What classes are you taking for Fall 2009?

In summary: Might be worth looking into.In summary, this person's 2009 schedule includes taking eight classes, including one physics and one astrophysics class. They recommend buying a book about astrophysics to self-study. They also advise students to be diligent in their English classes.
  • #1
Hi, thought this might be an interesting an kind of fun idea, post your 2009 schedule if your a student currently taking classes, also if you have some questions to ask the physics forums peanut gallery we can put them all in one space. I'll start

Linear Algebra- Using professors own text(with will certainly be supplemented with MIT video lectures.
Discrete Math- Using Rosen's Discrete Math and Applications
Calc III- Using Stewart
Physics 2 E&M Using Wolfson's University Physics
Dumb English Course

1.Is this too many courses to succeed in? I'm hoping to sweep the board with A/A- and perhaps 1 or 2 B+'s at the worst?

2. Anyone have any experiences with Rosen's Discrete Math? I've found very mixed reviews online.

3. Any other tips for success from anyone with regards to any of the specific classes?

Thanks PF!
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Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
University Physics...by Wolfram?? Maybe you meant by Wolfson, or by Young and Freedman??

Your schedule looks pretty normal. The texts look like the regular texts used as well.
  • #3
lol Yeah, I mean Wolfson, got those confused! Thanks for the correction.
  • #4
I like this idea!

  • Quantum Mechanics - Griffiths, which I think I'll try and supplement with Mendl
  • E & M II - Intro to Electrodynamics, Griffiths again
  • Partial Differential Equations - Applied PDE, Haberman
  • Astrophysics (emphasis on stars) - Intro to Modern Astrophysics, Carroll and Ostile (the BOB - big orange book)
  • Intro to aikido...!

My questions:

1. Does anyone have any recommendations for someone just getting starting to scratch the surface of QM? Texts, materials, videos, anything that would help me immerse myself a bit? Same with E&M II?

2. Anyone else taking astrophysics?

Answers to lubuntu's questions:

1 & 2. Depending on how well you manage your time, it doesn't sound like too stressful of a course load to me - I think it could be handled quite successfully. In my experience, introductory linear algebra was quite straightforward, and calc III was just plain fun - not to mention a bit easier than calc II. I haven't yet taken discrete (waiting to take it from a particularly good prof) but it doesn't seem extremely difficult; unfortunately I haven't heard anything about the Rosen text, so I can't give my two cents there.

I'm not familiar with the Physics 2 text you're referring to, however... Physics 2 was, in my experience, a little abstract - I didn't have any experience beforehand with it, and so it was completely new and different. Definitely interesting, though, and there are a lot of good resources online. It may be a little more work to grasp all of the essentials, particularly if it's new to you.

I think you'll just have to manage the balancing act of having math homework from three classes, physics assignments, and English essays to write. If you really stay on top of things, and get all those assignments done on time - or even early! - you'll be saving yourself a world of hurt when exams and finals roll around. As long as you're doing your homework and reading up on things, none of the classes should be particularly horrifically challenging... Good luck!

3. Look into Div, Grad, Curl and All That by H. M. Schey for Calc III - it's an absolutely fantastic resource, clear and easy-to-read, and will come in handy for future courses requiring any sort of vector calculus.
  • #5
I actually have the same Astrophysics book as I was intending to self study it at some point, my school unfortunately offers nothing like that. I think computation astrophysics is pretty much the coolest possible subject in the world!:)
  • #6
- Formal Languages & Theory of Computation
- Computer Networks
- Computer Architecture
- Software Process
- Independent study/thesis (climate modeling)
- Senior project (software design for satellite)

- This Fall is going to suck.
  • #7
1. Graduate electrodynamics (Jackson...)
2. Fundamentals of nuclear engineering (Nuclear physics)
3. Introduction to plasmas
4. Advanced Calculus II -OR- Methods of Computational Math I

Advanced calculus II covers chapters 9 and 10 of Rudin's PMA ("baby Rudin"), which I think would be really useful and interesting (rigorous calculus of several variables, linear transformations, intro to differential forms, etc.). The computational math class is like a graduate intro to numerical analysis class. This might be useful for my future research in using simulations, but it seems like the material is probably much more dry.
  • #8
lubuntu said:
3. Any other tips for success from anyone with regards to any of the specific classes?

My tip: Don't be so blase about your English class. The ability to write well is an incredibly important skill that many science students completely overlook.
  • #9
cristo said:
My tip: Don't be so blase about your English class. The ability to write well is an incredibly important skill that many science students completely overlook.

Came here to post that as well! I have definitely noticed a decline in my ability to write, at least in the technical and grammatical sense, since not being in an English, literature, or composition course since high school, and it is bothersome. You need practice at it just like anything else.

