The Universe: 4 Forces Constant Forever?

In summary, the discussion revolves around the possibility of there being other universes and the belief that we only know a small percentage of everything about the universe. Some believe in a single, infinite universe while others suggest the existence of multiple universes. The conversation also touches upon the limitations of our current understanding and theories, highlighting the ever-evolving nature of science.
  • #1
Well to start things off, this is my first post. =)
I'm not sure which category to post thi under, but I figured this would be appropriate.
I am a big fan of Stephen Hawking and have read all of his books multiple times, and I was wondering a couple things that maybe you smart people out there have an answer too. (Im 17 and other than loving Quantum Phsics, I am a n00b.)

Okay, so. First off, I personally believe in our universe is the single and only universe, and it itself is infinite in size. Now obviously our universe is goverened by the Fundamental forces, and pretty much created by them too, but I was wondering if maybe this is not as true as we think. (Crazy, i know, don't kill me.)

We literally know 0% of everything we can know about the universe, and maybe somewhere way down the road, (like waaaay far away, Let's say an unfathemale amount of light years) there could be a place where some sort of strange energy, let's say Pink Energy, could somehow counter act upon the fundamental forces, and the fundamental forces in fact only governed our small corner of the universe?

Is this possible?
Is this stupid?
Is there any information you can give me as to why/why not this is possible?

I have never been able to fnd anything about this, so thanks for reading and responding!
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  • #2
Well, dark energy and dark matter seems to be pretty weird...that could potentially be an indication of something wrong with our understanding of gravity, although it's far too early to know for certain. The pioneer anomaly also sheds some (very very very small amount of) doubt as to whether we have the right formulas.

We definitely don't know everything about everything. We don't have a theory of everything just yet.

But, I mean, until we can come up with something better, we might as well use what we got (unless what we got is proven which case we can only use what we got for specific cases).

This has been the path of science for a long time. We have a model, and it's only valid over some range of speeds or sizes or w/e, and then we get better models that are valid over larger ranges of speeds and energies. So far, we don't have a theory that's valid for all ranges of sizes/speeds/energies.
  • #3
@Winnipeg: The universe as it's commonly understood, is believed to have "inflated" like a balloon from something like a pinprick. If so, then the forces didn't create them, and in fact at that time there would only be 3 forces anyway: Strong Nuclear, Gravity, and the ElectroWeak force which would later separate into the E&M and the Weak Nuclear Force.

The whole reason this would be possible isn't that a big bang "ejected" or "exploded" and the shrapenel = the universe. Think instead of a balloon with the stars and galaxies painted on it when it's half-inflated. Let the air out, blow some in, inflate it MORE than you did. That's the model of 3+1 spacetime *somehow* emerging from a primordial vacuum, or the collision of Branes or some other exotic meta-cosmology.

Then again... in an infinite universe, none of that holds or makes any sense, unless beyond the CMB there is just... more universe. That's a bit of the problem with an infinite truly UNIverse... you can make the very sane, not stupid, not crazy argument that far away in spacetime, beyond the horizon coudl be... anything. More of us, but walking on our hands. Anything. That's infinity for you.

Nothing you've said is stupid or crazy however, and you've been very honest about your experience. This is a forum that is all about education, so ask away. That said, if you don't mind I'd like to ask something; why do you believe the universe is "infinite in size" and the only one? It's definitely not something most people believe so strongly. Ah, and an infinite universe without boundaries is probably what you're really saying, whereas "infinite in size" could be followed by, "but totally empty!". :wink:
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  • #4
"We literally know 0% of everything we can know about the universe"

I think it is more accurate to say that we know perhaps 95% of everything we can know about the universe. We have theory that explains almost everything that we observe, our new evidence shows a strong tendency towards convergence (e.g. evidence regarding the age of the universe), and there is only only so much that we can even in theory observe about the universe.

We don't have a complete theory of everything, but most current research is devoted to theories that would deviate from current theories only in subtle ways in extraordinary situations.
  • #5
Estimating a percentage of "what we know" is silly, not to mention functionally, literally, and semantically WRONG.
  • #6
Might I also point out that there were many times in history when people thought they "knew basically all there is to know". Before the advent of QM, people though that with classical mechanics almost everything was done. Then QM came along and wrecked that ship. When Dirac formulated his formula for electrons, someone real famous (who exactly escapes me atm) stated that within a couple of years everything would be known (he thought that there was just 1 more equation involving the nucleus to be solved). He was proven wrong too.

I wouldn't get too optimistic that we "know almost everything" - as is suggested by the 95% figure you posted.
  • #7
Matterwave said:
Might I also point out that there were many times in history when people thought they "knew basically all there is to know". Before the advent of QM, people though that with classical mechanics almost everything was done. Then QM came along and wrecked that ship. When Dirac formulated his formula for electrons, someone real famous (who exactly escapes me atm) stated that within a couple of years everything would be known (he thought that there was just 1 more equation involving the nucleus to be solved). He was proven wrong too.

I wouldn't get too optimistic that we "know almost everything" - as is suggested by the 95% figure you posted.

Very true... not to be pessemistic, but given that at least the first ~360,000 years and everything at and below the Planck scale (not to mention the contents of the supermassive BHs that drive galaxies and Quasars!) is a mystery... and the first is likely to remain so FOREVER in terms of direct observation...

95% is... hell, we don't even understand mass :smile:
  • #8
We probably know almost everything possible to know in our present paradigm of theory. I doubt that knowledge is complete. I'm confident better theories are 'out there', but, think the only way to discover them is to eliminate pretenders. Not an easy task. When we achieve the next level I'm confident we will all be slapping our heads.
  • #9
Chronos said:
We probably know almost everything possible to know in our present paradigm of theory. I doubt that knowledge is complete. I'm confident better theories are 'out there', but, think the only way to discover them is to eliminate pretenders. Not an easy task. When we achieve the next level I'm confident we will all be slapping our heads.

We're not supposed to be slapping our head NOW?! I have these bruises for nothing, bugger! :wink:

FAQ: The Universe: 4 Forces Constant Forever?

1. What are the four forces that are constant in the universe?

The four forces that are constant in the universe are gravity, electromagnetism, strong nuclear force, and weak nuclear force.

2. How do these four forces interact with each other?

These four forces interact with each other in different ways. Gravity is the force that attracts objects with mass towards each other. Electromagnetism is responsible for the interactions between electrically charged particles. Strong nuclear force binds the nucleus of an atom together, and weak nuclear force is responsible for radioactive decay.

3. Are these forces truly constant or do they change over time?

These forces are considered to be constant because they have been observed to have the same strength and behavior throughout the history of the universe. However, there are some theories that suggest they may have been different in the early stages of the universe.

4. How do these forces affect the behavior of matter in the universe?

These forces play a crucial role in determining the behavior and interactions of matter in the universe. Gravity, for example, is responsible for the formation of planets, stars, and galaxies. Electromagnetism is responsible for the properties of matter, such as its electrical conductivity. Strong and weak nuclear forces hold the nucleus of an atom together and determine its stability.

5. Will these forces ever cease to exist or change in the future?

Based on current understanding, it is believed that these forces will continue to exist and remain constant in the future. However, there are some theories that suggest they may change or merge under extreme conditions, such as in the early universe or in black holes. Further research and scientific advancements may provide more insight into the future of these forces.

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