Absolute simultaneity with Einstein synchronized clocks?

In summary: The observer R' moves with constant speed V in the positive direction of the OX axis. When a light signal is emitted from the origin O, the clock C0 (0) reading t=0 is in the inertial reference frame I. When the light signal arrives at the location of R', the clock C0 reads t=x/(1+V/c). The clocks C0 and C are standard synchronized.
  • #1
1. Absolute simultaneity with standard synchronized clocks
In an one space dimensions approach we propose the following scenario. At the origin O of the inertial reference frame I we find a clock C0(0) and a source of light S(0). An observer R’ moves with constant speed V in the positive direction of the OX axis. M(a(xa) represents his position when source S emits a light signal in the positive direction of th)e OX axis, clock C0 reading t=0. M represents the location of R’ when the light arrives at the former position of R’ his position being defined by
x=x(a)(1+V/c) (1)
Clock C(x) reads at that very moment
clocks C0 and C being standard synchronized.
It is usual to consider that M(a) represents the apparent position M representing the actual position. (Robert J. Deissler, "The appearance, apparent speed and removal of optical effects for relavitistically moving objects," Am.J.Phys. 73 663 2005)
The event E(x=xa(1+V/c); t=ta(1+V/c)) has when detected from I’ the space-time coordinates
x'=x(a)/g (3)
t'=t(a)/g . (4)
Is there some flow?
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  • #2
The set up seems extremely confused or at least incomplete.

What is “a”
“M(a(xa) “ looks like a typo.

Can we assume x’=0 is where the observer R’ is at on I’
When t=? & t’=? did R’ crossed x=0 sometime before the light flashed.
The light flashes at x=0 t=0; where and when does it go off in the I’ frame.
Since the source could be a point in the I’ frame. Where and when is that I’ frame point, x=? & t= ? when R’ was at x=0.

I don’t know what the question “Is there some flow?” means;
But I don’t see any prospects for setting any form of “Absolute Simultaneity” in this description.
  • #3
I don't think I have ever understood one of Bernard's questions.
  • #4
apparent and actual positions

RandallB said:
The set up seems extremely confused or at least incomplete.

What is “a”
“M(a(xa) “ looks like a typo.

Can we assume x’=0 is where the observer R’ is at on I’
When t=? & t’=? did R’ crossed x=0 sometime before the light flashed.
The light flashes at x=0 t=0; where and when does it go off in the I’ frame.
Since the source could be a point in the I’ frame. Where and when is that I’ frame point, x=? & t= ? when R’ was at x=0.

I don’t know what the question “Is there some flow?” means;
But I don’t see any prospects for setting any form of “Absolute Simultaneity” in this description.
Thanks for your answer. Consider please the following one space dimensions detected from I. A particle moves with constant speed V in the positive direction of the OX axis. x defines its position at t=0 when a light signal is emitted from the origin O (APPARENT POSITION) X defining its position when the light signal arrives at its location. (ACTUAL POSITION). We have
X=x+Vx/c=x(1+V/c) (1)
Let t=x/c and T=X/c be the times when the light signal arrives at the apparent and at the actual positions respectively. The mentioned light signal performs the synchronization of the clocks of I. Performing the Lorentz transformations to the rest frame of the moving particle I'
we obtain
T'=g(T-Vx/c^2)=T[(1-V/c)/(1+V/c)]^1/2=t/g (2)
X'=g(X-VT)=X[(1-V/c)/(1+V/c)]=x/g (3)
Do you consider that (2) and (3) are the transformation equations for the events e(x,x/c) and E(X,X/c) for the space-time coordinates of events associated with the apparent and the actual positions of the same particle? Is (2) an expression for absolute simultaneity (t=0, T'=0)
The inertial reference frames I and I' are in the standard arrangement.

FAQ: Absolute simultaneity with Einstein synchronized clocks?

1. What is the concept of absolute simultaneity with Einstein synchronized clocks?

The concept of absolute simultaneity with Einstein synchronized clocks is a theory proposed by Albert Einstein in his theory of relativity. It suggests that the notion of simultaneous events is relative and depends on the observer's frame of reference. In other words, two events that appear to happen simultaneously to one observer may appear to happen at different times to another observer in a different frame of reference.

2. How does Einstein's theory of relativity challenge the concept of absolute simultaneity?

Einstein's theory of relativity challenges the concept of absolute simultaneity by suggesting that the speed of light is constant for all observers, regardless of their relative motion. This means that time and space are not absolute, but rather are perceived differently by different observers based on their relative speeds.

3. How do Einstein synchronized clocks work?

Einstein synchronized clocks work by using the principle of time dilation. In this process, a clock is placed in a moving frame of reference and is compared to a stationary clock. Due to the effects of relativity, the moving clock will appear to tick slower than the stationary clock. By adjusting the speed of the moving clock, it can be synchronized with the stationary clock and appear to tick at the same rate.

4. Is absolute simultaneity with Einstein synchronized clocks a proven concept?

While Einstein's theory of relativity has been extensively tested and confirmed, the concept of absolute simultaneity with Einstein synchronized clocks is still a topic of debate among scientists. Some argue that it goes against the principle of relativity, while others suggest that it may be possible to measure the absolute passage of time using advanced technology.

5. What are the implications of the concept of absolute simultaneity with Einstein synchronized clocks?

The concept of absolute simultaneity has significant implications in the fields of physics and cosmology. It challenges our understanding of time and space and has led to groundbreaking discoveries, such as the concept of time dilation and the theory of the expanding universe. It also has practical applications, such as in the development of GPS technology which relies on the accurate synchronization of clocks across different frames of reference.

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