Green identity, poisson equation.

In summary,We are discussing the Poisson equation, which states that \phi is a scalar function from R^n to R and satisfies the equation \nabla^2 \phi=-\dfrac{\rho}{\varepsilon_0}. We want to calculate the integral \int \phi \nabla^2 \phi \,dV and use Green's first identity to get \oint_S \phi \nabla \phi d\vec A -\int |\nabla \phi|^2 dV, where S is a closed surface. This integral is important for calculating electrostatic potential energy, which is equal to -\dfrac{\varepsilon_0}{2}\int \phi \
  • #1
Suppose [tex]\phi[/tex] is a scalar function: [tex]R^n\to R[/tex], and it satisfies the Poisson equation:
[tex]\nabla^2 \phi=-\dfrac{\rho}{\varepsilon_0}[/tex]

Now I want to calculate the following integral:
[tex]\int \phi \nabla^2 \phi \,dV[/tex]
So using Greens first identity I get:
[tex]\int \phi \nabla^2 \phi \,dV = \oint_S \phi \nabla \phi d\vec A -\int |\nabla \phi|^2 dV [/tex]
Where S is some closed surface.
Now when we are calculating the electrostatic potential energy, we have to calculate exactly this integral, but we know the end, that:
[tex]W=-\dfrac{\varepsilon_0}{2}\int \phi \nabla^2 \phi \,dV =\dfrac{\varepsilon_0}{2}\int |\nabla \phi|^2 dV [/tex]

So what I am wondering is why will, this be true:
[tex]\oint_S \phi \nabla \phi d\vec A=0[/tex]
If [tex]\phi[/tex] satisfies the Poisson equation??
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  • #2
No worries, I figured it out :D
  • #3
Thaakisfox said:
No worries, I figured it out :D
Hallo Thaakisfox
I don't and didn't worry, thought you did. Are you able to explain the :D you figured out?
greetings Janm
  • #4
Hello JANm.

Been a while since I posted this lol

The main thing is that since we are integrating over the whole space the closure surface is at infinity, and since the potential vanishes (this is how we choose it) in infinity the surface integral itself is zero.
  • #5
Thaakisfox said:
Been a while since I posted this lol
The main thing is that since we are integrating over the whole space the closure surface is at infinity, and since the potential vanishes (this is how we choose it) in infinity the surface integral itself is zero.
Hello Thaakisfox
to start with what is a lol. Secondly I'm interested in: aren't you a believer of finite space theories?
greetings Janm
  • #6
Could you be a bit more clear, on what you mean to ask by that?

A lol means "laughing out loud"...
  • #7
You say closure surface is at infinity. The primordial Hoyle family says that isn't necessary, or yet some sort of impossible. Space is curved it is started at one point at one moment and three seconds later a finite blast fills and is a finite yet expanding universe...
  • #8
Hi , I have a question, the example I am working on i got a potential [tex]\phi(r)[/tex]
Now, when i calculate the total energy of the system, witht he integral over all space, should i change my result to smth like [tex]\phi(x,y,z)[/tex] and then perform the integral from -oo to +oo in all the variables? ..or is it fine to calculate the integral in sferical coordinates...with integral limits of the form (0,+oo)x(0,2[tex]\pi[/tex])x(0,[tex]\pi[/tex])?
should i cnlude the jacobian (|J|=[tex]r^{2} sin(\vartheta)[/tex]) in the calculation?
Thanks in advance
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  • #9
LuisVela said:
Hi , I have a question, the example I am working on i got a potential [tex]\phi(r)[/tex]
Hello LuisVela
Found something for you written by Maxwell: If the potential is a function of r the potential equation becomes d^2V/dr^2+2dV/(rdr)=0 he calculates this with the example of two concentric spheres.
Try to calculate the solution to the diffential equation. When volume integration is needed I think the surface differential looks like:
dS=4 pi r^2 dr
Greetings Janm
  • #10
Hello JANm.
I know what you mean by that. But i got the potential using Gauss law, so i actually didnt use Laplace equation, but as i understand, the two methods are equivalent, and when symmetry is present Gauss law is way cheaper to use, than laplace/poisson equation. So i thing i don't need to find the potential again, but thanks for the advice
What i had on mind was this... when they write down:
W=\dfrac{1}{2}\int_{all space} \rho \phi dV
should [tex]\rho[/tex] and/or [tex]\phi[/tex] be calculated in cartesian coordinates only, and then perform the substitution to spherical using [tex]dv=4 \pi r^2[/tex] ?
or should i just argue that ''all space'' is reached by integrating [tex]\rho(r)\cdot \phi(r)[/tex] from [tex]r=0[/tex] to [tex]r=\infty[/tex] .
...Its quite frustraiting because is kinda complicated to explain.

One more thing. The integral is over all space, or over the boundaries of ''all space''?..i mean, why did you say ''surface '' differential ?
  • #11
Hello Luisvela
Something is wrong with the security on my computer. Written a hell of a reply to you but it vanished...
What is the volume of a sphere with radius a it the integral of 4 * pi *r^2 dr from r=0 until r=a. I hope you can get 4*pi *a^3 /3 out of that? So volume integrating over a radial function no difference in centigrade or lattitude is the easier way to make a volume integral than over x in some interval and y over some interval and z over some interval. That is my point...
greetings Janm

FAQ: Green identity, poisson equation.

1. What is green identity?

Green identity, also known as Green's first identity, is a mathematical tool used in the study of differential equations. It relates the integral of a function over a certain region to the function and its derivatives evaluated at the boundaries of that region.

2. How is green identity used in solving the Poisson equation?

The Poisson equation is a partial differential equation that describes the relationship between a function and its Laplacian. Green identity is used to convert this equation into an integral form, making it easier to solve by using Green's function.

3. What is the significance of the Poisson equation in physics?

The Poisson equation has many applications in physics, particularly in electrostatics and fluid mechanics. It is used to describe the behavior of electric and gravitational fields, as well as the flow of fluids in various systems.

4. Can Green's identity be extended to more dimensions?

Yes, Green's identity can be extended to higher dimensions. In three dimensions, it is known as the Divergence theorem, and in two dimensions, it is known as Green's theorem. These identities have similar properties and are used in the study of more complex systems.

5. How does Green's identity relate to the concept of boundary conditions?

Green's identity is closely related to boundary conditions as it involves evaluating a function and its derivatives at the boundaries of a region. Boundary conditions are specific constraints that must be satisfied at the boundaries of a system, and Green's identity helps to incorporate these conditions into the mathematical solution of a problem.

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