

Can you give some context for where you saw this term?
  • #3
Swapnil said:
What is the difference between "uniform plane waves" and "planes waves." Are these terms used interchangeably?

What properties would a "non-uniform" plane wave have?
I seems to me that you're right in that the terms are used interchangeably.

  • #4
I think that for a plane wave that propagates in the z direction, you say it is uniform if
[tex]{\partial\ \over \partial x}= 0[/tex] and [tex]{\partial\ \over \partial y}= 0[/tex]

You can imagine a plane wave where the amplitude varies with x or y. This would be a non uniform plane wave.
Maybe you can generate this wave with a filter with variable absorption, as a diapositive or a negative.
  • #5
lpfr said:
I think that for a plane wave that propagates in the z direction, you say it is uniform if
[tex]{\partial\ \over \partial x}= 0[/tex] and [tex]{\partial\ \over \partial y}= 0[/tex]

You can imagine a plane wave where the amplitude varies with x or y. This would be a non uniform plane wave.
Maybe you can generate this wave with a filter with variable absorption, as a diapositive or a negative.
This makes sense. But then what properties would your good old plane waves have (uniform or non-uniform)? Would it be just the fact that the E & H vectors are mutually perpendicular to the direction of propagation?
  • #6
Swapnil said:
This makes sense. But then what properties would your good old plane waves have (uniform or non-uniform)? Would it be just the fact that the E & H vectors are mutually perpendicular to the direction of propagation?

My guess is that adding "uniform" would impose some translational symmetry; maybe any translation along the wavefront front, maybe of one period along the axis of propagation, maybe both.
  • #7
Swapnil said:
But then what properties would your good old plane waves have (uniform or non-uniform)?
Uniform, of course.

Hurkyl said:
My guess is that adding "uniform" would impose some translational symmetry; maybe any translation along the wavefront front, maybe of one period along the axis of propagation, maybe both.
Yes, translational symmetry in the x and y directions, and the same translational symmetry with [tex]\lambda[/tex] as spatial period, in the direction of propagation z.
  • #8
If the medium had a variable n, k of the plane wave would change with distance, and the wave might be called non-uniform.
  • #9
Meir Achuz said:
If the medium had a variable n, k of the plane wave would change with distance, and the wave might be called non-uniform.
In this case I would rather call it "non-plane". For a wave to be called plane, "isophase" surfaces must be planes. E.g. surfaces where E=0 and B=0, must be plane.
  • #10
Swapnil said:
But then what properties would your good old plane waves have (uniform or non-uniform)?

The "plane" in "plane wave" refers to the surfaces of constant phase [itex]\phi[/itex]. For example, in [itex]\psi = A \cos (kz - \omega t)[/itex], the points where the cosine is maximum ([itex]\phi = kz - \omega t = 0, 2\pi, 4\pi,...[/itex]) form a set of planes parallel to the xy-plane and perpendicular to the z-axis. These planes of constant phase move in the +z direction at speed [itex]v_{phase} = \omega / k[/itex].
  • #11
Note that jtbell's example is invariant under translations in x,y.

I repeat that context is essential, since the answer will depend upon how the OP answers my request for clarification.
  • #12
Swapnil said:
What is the difference between "uniform plane waves" and "planes waves." Are these terms used interchangeably?

Uniform plane waves are the ones that aren't working undercover. :-p God I'm funny.
  • #13
Chris Hillman said:
Can you give some context for where you saw this term?

Here's the exact quote which defines uniform plane waves taken from the website on the bottom::

"A uniform plane wave is an electromagnetic wave in which the electric and magnetic fields and the direction of propagation are mutually orthogonal, and their amplitudes and phases are constant over planes perpendicular to the direction of propagation."

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  • #14
I think the term uniform means that the plane waves are homogeneous meaning that the planes of constant amplitude are parallel to the planes of constant phase.
  • #15
Uniform plane waves are mathematical idealisations, often chosen because they remove the number of variables in a problem owing to their spatial symmetry, and perhaps more importantly, a uniform plane wave does not diffract.

The term "plane-wave" in my experience typically refers to "real" plane-waves such as the beam waist of a Gaussian beam, or a wave emerging from the output aperture of (some) lasers. Real plane-waves have amplitudes that vary across the wavefront and thus these waves do eventually diffract and lose their plane-wave characteristics, but there will still be a region in space where we can regard the wave as being approximately planar. This region is typically defined as the region with which the phase error across the (planar) wavefront is not too large, typically < pi/8 or < pi/4.

Having said that, I have seen the term "plane-wave" and "infinite plane-wave" in addition to "uniform plane-wave" used to refer to the aforementioned mathematical idealisation. At the very least "plane-wave" is a "looser" definition that can refer to many things, whereas "uniform plane-wave" or "infinite plane-wave" carries a much more precise definition.

  • #16
Claude Bile said:
..., a uniform plane wave does not diffract.
I'm annoyed by this phrase. All waves diffract. In a uniform plane wave the diffraction result is the same uniform plane wave. I think that this is what you meant.
But I think that is not a good idea to say that there are waves which diffract and others not. Even common polychromatic incoherent ambient light diffract. Just the result is not a stable, visible, classical, beautiful, diffraction image, but a blurr.
  • #17
lpfr said:
I'm annoyed by this phrase. All waves diffract. In a uniform plane wave the diffraction result is the same uniform plane wave. I think that this is what you meant.
Either view is valid according to the laws of physics, for there is no law that tells us that all waves must diffract, only laws that tell us how one wave evolves into another as it propagates. For a wavefront that does not change as it propagates, whether you choose to say it does not diffract, or does diffract but does not change is simply semantics.
lpfr said:
But I think that is not a good idea to say that there are waves which diffract and others not. Even common polychromatic incoherent ambient light diffract. Just the result is not a stable, visible, classical, beautiful, diffraction image, but a blurr.
Of course, all real waves diffract because all real waves are finite in extent.


FAQ: Uniform Plane Waves vs. Plane Waves

1. What is the difference between a uniform plane wave and a plane wave?

A uniform plane wave is a type of electromagnetic wave that has a constant amplitude and wavelength throughout its propagation. On the other hand, a plane wave is a type of wave where the wave fronts are parallel and evenly spaced. Essentially, a uniform plane wave is a special case of a plane wave where the amplitude and wavelength are constant.

2. How are uniform plane waves and plane waves used in science?

Uniform plane waves and plane waves are commonly used in the field of electromagnetics, particularly in the study of electromagnetic radiation and communication systems. They are also used in optics and acoustics to model and analyze the behavior of waves in different mediums.

3. What are the properties of uniform plane waves and plane waves?

Both uniform plane waves and plane waves have properties such as wavelength, frequency, amplitude, and propagation direction. However, uniform plane waves have a constant amplitude and wavelength, while plane waves have varying amplitudes and wavelengths.

4. Can uniform plane waves and plane waves exist in real life?

Yes, both uniform plane waves and plane waves can exist in real life. For example, radio waves, which are a type of uniform plane wave, are used for communication purposes. In nature, ocean waves can be considered as plane waves, with their wave fronts being parallel and evenly spaced.

5. How do uniform plane waves and plane waves behave in different mediums?

Uniform plane waves and plane waves behave differently in different mediums. In general, they will experience refraction, reflection, and diffraction when they encounter a change in medium or encounter obstacles. However, the behavior of uniform plane waves and plane waves can be predicted using mathematical models and equations.

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