However, I will say that I agree that it is dumb, because it is probably a core course, and the overall course will be very strict about minor things and non-inspiring similar to most core courses. I knew a guy who wrote beautifully, but made a B in one of his college composition courses because his margins were a little off on his final paper.
  • #10
AUMathTutor said:
- Formal Languages & Theory of Computation
- Computer Networks
- Computer Architecture
- Software Process
- Independent study/thesis (climate modeling)
- Senior project (software design for satellite)

- This Fall is going to suck.

I apologize for ever asking if my schedule was too much!
  • #11
I'll be 'student assistent' (TA?) for a first-year math class (foundations: naive set theory, proofs, primes, relations, functions, cardinality, ...)

I also wanted to take the class Differentiable Manifolds (at the level of Lee), but since it's known as our hardest course in the bachelor's it'll probably take too much time to combine with the above. Too bad. Unfortunately General Relativity (at the level of Carrol) also doesn't fit in my schedule. I wish I could buy time! :-p
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  • #12
Great post idea!

1) French I (took this in high school so should be cake)

2) Elementary Differential Equations (ODE) -Differential Equations with Boundary Value Problems, 2nd edition, Polking, Boggess, and Arnold

3) Advanced Calculus I (Real Analysis) -Fundamental Ideas of Analysis by Michael Reed

4) Optics and Modern Physics (lot of stuff, basic second year course) - no idea what book, last semester we just used our prof's ebook in the works.

5) Cybernetworks and the Global Village (sociology class, should be cake and also fun)

6) Intermediate Tennis (half credit course)

And no, I don't know why our math department names things so strangely. I tell a friend from that community college down the tobacco road I'm taking "Advanced Calculus I" and he goes "didn't you take that sophomore year...in high school?" -_-

1) Am I going to die?

2) I'm taking Real Analysis for my math major, and ODE because I want to understand the differential form of Maxwell's equations and actually be able to solve the differential equations in physics, because I had to fudge them last semester. I am a physics/maths double major but I want to go to physics grad school (so far) and I've been thinking about dropping the math major if it hurts my gpa too much...so...if it turns out I'm dying, which class should I drop of the two?n ODE or Real Analysis?

3) I've taken linear algebra, but I doubt anyone in the cybernetworks class has. Are there any good pdf's floating around on basic network theory? I read an article in some bigshot science magazine that was on my research advisor's desk on it, seemed really fun actually.
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  • #13
I would think Real Analysis is less applicable to Physics than ODE's, I think they are pretty much indispensable.
  • #14
cristo said:
My tip: Don't be so blase about your English class. The ability to write well is an incredibly important skill that many science students completely overlook.

Cristo has you are a UK national I'm guessing you've never never had the pleasure of taking a course in the US system? Little can you understand the inanity of some of the classes we are forced to take to get a Bachelors of SCIENCE. English classes here tend to be less about the mechanics of writing and more about serving as a platform for the Professors( and this term is used lightly) political and social views. Hilariously, they also try to sneak in the idea that the class will serve in developing your "critical thinking" skills. At my school this is particularly amplified as it is, in general, more gear to these liberal artsy, "Critical Analysis of Late 18th Century Northern New England Literary Women and their impact on the Industrial Revolution" type garbage.

I just really can't muster a lot of respect for that world and really kind of wish that the STEM education system was completely cut off from the Liberal Arts/Business/Soft Majors, as they are two completely different worlds. I enjoyed someone else's post awhile back as they mentioned in nearly all those area you can more or less fudge your knowledge and get by, usually by writing Postmodern-esque paper as the example titled above.

But I'm off on a rant now so, please continue the regularly scheduled thread...
  • #15
-Computational Heat Transfer
-Thermal Energy Transport

The majority of my time won't be spent on classes, it will be spent on TA responsibilities and my thesis.
  • #16

1. Political Science (annoying core class...)
2. Linear Algebra I - using Strang's book
3. Analysis I/Advanced Calculus I - using Rudin and Wade
4. Modern Algebra I - using Fraleigh and I'll supplement with the giant Dover book by Warner
5. The Putnam Challenge - prep class for the exam; very excited about this one
6. E&M - standard intro class to E&M using University Physics by Young and Freedman


Are you guys as excited about this Fall as I am?
  • #17
Oh, you math nerds. :-p
  • #18
Newtime said:


Are you guys as excited about this Fall as I am?

Indeed I am very excited as this semester will bridge the gap for me between Intro Level courses and upper level. I'm also taking on more a load than I have in the past.
  • #19
sciboinkhobbes said:
1. Does anyone have any recommendations for someone just getting starting to scratch the surface of QM? Texts, materials, videos, anything that would help me immerse myself a bit? Same with E&M II?
For QM I like Zettili, which is particularly good if you prefer a more mathematically rigorous approach. In terms of EM, my reference text is Grant & Philips, not sure how good it would be as a course text though.
  • #20
lubuntu said:
Indeed I am very excited as this semester will bridge the gap for me between Intro Level courses and upper level. I'm also taking on more a load than I have in the past.

