Ion Specific Molar Conductivity And Resistance

In summary, the conversation is discussing equations for calculating ion specific molar conductivity and the resistance of ions in a salt water solution flowing between electrodes. The equations mentioned are correct and ions do have resistance associated with their movement.
  • #1
1. Hi, basically I'm trying to find an equation to find ion specific molar conductivity of salt water flowing between electrodes.

Homework Equations

resistivity: rho = RA/L
conductivity: kappa = 1/rho
conducitivity per unit concentration: lambda = conductivity/concentration

this is ion specific molar conducitivity with units of (s.m^2)/mol

Dunno if this is correct

Also to find the resistance of the ions using conductivity per unit concentration:

gamma = L/lambda A

Where A and L are the area of the electrodes and length respectively. Is this correct or am I totally wrong?

Do ions have resistance associated with them according to their movement?

Physics news on
  • #2
The equations you have mentioned are correct. Ion specific molar conductivity (lambda) is the conductivity per unit concentration, so it has units of (s.m^2)/mol. To find the resistance of the ions using conductivity per unit concentration, you can use the equation gamma = L/lambda A, where A and L are the area of the electrodes and length respectively.Ions do have resistance associated with them according to their movement. This resistance is caused by the interaction between the ions and the solvent molecules, as well as the ion-ion interactions. This resistance is known as ionic resistance and can be calculated using the Nernst-Einstein equation.

FAQ: Ion Specific Molar Conductivity And Resistance

What is ion specific molar conductivity?

Ion specific molar conductivity is a measure of the ability of an electrolyte solution to conduct electricity. It is a physical property that is unique to each type of ion and is dependent on factors such as concentration, temperature, and solvent.

How is ion specific molar conductivity calculated?

Ion specific molar conductivity is calculated by dividing the electrical conductivity of a solution by the concentration of the ion in moles per liter (mol/L). This gives a value in units of siemens per meter squared per mole per liter (S·m²·mol⁻¹).

What is the relationship between ion specific molar conductivity and resistance?

The relationship between ion specific molar conductivity and resistance is inverse. As ion specific molar conductivity increases, resistance decreases. This is because ions are the carriers of electric current in an electrolyte solution, so a higher concentration of ions leads to more efficient conduction of electricity.

What factors affect ion specific molar conductivity?

Ion specific molar conductivity is affected by several factors, including the concentration and mobility of ions, the temperature of the solution, and the type of solvent. Higher ion concentrations and higher temperatures generally lead to higher molar conductivity, while a more viscous solvent can decrease molar conductivity.

What are some applications of ion specific molar conductivity?

Ion specific molar conductivity is a useful measurement in various fields of science, including chemistry, biochemistry, and environmental science. It can be used to determine the concentration of ions in a solution, study the behavior of electrolytes, and understand the properties of different solvents. It also plays a role in industries such as water treatment, where measuring the conductivity of a solution can indicate the presence of contaminants.
