Want to learn more about Delta Function and Generalized Function

In summary, the conversation discusses the difficulty in understanding the mathematical foundation of Fourier transform and discrete time Fourier transform, particularly when it comes to the existence and resulting delta function. The individual is seeking resources to study generalized functions and asks for recommendations on books and necessary background knowledge. A suggested book for this purpose is "Fourier Analysis and its Applications" by Gerald Folland. The conversation also briefly touches on the relationship between the Dirac delta function and Fourier transform, and provides an example of FT not being continuous due to a non-square integrable function.
  • #1
I am reading a electrical engineering book about digital signal processing, in the process, those Fourier transform and discrete time Fourier transform of constant and the exponential function lead to the delta function. I understand how to manipulate them formally, but I have serious trouble with them in terms of their mathematical foundation, such as why the DTFT "exist" (which definitely doesn't converge in the usual sense) and result in the delta function. I was told I need the theory of generalized function, which I have no background. I want to find some books or online lecture notes or resources to study them myself. Can anyone point me to the easiest way to study them rigorously without too big a detour to other area of mathematics?
I have undergraduate analysis as well as some measure theory background. Please let me know what else I need to understand generalized functions, and what books would be best for this purpose. Thank you.
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  • #2
A truly outstanding (but still rigorous) introduction to distributions is chapter 9, Generalized functions, from the book Fourier Analysis and its Applications by Gerald Folland.

  • #3
Hi, chingkui!
In: https://www.physicsforums.com/showthread.php?t=73447, I've commented on how we can make sense of the Dirac delta function, in particular how we can construct an integral representation of what the Dirac function(al) "does to" a function.
The treatment is fairly rigorous, but it does not explicitly define generalized functions/distributions or delve too much into these topics.

It should, however, be sufficient in showing that there is some sense in the Dirac delta function after all..
  • #4
Dirac delta is a functional (function acting on function and giving the argument of the entry function as result), but FT is an operator, function->function. I remember that sometimes there are funny things with FT, for example radial part of Coulomb potential FT :
[tex]|FT[1/r]=\int_0^\infty \frac{e^{ikr}}{r}r^2dr=\frac{r}{ik}e^{ikr}|_{r=0}^\infty-\frac{1}{ik}\int_0^\infty e^{ikr}[/tex]
by parts...the first term is infinite, and the second not defined.
However if you take a Yukawa potential and redo it :
[tex]FT[\frac{e^{-\alpha r}}{r}]=\int_0^\infty\frac{e^{(ik-\alpha)}r}{r}r^2dr=\frac{r}{ik-\alpha}e^{(ik-\alpha)r}|_{r=0}^\infty-\frac{1}{ik-\alpha}\int_0^\infty e^{ik-\alpha}rdr\rightarrow_{\alpha\rightarrow 0}\frac{-1}{k^2}[/tex]
Hence [tex]lim_{\alpha->0}FT[\frac{e^{-\alpha r}}{r}]\neq FT[\frac{1}{r}][/tex]...we could believe FT is hence not continuous...but it is because the Coulomb potential is not a square inegrable (L^2)...

FAQ: Want to learn more about Delta Function and Generalized Function

1. What is a delta function and how is it different from a regular function?

A delta function, also known as a Dirac delta function, is a mathematical concept used in the field of generalized functions. It is not a traditional function, but rather a distribution that represents a point mass at a specific point. This means that it is zero everywhere except at the point where it is defined, where it is considered to have infinite height. This is different from a regular function, which is defined at all points and can have varying values.

2. What is the purpose of using delta functions and generalized functions?

Delta functions and generalized functions are used in mathematics and physics to model and solve problems that involve point sources or discontinuous functions. They also allow for the manipulation of difficult integrals and differential equations, making them useful tools in many areas of scientific research.

3. How is a delta function defined and what are its properties?

A delta function is typically defined as a limit of a sequence of functions that become increasingly concentrated around a specific point. Its properties include being odd, having a total integral of one, and being zero everywhere except at the point where it is defined. It also satisfies the sifting property, which states that when integrated with a function, it picks out the value of the function at the point where the delta function is defined.

4. Can delta functions be used in higher dimensions?

Yes, delta functions can be defined and used in multiple dimensions. In one dimension, the delta function is represented by a spike at a specific point. In two dimensions, it is represented by a surface of infinite height and zero thickness at a specific point, and in three dimensions, it is represented by a volume of infinite height and zero thickness at a specific point.

5. Are there any applications of delta functions and generalized functions in real-world problems?

Yes, delta functions and generalized functions have many applications in real-world problems, particularly in physics and engineering. They are used to model point sources, such as electric charges and gravitational masses, in fields such as electromagnetism and gravitation. They are also used in signal processing, image processing, and quantum mechanics, among others.

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