Will the Bullet Hit the Monkey If It Doesn't Jump?

  • Thread starter damitr
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In summary, the classical monkey and hunter paradox states that if a hunter shoots at a monkey sitting on a tree top, the monkey will still be hit by the bullet even if it jumps down due to both falling with the same acceleration. However, if the monkey does not jump, the hunter may need to aim slightly higher to hit the target. In a zero-gravity environment, a hunter will hit a stationary target, but on Earth, the bullet will follow a parabolic trajectory and likely miss the target. To get a correct shot, the hunter needs to have the necessary information such as the velocity of the bullet and the height of the target. Alternatively, the hunter can use the practice of "sighting in" to adjust the rifle
  • #1
The classical monkey and the hunter paradox goes something like this :

A monkey sitting on a tree top is aimed at by a hunter. As soon as hunter shoots the monkey jumps down. The bullet hits the monkey even when it has jumped because they both fall with same acceleration viz. g.

My question is:

If the monkey does not jump, will the bullet still hit him?
Does the hunter have to aim a little higher to get the correct shot?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
If a hunter aims at a stationary target in a zero-gravity enviorment, he will hit the target.

If a hunter aims at a stationary target on earth, then the bullet will follow a parabolic descending trajectory, like any falling object; (of course it will be very slight - the forward velocity will at any time be orders of magnitude greater than the downward velocity). Thus he will miss the target - the bullet will have fallen slightly and will hit below target.

Has this answered your questions?
  • #3
The hunter misses the target in gravity, but then how does one get a correct shot?
  • #4
Given the necessary information you can compute the angle needed. What Information do you thing you need?

You can always do it by trial and error. This would correspond to the practice called "sighting in" used by people who shoot rifles.
  • #5
The information needed would be the velocity of the bullet as it leaves the rifle, height at which the monkey is present.

I was unaware of the practice of ''sighting in''. But does that mean an experienced hunter can miss a target, if the location of hunting changes (changing the g value)?
  • #6
In practice, if the target is not far away, the distance over which the bullet falls (as compared to go in a straight line) is rather small.

To give you an idea, assuming the velocity of the bullet is ~1000m/s, and the target is 100 m away, this will take the bullet 0.1 s to reach the target. In 0.1s, it will also fall g t^2/2 = 0.05 m = 5cm.



  • #7
5 cm is quite an high value when the precision is concerned...then how does an shooter who doesn't know any physics will make it..if ofcourse he has 1 shot.
  • #8
heman said:
5 cm is quite an high value when the precision is concerned...then how does an shooter who doesn't know any physics will make it..if ofcourse he has 1 shot.

And he's hunting mice :smile:
  • #9
I've done some shooting and sighting in. Idealy you want to sight in a rifle such that a flat horizontal shot will rise ever so slightly as it leaves the gun. In this manner you can split the inaccuracies to fall either above or below your target depending on the distance. For instance if you sight a 30-30 to hit dead on at ~100 yards then depending on the target distance less than ~100 yards it can hit ~1 inch above or below the intended target. Generally speaking your inaccuracy is half of the bullet fall within the ideal range it is sighted for. Beyond that range accuracy drops off exponentially. Ideal ranges are determined by things such as mussel velocity, loss of velocity due to resistance, bullet rotation, bullet aerodynamics, and windage. 30-30s don't work exactly as expected by the physics for these reasons but generally all rifles are sighted to split the difference for an ideal maximum range.

Oh the question.. Sighted this way if the monkey jumped you miss unless the monkey was outside the intended range of the rifle.
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  • #10
heman said:
5 cm is quite an high value when the precision is concerned...then how does an shooter who doesn't know any physics will make it..if ofcourse he has 1 shot.
A hunter who plans on shooting at things 100 yds away or more must account for the drop, though whether they understand the physics behind it is another matter.

I don't have a lot of experiece with rifles, but I used several when I was in the Navy and all had distance compensation on their open sights. It was precalculated, so all you had to do was dial-in the distance and that raised the rear sight the appropriate amount.
  • #11
my_wan said:
Ideal ranges are determined by things such as mussel velocity...

It is the mussel velocity that always messes me up. By the time I've run down to the beach with a measuring tape and a calendar, and back again, the monkey is invariably gone.
  • #12
DaveC426913 said:
It is the mussel velocity that always messes me up. By the time I've run down to the beach with a measuring tape and a calendar, and back again, the monkey is invariably gone.
:smile: :smile: :smile: Too funny.

FAQ: Will the Bullet Hit the Monkey If It Doesn't Jump?

What is the Monkey and the Hunter Paradox?

The Monkey and the Hunter Paradox is a thought experiment that involves a monkey and a hunter. The monkey is sitting at the top of a tree and the hunter is aiming a gun at the monkey. The paradox lies in the question of whether the monkey will be able to escape the bullet if it is dropped from the hunter's gun at the same time the gun is fired.

What is the significance of the Monkey and the Hunter Paradox?

The Monkey and the Hunter Paradox is often used to illustrate the concept of relative motion and the principles of physics, such as gravity and velocity. It also raises questions about the nature of time and perception.

What is the solution to the Monkey and the Hunter Paradox?

The solution to the paradox is that the monkey will not be able to escape the bullet. This is because the bullet and the monkey are both subject to the same forces of gravity and will therefore fall at the same rate. The monkey may appear to be moving away from the bullet, but this is due to the relative motion between the two objects.

What does the Monkey and the Hunter Paradox teach us about perception?

The Monkey and the Hunter Paradox demonstrates how our perception of events can be influenced by our frame of reference. The hunter and the monkey have different perspectives, but both are experiencing the same physical reality.

Is the Monkey and the Hunter Paradox a real-life scenario?

No, the Monkey and the Hunter Paradox is a thought experiment and does not accurately reflect real-life scenarios. In reality, factors such as air resistance and the trajectory of the bullet would affect the outcome of the situation.

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