That's what she said :blushing:

sry couldn't pass that up

Yeah I'm pretty excited too, mainly because my house is way too chill for my tastes. Its nice at first but it gets boring. Ready to get back to work hard play hard...cant wait to outdrink all the freshies at orientation.
  • #21
Man, I wish I can be a college student already :cry:
  • #22
thrill3rnit3 said:
Man, I wish I can be a college student already :cry:

Hah, you'll get there. I remember being in your position and I'll just tell you that your first time you're in your school's library to study for an extended period of time, you'll look up from one of your texts and just think "this is so damn cool," and the wait will have been totally worth it. Or at least, that's what happened to me. I love being able to learn as much as I want with next to zero real obligations other than that. Geez I can't wait to get back to school...
  • #23
thrill3rnit3 said:
Man, I wish I can be a college student already :cry:

I wish I could be a college student again. :cry:
  • #24
lubuntu said:
Cristo has you are a UK national I'm guessing you've never never had the pleasure of taking a course in the US system? Little can you understand the inanity of some of the classes we are forced to take to get a Bachelors of SCIENCE. English classes here tend to be less about the mechanics of writing and more about serving as a platform for the Professors( and this term is used lightly) political and social views. Hilariously, they also try to sneak in the idea that the class will serve in developing your "critical thinking" skills. At my school this is particularly amplified as it is, in general, more gear to these liberal artsy, "Critical Analysis of Late 18th Century Northern New England Literary Women and their impact on the Industrial Revolution" type garbage.

I just really can't muster a lot of respect for that world and really kind of wish that the STEM education system was completely cut off from the Liberal Arts/Business/Soft Majors, as they are two completely different worlds. I enjoyed someone else's post awhile back as they mentioned in nearly all those area you can more or less fudge your knowledge and get by, usually by writing Postmodern-esque paper as the example titled above.

But I'm off on a rant now so, please continue the regularly scheduled thread...

Speaking as a US college student at a moderately-sized public university, I'm afraid I'm going to have to agree with Cristo here - although I see where you're coming from as well, Lubuntu.

As a freshman, I took an orientation course taught by various physics faculty in my department, and the one aspect stood out to me. A particularly well-published and distinguished professor asked the class how many students loved physics, and all raised their hands. He then asked how many loved math; most, but not all hands went up. He then asked how many enjoyed writing, and only two students raised their hands again. He stated that the students who raised their hands for all three would likely be successful in the sciences, because the loves of science and math, and the ability to write well, are indispensable traits for those desiring to go into research (think grad applications, grant proposals, papers, etc.)

Now, it is not necessarily true that "Critical Analysis of Late 18th Century Northern New England Literary Women and their impact on the Industrial Revolution" is going to help you pass Calc III, neither will it necessarily help you get some fellowship. Yet, it never hurt to be well-read in various disciplines; the more you read, the better your writing becomes. Select an English course that sounds at least somewhat interesting to you, and plan to succeed and improve your skills in it. Avoid the professors who are pushing their political platforms or ideologies; by talking with a few English majors or browsing professor ratings online, you may get a better idea of who to avoid and who to actually learn from. I won't deny that English classes can range from respectable to completely bogus (probably an experience you've previously suffered through) - but the good ones are worth their while.

Having multiple English major roommates in the past, I can safely say that those who work diligently and passionately in their fields are just as respectable and intelligent as those in the sciences. There is a distinction between the extraneous fluff (postmodern fudging), and honest-to-goodness writing prowess/critical reading ability, and the latter really does prove to be an incredibly useful and admirable skill.

Also! If no English classes whatsoever interest you, you may want to consider a scientific/technical writing course, if your university offers it. Speaking to an adviser about substituting such a course may spare you some undue pain and tedious fluff.
  • #25
Hootenanny said:
For QM I like Zettili, which is particularly good if you prefer a more mathematically rigorous approach. In terms of EM, my reference text is Grant & Philips, not sure how good it would be as a course text though.

Wow, both of those recommendations sound fantastic - thank you!
  • #26
1) Modern Algebra I - Dummit & Foote

2) Advanced Calculus I (Real Analysis) - Probably Rudin's PMA

3) Complex Variables - No idea what text.

4) Philosophy Of Religion - Professor's own textbook, among others.

5) Asian Philosophy - Several books.Questions
1) I was wondering: how beneficial do you think learning from multiple textbooks is? In particular, would it be worth it to purchase or borrow Artin's textbook to supplement Dummit & Foote?

2) As a math major who wants to go to grad school, what is your opinion on double majoring in philosophy purely out of interest? I find philosophy courses to be quite enlightening and a welcome change of pace, regardless of applicability.

