What level of math do I need to study Quantum Mechanics?

In summary, you will need partial differential equations and linear algebra to study quantum mechanics at the undergraduate level.
  • #1
I've been comparing program requirements for a specialist in Physics and a specialist in Mathematical Physics. Obviously the latter requires more math courses, but the exact same amount of physics courses. Furthermore, in the physics program they don't require too much math which I find strange as I thought physics would require a lot of higher level math courses - especially for Quantum Mechanics.

What level of math do I need to study Quantum Mechanics? Could you be specific? Like Real Analysis, Complex Analysis, Topology, Differential Geometry, Lie Theory etc...
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
You will need to take differential equations and applied math after that which gets you to think completely in 3-D, I took a course in tensors which really helps when you exploit the orthonormality of a function using the kronecker delta, makes quantum incredibly easier.
  • #3
So I will have to have studied the math I mentioned above? All of it?
  • #4
As long as you have good common sense you can figure out most anything in physics, plus its physics-math, everything has real meaning to it.
  • #5
But could you maybe tell me specifically what courses you'd recommend a student to take? Because I would think that you'd more than common sense as if I don't have the necessary math background I wouldn't understand equations and such...
  • #6
You could always look in the academic calendar of whatever institution you're considering applying to, and find the prerequisites for the quantum mechanics course(s) offered.
  • #7
Seconded. Prerequisites are usually a good indicator. Be comfortable with calculus and familiar with the concept of partial derivatives. Knowing a little linear algebra, particularly the concept of a vector space, helped me as well in my beginning quantum mechanics class. If your course is like mine, what will happen is that the professor will go over most of the math you need along with the physics. For example, in my course, we needed some Fourier analysis; it was taught to us.
  • #8
Buri said:
What level of math do I need to study Quantum Mechanics? Could you be specific? Like Real Analysis, Complex Analysis, Topology, Differential Geometry, Lie Theory etc...

At the undergraduate level, you'll need partial differential equations. Linear algebra and complex analysis would be useful, but it's something you can pick up during the course.

You aren't going to need topology, differential geometry, or Lie theory at the undergraduate level.
  • #9
As always, at undergraduate level physics you won't need any advanced mathematics, and the standard linear algebra, differential equations, complex analysis (or: calculus) will suffice. But the most important mathematics used in QM is Functional Analysis. If you're going to study the more technical aspects of QM, everything will involve functional analysis.
  • #10
I found that with a second year Linear Algebra course I got by just fine in QM even up to the graduate course level.
  • #11
Ahh I see, thanks a lot to everyone! :D

FAQ: What level of math do I need to study Quantum Mechanics?

1. What level of math is required to study Quantum Mechanics?

The study of Quantum Mechanics involves advanced mathematical concepts and techniques. A strong foundation in calculus, linear algebra, and differential equations is essential. Additionally, knowledge of complex numbers, vector calculus, and probability theory is highly recommended.

2. Can I study Quantum Mechanics without a strong math background?

No, a strong math background is necessary to understand the complex concepts and calculations involved in Quantum Mechanics. Without a solid understanding of advanced math, it will be difficult to grasp the underlying principles and equations of this field.

3. Is a specific level of math proficiency required for Quantum Mechanics?

While there is no specific level of math proficiency required, it is recommended to have at least completed calculus and linear algebra courses. More advanced math courses such as differential equations and complex analysis will also be helpful in understanding Quantum Mechanics.

4. Can I learn the necessary math skills for Quantum Mechanics while studying the subject?

It is possible to learn the necessary math skills for Quantum Mechanics while studying the subject, but it is not recommended. Having a strong foundation in advanced math before delving into Quantum Mechanics will make it much easier to grasp the complex concepts and equations.

5. Are there any online resources available to improve my math skills for Quantum Mechanics?

Yes, there are many online resources available to improve your math skills for Quantum Mechanics. Some popular options include online courses, tutorials, and practice problems. Additionally, many textbooks and study guides are also available for self-study.

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