Control Board Power: Efficient Voltage Pull Off Large DC Bus

In summary, people should use a power supply that is suitable for the voltage they are using and that is well fused.
  • #1
what is the most efficient way to pull voltage off a large dc bus(230-400) to power a control board
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  • #2
230-400 volts dc? yikes What's the power board requirements? You do know that this source could kill you?
  • #3
I think people would get a better response if they explained a bit more.
  • #4
Forgive me for being vague. I am very aware of the danger involved with working with this level of voltage. I intend to run whatever designs i have on a spice program before actually building the componenets. I am just trying to go from this large bus voltage down to about 12-13 volts that i can then run through another voltage regulator setup to get my final specific voltage and current. The difficult transistion for me is the initial stepdown. i have looked at isoated flyback switching device or a power supply of some sort. Just trying to be efficient with e power thta i have seeing as how in EV's efficeiency is everything due to the limited energy density of batteries. Another option i have though of is having a second battery setup to run the controller and secondary components, much like a car battery.
  • #5
What current do you need?

Loads of off the shelf PSUs available .. linear of switched mode. Just make sure is it well fused as well as being fed through a breaker.
  • #6
Is this for an electric vehicle? You can use a computer power supply, these take line voltage and rectify it to dc, so you can just remove the bridge rectifier and input power from the line side filter caps, just make sure the supply you use is suitable for your voltage, many will operate from 89 ac volts to 380 ac. Oh also, you want to remove any pfc circuits as well, as they will not be needed.

FAQ: Control Board Power: Efficient Voltage Pull Off Large DC Bus

1. What is a control board power?

Control board power refers to the power supply that provides the necessary voltage and current to operate the control board of a system. This power is responsible for driving the various components and circuits on the control board.

2. Why is efficient voltage pull off important for a large DC bus?

Efficient voltage pull off is important for a large DC bus because it ensures that the voltage is drawn from the power supply in the most efficient way possible. This reduces power loss and helps to maintain a stable and reliable power supply for the system.

3. How does efficient voltage pull off affect the performance of a control board?

Efficient voltage pull off can greatly improve the performance of a control board by ensuring that the necessary voltage and current are delivered to the components on the board. This leads to better overall system efficiency and can also help to prevent damage to the board or its components.

4. What are some techniques for achieving efficient voltage pull off on a large DC bus?

There are several techniques that can be used to achieve efficient voltage pull off on a large DC bus. These include using high-quality power supply components, optimizing the layout and design of the control board, and implementing voltage regulation and filtering techniques.

5. How can I ensure that my control board power is operating at optimal efficiency?

The best way to ensure that your control board power is operating at optimal efficiency is to regularly monitor and test the power supply and control board. This will help to identify any potential issues and allow you to make necessary adjustments or upgrades to improve efficiency. It is also important to follow proper maintenance and upkeep procedures for the power supply and control board.
