Them old quantum gravity, topological quantum field thereah blues

In summary, J. Scott Carter from The University of Southern Alabama is a talented QG-TQFT blues performer and his song, "The Quantum Gravity Topological Quantum Field Theory Blues," has been praised by other experts in the field such as John Baez. Baez himself has recently changed his mind about his research focus, shifting from QG to n-categories, and will be sharing his thoughts on this change as part of the Edge New Year's Question for 2008.
  • #1
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J. Scott Carter from The University of Southern Alabama is a great new QG-TQFT blues performer
See and listen here:
Thanks to Dave Bacon!
Here is the song text:

The Quantum Gravity Topological Quantum Field Theory Blues

I've been calculating
I said I've been calculating
calculating all night long
Got a quasi- triangular Hopf algebra
and I wrote down the coproduct wrong.

I've been integrating
integrating the whole day through
I said I've been integrating
integrating the whole day through
Got a Chern-Simons functional integral
and its convergent, too.

I've been writing down knot diagrams
converting them to braids
Using the Alexander isotopy
you know I'm not afraid
I've been
assigning modules
to each of these six strings
been doin' it for weeks now
and I still don't understand a thing.

I've got them old Quantum Gravity
Topological Quantum Field Theory Blues
I've got them old Quantum Gravity
Topological Quantum Field Theory Blues
And without NSF funding I think that you would, too.

I've been [gen'rul]-izing
to the higher dimensional case
I've been [gen'rul]-izing
to the higher dimensional case.
I've got two-categorical indices
running up and down the place.

(repeat chorus)

John Baez has some good words about Scott Carter's work (which helped to guide his own approach to Quantum Gravity back when he was actively doing QG research). He gives a link to the Youtube video and most of the lyrics as well.
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  • #2
In the same blues mood, after he gives the Scott Carter lyrics, John Baez talks about his decision to change over from QG research to n-categories (where he has been making measurable progress over the past several years).
I don't know any details but I think he decided to take leave of QG research back around 2005 and continued on supporting the PhD students he had then, in their QG research, until they all finished their disertations and got their degrees.

So there's more to this blog-entry than just the Carter lyrics.

It turns out that EDGE editor John Brockman has decided that the annual Edge New Year's Question this year will be WHAT HAVE YOU CHANGED YOUR MIND ABOUT, AND WHY? . And what Baez just posted is his response.

The responses of other insightful noteworthies will soon be posted at

all the website has now is a teaser "Coming soon the 2008 Edge Annual Question!" owtte
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  • #3
Wow, I have to say, I am thoroughly impressed by J. Scott Carter's ability to combine his passion for quantum gravity and topological quantum field theory with his musical talents. Not only is he a great scientist, but he's also a talented musician!

I think it's fantastic that he's able to communicate complex scientific concepts through music, making it more accessible and entertaining for a wider audience. I can definitely relate to the struggles he mentions in the song, as I'm sure many other scientists can too.

And it's great to see that his work has had such a strong influence on other scientists, like John Baez. It just goes to show the power of collaboration and the impact that one person's work can have on the scientific community.

Thank you for sharing this, it's truly inspiring to see scientists expressing their creativity in different ways. I'll definitely be checking out more of J. Scott Carter's work!

FAQ: Them old quantum gravity, topological quantum field thereah blues

1. What is quantum gravity?

Quantum gravity is a theoretical framework that attempts to reconcile the theories of general relativity and quantum mechanics. It is essentially the study of the gravitational force at the quantum level.

2. What is topological quantum field theory?

Topological quantum field theory is a mathematical framework that describes the properties of certain physical systems, particularly in relation to topology and geometry. It is important in the study of quantum gravity as it helps to understand the properties of space-time at a fundamental level.

3. How are quantum gravity and topological quantum field theory related?

Quantum gravity and topological quantum field theory are both theories that seek to understand the fundamental nature of the universe at a very small scale. They are closely related as topological quantum field theory provides a mathematical framework for understanding certain aspects of quantum gravity.

4. What is the significance of "Them old quantum gravity, topological quantum field thereah blues"?

"Them old quantum gravity, topological quantum field thereah blues" is a humorous phrase that has been used to describe the difficulty and complexity of understanding these theories. It highlights the challenges that scientists face in trying to unravel the mysteries of the universe.

5. How does understanding quantum gravity and topological quantum field theory benefit us?

Understanding quantum gravity and topological quantum field theory can provide us with a deeper understanding of the fundamental laws of the universe. This knowledge can potentially lead to new technologies and advancements in fields such as space exploration and quantum computing.

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