Tangent vector to curve - notational confusion.

In summary, there are different ways to identify a tangent vector to a curve on a manifold, but they all involve a linear vector space and some kind of equivalence class. The specific expression used may depend on the author and their preferred notation, but they all ultimately represent the same concept.
  • #1
center o bass
Given a curve ##\gamma: I \to M## where ##I\subset \mathbb{R}## and ##M## is a manifold, the tangent vector to the curve at ##\gamma(0) = p \in M## is defined in some modern differential geomtery texts to be the differential operator
$$V_{\gamma(0)}= \gamma_* \left(\frac{d}{dt}\right)_{t=0}.$$
However, quite often when I read differential geometry texts I encounter expressions like
$$V_{\gamma(0)}= \left(\frac{d}{dt}\right)_{t=0} \gamma(t).$$

What is the meaning of the latter expression, and what is the relation between the two?

The only relation I can think of is that in a coordinate chart ##(U,\phi)## on ##M## and for ##f \in C(M)## we have
$$V_{\gamma(0)}f= \gamma_* \left(\frac{d}{dt}\right)_{t=0}f = \left(\frac{d}{dt}\right)_{t=0} f\circ \gamma(t) = \left(\frac{d}{dt}\right)_{t=0} f\circ \phi^{-1} \circ (\phi \circ \gamma(t)) = \frac{dx^\mu}{dt}(\gamma(0)) \left(\frac{\partial}{\partial x^\mu}\right)_{x^\mu(\gamma(0))} f\circ \phi^{-1}$$
where I have defined ##\phi\circ \gamma(t) = x^\mu(\gamma(t))##. Is the latter expression only meant to be a shorthand for
$$V_{\gamma(0)} = \frac{dx^\mu}{dt}(\gamma(0)) \left(\phi^{-1}_*\frac{\partial}{\partial x^\mu}\right)_{\gamma(0)}?$$
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  • #2
I think the books are just making different identifications with the tangent vector. Any 1-1 isomorphism between a linear vector space will do. The first expression is when the books identify a tangent vector as a direction derivative operator on smooth functions on the manifold. One can easily prove that the directional derivative operators form a linear vector space over the real (complex) numbers.

The second one is identifying the tangent vector with a literal tangent to a curve. This is basically identifying the vector with the actual n-tuple of numbers this derivative will produce once you have an arbitrary chart defined around ##\gamma(0)##. Since the numbers themselves depend on the chart, but the actual tangency conditions do not, then one identifies a tangent vector with an equivalence class of these such tangents (if the derivatives of two different curves are equal at point ##\gamma(0)## with respect to one chart, they will be equal with respect to all well defined charts there).

One can also identify the tangent vector as an equivalence class of curves even. As long as one can make a 1-1 isomorphism, and prove that the underlying class of objects behaves as linear vectors over the real (complex) numbers, one is free to make any identification one wishes.

FAQ: Tangent vector to curve - notational confusion.

1. What is a tangent vector to a curve?

A tangent vector to a curve is a vector that is tangent to the curve at a specific point. It represents the instantaneous direction of the curve at that point.

2. What is the difference between a tangent vector and a tangent line?

A tangent vector is a vector that represents the direction of the curve at a specific point, while a tangent line is a line that touches the curve at that point and has the same slope as the curve at that point.

3. Why is there confusion around the notation for tangent vectors?

There can be confusion around the notation for tangent vectors because different disciplines and fields may use different notations to represent tangent vectors, such as using an arrow or a prime symbol.

4. How do you calculate the tangent vector to a curve?

The tangent vector to a curve can be calculated using the derivative of the curve at a specific point. The derivative represents the slope of the curve at that point, and the tangent vector will have the same slope and direction.

5. Can a curve have multiple tangent vectors at a single point?

No, a curve can only have one tangent vector at a single point. However, it is possible for a curve to have multiple tangent lines at a single point, each representing a different tangent vector with the same direction but different magnitudes.

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