Inverse Fourier Transform of f(k): Yes

In summary, the conversation discusses the possibility of taking the inverse Fourier transform of a function with a power series expansion. It is mentioned that this can be done using distribution theory, but it comes with certain limitations and caution must be exercised when dealing with dirac functions.
  • #1
Suppose a function f(k) has a power series expansion:

[tex]f(k)=\Sigma a_i k^i [/tex]

Is it possible to inverse Fourier transform any such function?

For example:

[tex]f(k)=\Sigma a_i k^{i+2}\frac{1}{k^2} [/tex]

Since g(k)=1/k^2 should have a well-defined inverse Fourier transform, and the inverse Fourier transform of k*g(k) -> dg(x)/dx [where g(x) is the inverse Fourier transform of g(k)], then inverse Fourier transform of f(k) is an infinite sum of the inverse Fourier transforms of g(k)=1/k^2 and its derivatives d^n[g(x)]/dx^n.
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  • #2
RedX said:
Since g(k)=1/k^2 should have a well-defined inverse Fourier transform,
Woah there. If you want to talk about the Fourier transforms (inverse or otherwise) of polynomials, etc, you'll have to move into distribution theory and all that that entails. In the process, you'll lose the ability to simply multiply "functions" and your second equation will raise hairs all over the place when you come to apply it.

As to your first question, if I remember correctly, the "answer" to your question exists only in the realm of distributions. Specifically, I think your power series has the inverse Fourier transform
F(x)= \sum_n (-i)^n a_n \delta^n (x)

Where [tex]\delta^n(x)[/tex] is the n^th derivative of the Dirac delta function. It's OK to write these as a function so long as you remember that they can never be evaluated; only integrated.

I'll finish by warning you to never, ever divide or multiply any dirac functions by other such. It's not a defined operation.
  • #3
As long as your function is square summable (or square integrable) you can always take the Fourier inverse.
Vignon S. Oussa

FAQ: Inverse Fourier Transform of f(k): Yes

1. What is the Inverse Fourier Transform of f(k)?

The Inverse Fourier Transform of f(k) is a mathematical operation that converts a function from the frequency domain to the time domain. It essentially reconstructs the original function from its complex frequency components.

2. How is the Inverse Fourier Transform of f(k) calculated?

The Inverse Fourier Transform of f(k) is calculated using an integral formula, which involves integrating the function f(k) multiplied by a complex exponential function over the entire range of k. This integral represents the contribution of each frequency component to the original function in the time domain.

3. What is the significance of the Inverse Fourier Transform of f(k)?

The Inverse Fourier Transform of f(k) is significant because it allows us to analyze and understand a signal or function in both the time and frequency domains. This is useful in a wide range of scientific and engineering applications, such as signal processing, image analysis, and quantum mechanics.

4. Can the Inverse Fourier Transform of f(k) be used to solve differential equations?

Yes, the Inverse Fourier Transform of f(k) can be used to solve differential equations. By transforming a differential equation from the time domain to the frequency domain, it can be simplified and solved using algebraic techniques. The solution can then be transformed back to the time domain using the Inverse Fourier Transform.

5. Are there any limitations to using the Inverse Fourier Transform of f(k)?

One limitation of the Inverse Fourier Transform of f(k) is that it requires the function f(k) to be well-behaved, which means it must be continuous and have finite energy. Additionally, the Inverse Fourier Transform may not be unique, meaning that multiple functions can have the same Fourier Transform, making it difficult to determine the original function.

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