Experiments Proving Electromagnetic Waves are Real

In summary: Kinetic energy when the ball is pushed off the step. The EM wave "ball" sits at the top of a step, at the bottom of the step there is an electron. The EM wave "ball" has no obvious energy (it just sits there), but it has, it has potental energy because it converts to...the energy of motion of the electron when the "ball" falls off the step.In summary, an electromagnetic wave is a type of wave that can be observed through various experiments, such as diffraction patterns and interference. It is a spatial and temporal oscillation of the electric and magnetic fields and can be thought of as a wave of potential energy. This concept was first demonstrated in Young's double slit experiment in
  • #36

the question of what is actually oscillating is moot. it follows all the same laws. that is all that really matters.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #37

the FIELD of a single photon extends 1/2 wavelength to the side. that's not the same as saying that the displacement is 1/2 wavelength.
  • #38

jtbell said:
I think most physicists take the view that E- and B- fields are "real" in some sense, and exist independently of the real or imaginary test charges that we use for observing them. It's also possible to take the view that the fields are merely mathematical devices for simplifying the calculation of what is ultimately a complicated "action at a distance" of some kind. It's impossible to distinguish between these two interpretations experimentally, so the choice is a matter of personal preference and philosophy, and depends on exactly what one means by "real." People can and do debate such things endlessly. I get bored with it pretty quickly, myself. :smile:
Okey, if we on the border to philosophy, then I think I'm satisfied with my understanding so far. Maybe what disturbs me is how to interpret the word "transverse waves". Longitudinal and transverse should be reserved for positional displacement, as we talked about here. Since no displacement occurs for EM waves, that kind of waves ought not to be called that. They are more like continuous pulses of some sort. But I don't know the exact definition of the word transverse really.

jtbell said:
If you have problems like this with the classical electromagnetic field, just wait until you get to quantum mechanics! In the Quantum Physics forum, people go at each other with hammer and tongs over questions of interpretation. :biggrin:

LOL! :smile: That day, that sorrow, as we say in Sweden...
  • #39

The E vector, at the point, points upwards and downwards, rather than forwards and backwards. Think of that as "defining" the E as transverse. It's a wave because, if you plot the magnitude of E against time, you get a wave-like pattern.

Check the first section of:

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Field_(physics )

To get some not-too-philosophical stuff on the reality of the field (quotes from Wheeler and Feynman!)
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  • #41

granpa said:
the FIELD of a single photon extends 1/2 wavelength to the side. that's not the same as saying that the displacement is 1/2 wavelength.
Hm... Need to think about that. I thought we were talking about field strength here at different points on the x-axis. Photons are too advanced for me to understand by now, I leave that for now, probably come back to that later...

mal4mac said:
Check the first section of:
To get some not-too-philosophical stuff on the reality of the field (quotes from Wheeler and Feynman!)
Interesting! :smile:
(It's the forum software which strips the closing parenthesis from the URL.)
  • #42

Mårten, I think the most concrete you might get with electromagnetic waves is to consider a very low frequency, so that you have a very slowly changing field--so slowly that the electric and magnetic fields are nearly fix.

It should be clear that if you put a compass needle in the field it will align itself transverse (or perpendicular) to the direction of propagation, and repeatedly reverse direction. A test charge will have upon it a force exerted in the other transverse direction.

I recall in my freshman year that there were a few who didn't take well to the idea of transverse waves, while the rest of us blissfully took them on faith. If it helps, they don't persist in other mathematical models.


the FIELD of a single photon extends 1/2 wavelength to the side.

That's not actually true, I am afraid, but your references to shear waves in solid media,were well taken.
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  • #43

Phrak said:
That's not actually true, I am afraid, but your references to shear waves in solid media,were well taken.

well I may well be expressing it wrong but it is a fact that a photon can't get through a lattice of wires spread 1 wavelength apart.
  • #44

if you consider how electrons oscillating in an antenna produce a radio wave I would think that the EM wave is not actually produced directly at the antenna itself but rather it is produced in the space immediately surrounding it (by the expanding and collapsing electric and magnetic fields which are out of phase with the moving electrons). so I suppose that the reverse process of absorbing the EM wave doesn't actually require the wave to strike the antenna directly. I suppose its absorbed by the field that immediately surrounds the antenna that is produced by the oscilating electrons inside the antenna itself.

so perhaps the photon doesn't extend 1/2 wavelength to each side after all. (of course, being a wave, it will tend to spread out)

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