Lorentz factor and Bondi factor

In summary, the change in time of a relatively moving frame and an observer frame can be written as ∆t=K-1∆t' ∆t=√(c-v)/√(c+v)∆t'
  • #1
I am quite confusing about Lorentz factor and Bondi factor. In special relativity, the change in time of a relatively moving frame and a observer frame can be written as


But if we consider the world line of these 2 frames, the change in time of a relatively moving frame and a observer frame can be written as


I assume that the frames are leaving each another, that which one correct??
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  • #2
The way I see it, the first expression is the change of coordinates between the frames, and the second is the Doppler shift which is actually observed. They are different things and the first does not have the same physical status as the second. I mean, how do you measure something using the coordinate system of another frame ?
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  • #3
If' I'm understanding you correctly, they're both correct, depending on what question you ask.

If you have two bodies moving away from each other, you will have some relativistic doppler shift between them, which you call K^(-1).

Let t=0 be the instant at which the bodies cross. Then a radar signal emitted from one of the bodies at time T will be received at time Lt, where L = 1/K is a number greater than 1. If it's reflected or retransmitted, it will arrive back at the original observer at time L^2 T

Using the principles of radar, considering the frame of either one of the bodies, we can conclude that at the midpoint of T and (1+L^2)T, i.e at time (1+L^2)/2 the distance was 1/2 the total round trip propagation time times c, i.e. c*(L^2 -1)/2.

This implies v/c = (L^2-1)/(L^2+1), or L = sqrt(c+v)/sqrt(c-v), which, when you consider that L = 1/K, is equivalent to your equation for K.

So, K and L gives the ratio of "time of reception" to "time of transmission", the doppler shift. That's what you'd actually perceive directly.

If you consider a frame in which one body is at rest, you can conclude that time (L^2-1)/2 on the body at rest must be radar-simultaneous with time L on the moving body.

Working this out, you'll see this is your second equation. It's about what you compute from what you actually directly see (the doppler shift) - using the einstein convention, in the frame of one of the observers , what time on the moving observer is simultaneous with 1 unit on the stationary observer. This is usually called the relativistic time dilation.

So K is the relativistic doppler shift, and your other equation is the relativistic time dilation.
  • #4
For simplicity, let them set their clocks to zero at the meeting event.

In this equation,
peterpang1994 said:
the events at the tips of the future-timelike-displacement vectors ∆t and ∆t' are simultaneous according to the observer whose proper-time is ∆t. In other words, it's a Minkowski right-triangle with two future-timelike vectors with tips joined by a spacelike-vector orthogonal to the ∆t-leg. Gamma in a Minkowski-right triangle [ie. cosh(rapidity) where tanh(rapidity)=v] is analogous to cosine in a Euclidean right-triangle. As pervect said, this is associated with time-dilation.

In this equation,
peterpang1994 said:
the events at the tips of these future-timelike-displacement vectors ∆t and ∆t' are lightlike-related. In other words, it's a triangle with two future-timelike vectors with tips joined by a lightlike-vector. K in Minkowski-geometry can be expressed in terms of exp(rapidity) where tanh(rapidity)=v. As pervect said, this is associated with the doppler effect.
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  • #5
Thanks a lot, one more question. Does it mean that the Lorentz factor is used to compute the time dilation of the point like events respect to different frames,Bondi factor is used to compute the dropper effect with a continuos time difference due to the motion of the frames?

FAQ: Lorentz factor and Bondi factor

1. What is the Lorentz factor?

The Lorentz factor, denoted by the symbol γ, is a term used in physics to measure the amount of time dilation, length contraction, and relativistic mass increase experienced by an object moving at high speeds relative to an observer. It is given by the equation γ = 1/√(1-v²/c²), where v is the velocity of the object and c is the speed of light.

2. How does the Lorentz factor affect time dilation?

The Lorentz factor is directly proportional to the amount of time dilation experienced by an object. This means that as the object's velocity increases, so does its Lorentz factor, resulting in a larger amount of time dilation.

3. What is the Bondi factor?

The Bondi factor, named after physicist Sir Hermann Bondi, is a term used in astrophysics to describe the amount of energy and momentum carried by a fluid flow in a gravitational field. It is given by the equation β = 1/√(1-2GM/rc²), where G is the gravitational constant, M is the mass of the object creating the gravitational field, and r is the distance from the object.

4. How are the Lorentz factor and Bondi factor related?

The Lorentz factor and Bondi factor are related through the equations γ = 1/√(1-β²) and β = √(1-1/γ²). This means that as the Lorentz factor increases, the Bondi factor decreases, and vice versa.

5. What is the significance of the Lorentz and Bondi factors in astrophysics?

The Lorentz and Bondi factors are important in astrophysics because they help scientists understand the behavior of objects moving at high speeds in the presence of strong gravitational fields, such as black holes. They also play a crucial role in predicting and studying phenomena such as gravitational waves and accretion disks around massive objects.
