What are the uses and limitations of transmission lines?

In summary, transmission lines are specialized cables and other media designed to carry alternating current and electromagnetic waves of high frequency. They can also use optical fibers and waveguides to transmit electromagnetic waves through the air. The high frequency is important because it affects the angle between current/voltage or magnetic/electric field, as well as skin conduction which results in the need for hollow wires.
  • #1
"Transmission lines are specialized cables and other media designed to carry alternating current and electromagnetic waves of high frequency (radio frequency or higher), high enough that its wave nature must be taken into account. Transmission lines are used for purposes such as connecting radio transmitters and receivers with their antennas, distributing cable television signals, and computer network connections." Quoted from Wikipedia

1. "other media" - such as?

2. "alternating current and electromagnetic waves of high frequency" - I understand that a transmission line will carry an alternating current due to a voltage across the line. But how can such a line carry em waves, and why do the current and wave have to be of high frequency?

3. "high enough that its wave nature must be taken into account" - why is the wave nature a dominant influence on the analysis of the passage of current/wave if its frequency is high?

Thanks in advance for any help!
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  • #2
hi hasan_researc! :smile:
hasan_researc said:
1. "other media" - such as?

2. "alternating current and electromagnetic waves of high frequency" - I understand that a transmission line will carry an alternating current due to a voltage across the line. But how can such a line carry em waves, and why do the current and wave have to be of high frequency?

3. "high enough that its wave nature must be taken into account" - why is the wave nature a dominant influence on the analysis of the passage of current/wave if its frequency is high?

such as optical fibres, carrying light

i think the wave nature is referring to things like reflection, which we ignore in ordinary Kirchhoff-type circuit analysis

(not sure about the high frequency :redface:)
  • #3
Electromagnetic waves can also be transmitted using http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Waveguide_(electromagnetism)" , for example. They are not strictly propagated through cables: the RF waves are emitted through the air and can be reflexed and guided with many other elements.

The frequency is important because transmission lines generally have an intrinsec impedance, and also the connected load can be purely resistive or have an inductive/capacitive component. So, frequency is important because it will modify the angle between current/voltage or magnetic/electric field.
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  • #4
jjmontero9 said:
Electromagnetic waves can also be transmitted using http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Waveguide_(electromagnetism)" , for example. They are not strictly propagated through cables: the RF waves are emitted through the air and can be reflexed and guided with many other elements.

The frequency is important because transmission lines generally have an intrinsec impedance, and also the connected load can be purely resistive or have an inductive/capacitive component. So, frequency is important because it will modify the angle between current/voltage or magnetic/electric field.

Plus one more effect: Skin conduction. The higher the frequency, the more the conduction is on the outer layer of conductors.
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  • #5
The skin conduction also implies that the wires be hollow since current would flow only near the surface of the conductors. A nice idea, would save significant weight and material but is difficult to do effectively.

FAQ: What are the uses and limitations of transmission lines?

What is a transmission line mechanism?

A transmission line mechanism is a physical structure that allows for the efficient transfer of energy, signals, or information from one point to another. It is typically made up of conductors, insulators, and other components that regulate the flow of electricity or electromagnetic waves.

What types of transmission line mechanisms are commonly used?

There are several types of transmission line mechanisms, including coaxial cables, waveguides, and microstrip lines. Each type is designed for specific applications and has different characteristics, such as frequency range, signal loss, and power handling capabilities.

What is the purpose of impedance matching in transmission line mechanisms?

Impedance matching is crucial in transmission line mechanisms to ensure efficient transfer of energy without signal loss. It involves adjusting the electrical properties of the line, such as resistance and capacitance, to match the impedance of the source and receiver devices, thus minimizing reflections and maximizing power transfer.

How do transmission line mechanisms affect signal quality?

The quality of a signal can be affected by various factors in a transmission line mechanism, such as attenuation, distortion, and noise. These factors can be minimized by choosing the right type of transmission line, proper installation techniques, and using appropriate shielding and filters.

What are the advantages of using transmission line mechanisms?

There are several advantages of using transmission line mechanisms, including low loss, high bandwidth, and the ability to transmit signals over long distances. They are also relatively inexpensive, easy to install, and can be used in a wide range of applications, from telecommunications to power transmission.

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