Question on the expansion of space

In summary, the conversation discusses the expansion of space and its implications for the nature of space itself. The main question is about the theories and descriptions put forward by cosmologists and physicists regarding the expansion of space at the smallest dimensions. One theory suggests that dark energy is a result of imperfect annihilations from the quantum foam, with the expansion of the universe resulting in an increase in dark energy. This has led to dark energy becoming the dominant component of Omega, with matter becoming a smaller portion.
  • #1
My apologies if this is too simplistic or poorly phrased of a question. I am trying to get a better handle on what the observed expansion of space implies about the nature of space itself.

My basic question is: What are the mainstream theories and descriptions that cosmologists and physicists have put forward with respect to what might be occurring at the smallest dimensions of space that is undergoing expansion?

Am I correct to think that as galaxies and clusters of galaxies recede from one another with this expansion of space, this implies that over time there is increasingly "more space” existing between / among them. If so, then where does this new “more space” emerge from? If space at the smallest dimensions involves Planck-length “quanta”, then what is the thinking about where these new “quanta” of space come from to account for the “more space” between galaxies and clusters associated with the expanding universe?

I’ve read a little bit about quantum foam and loop quantum gravity (I do mean a little bit) but haven’t seen anything that ties those descriptions of space at these smallest dimensions to the expansion of space at the cosmological levels. Thanks in advance to those of you more versed in these things for any insights you can provide.

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  • #2
One theory suggests that dark energy is a result of imperfect annihilations from the 'quantum foam'. Since the quantum foam expands with the expansion of the Universe, the larger the Universe, the greater the dark energy contribution becomes from these imperfect annihilations. In other words, the bigger space gets, the more dark energy it creates, and the more dark energy it creates, the bigger space gets, whence the Universe's acceleration. Note that just after the BB, the Universe was dominated by matter and dark energy was a tiny fraction of Omega. Today dark energy is the dominant portion of Omega (DE=0.73, Matter=0.27). Clearly, in the future, DE will increase its share of the Omega pie as space expands, and Matter will become a tiny sliver.

FAQ: Question on the expansion of space

1. What is the expansion of space?

The expansion of space refers to the continuous process of the universe expanding over time. This expansion is believed to have started with the Big Bang and is continuing to occur at an accelerating rate.

2. How is the expansion of space measured?

The expansion of space is measured through various methods, including the observation of distant galaxies and their redshift, the measurement of the cosmic microwave background radiation, and the use of standard candles such as Type Ia supernovae. These measurements all provide evidence of the expansion of space.

3. Is the expansion of space the same as objects moving away from each other?

No, the expansion of space is not the same as objects moving away from each other. In fact, the expansion of space can cause objects that are not in motion to appear to be moving away from each other due to the stretching of space between them.

4. Does the expansion of space affect our daily lives?

The expansion of space occurs on a very large scale and does not directly affect our daily lives. However, it does have implications for the future of the universe and the potential fate of our own galaxy.

5. Can the expansion of space ever stop or reverse?

There is currently no evidence to suggest that the expansion of space will ever stop or reverse. In fact, it is believed that the expansion will continue to accelerate due to a mysterious force known as dark energy. However, this is still an area of ongoing research and our understanding of the expansion of space may change in the future.

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