3) The Algebra and Analysis sequences are cross listed as both upper division undergrad and first year Masters courses. Does anyone have advice for how to best take both concurrently?
  • #27
sciboinkhobbes said:
Speaking as a US college student at a moderately-sized public university, I'm afraid I'm going to have to agree with Cristo here - although I see where you're coming from as well, Lubuntu.

As a freshman, I took an orientation course taught by various physics faculty in my department, and the one aspect stood out to me. A particularly well-published and distinguished professor asked the class how many students loved physics, and all raised their hands. He then asked how many loved math; most, but not all hands went up. He then asked how many enjoyed writing, and only two students raised their hands again. He stated that the students who raised their hands for all three would likely be successful in the sciences, because the loves of science and math, and the ability to write well, are indispensable traits for those desiring to go into research (think grad applications, grant proposals, papers, etc.)

Now, it is not necessarily true that "Critical Analysis of Late 18th Century Northern New England Literary Women and their impact on the Industrial Revolution" is going to help you pass Calc III, neither will it necessarily help you get some fellowship. Yet, it never hurt to be well-read in various disciplines; the more you read, the better your writing becomes. Select an English course that sounds at least somewhat interesting to you, and plan to succeed and improve your skills in it. Avoid the professors who are pushing their political platforms or ideologies; by talking with a few English majors or browsing professor ratings online, you may get a better idea of who to avoid and who to actually learn from. I won't deny that English classes can range from respectable to completely bogus (probably an experience you've previously suffered through) - but the good ones are worth their while.

Having multiple English major roommates in the past, I can safely say that those who work diligently and passionately in their fields are just as respectable and intelligent as those in the sciences. There is a distinction between the extraneous fluff (postmodern fudging), and honest-to-goodness writing prowess/critical reading ability, and the latter really does prove to be an incredibly useful and admirable skill.

Also! If no English classes whatsoever interest you, you may want to consider a scientific/technical writing course, if your university offers it. Speaking to an adviser about substituting such a course may spare you some undue pain and tedious fluff.

Agreed, however my point is that at least at my university these courses really offer no such thing. Grant if there we a pure writing course I would be glad to take, but these courses have a way of becoming something, well, different.
  • #28
Numerical Analysis
Vector Calculus and Complex Variables
Intro to Sky and Solar System
Intro to Stars and Galaxy

How is Vector Calculus at 5720 course number? Why did I have to speak with someone from the math department to get approval for vector calc? I don't quite know what to expect with this...I've found that Kreyszig's Advanced Engineering Mathematics was used a few years ago for this course. I purchased the book and it seemed to be on the same level as what I had in Calc III at a different University.

Why can't I get into a f'n physics class? I went back to school because I wanted to attend physics grad school...now I'm at 500 level in math courses and taking intro to sky and solar system in physics. My only physics course is Modern Physics at this point. *This is actually my fault. I have had to transfer because my wife graduate from Dental school and she is joining a practice in a different area, so I had a "pick from the leftovers" registration time...and of course Physics classes 20% PAST full...Math courses...plenty of room.*

Finally...am I going to like Numerical Analysis because it is something I can use in a practical manner for physics? Or will it be as boring as I've been told it is?
I'm actually looking forward to it...hope I'm not disappointed.
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  • #29
Intro to Sky and Solar System? what a bizarre name for a class!
  • #30
I'm an EE, starting my senior year-

- Digital Signal Processing
- Control Theory
- Random Variables
- Senior Project (Doing a FPGA-based speaker identification system)
- Linear Algebra 2 (from Axler)

I'm particularly excited about working on my senior project, as it touches on elements from almost every EE course I've taken during undergrad.
  • #31
lubuntu said:
Intro to Sky and Solar System? what a bizarre name for a class!

The structure is even more bizarre...It's a prerequisite for an astronomy minor, but the class looks like a general student, math-free course. I'm guessing they just didn't have enough courses to warrant a minor and lumped these onto the program?
  • #32
General Physics 2
Calculus 3
Microeconomics (stupid gen ed requirement)
Speech communication (another stupid gen ed)

Last semester at junior college, I get to transfer to a university in the spring semester. Luckily, when I transfer, practically all of my gen ed requirements will be over with.
  • #33
advanced lab <- last physics class ever! so happy
advanced calc 1 - baby rudin
intro to abstract alg - hungerford
dis differential geometry - ?
spanish 3 - ?
  • #34
Grad student now, so I only need to take one class, as well as research. Probably going to be radiation processes and gas dynamics (astrophysics). Might take QFT as well.
  • #35
- Mechanics of Solids
- Thermodynamics
- Systems Analysis
- Engineering Experimentation + Lab
- Intro to Pro Engineer
- Some G.E.'s
- Circuits Lab

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