If a reaction is not spontaneous is there any of making that reaction occur?

In summary: So I would think that the free energy change for a diamond --> graphite reaction would be greater than for a graphite --> diamond reaction.
  • #1
Ahmed Abdullah
If a reaction is not spontaneous is there any way of making that reaction occur?

Question Details: We know that
del G=del H - T(del S)

if del H is positive and del S is negative then del G is always positive. There is no way of making del G negative. My question is whether such a reaction take place at all (to any extent)?
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Chemistry news on Phys.org
  • #2
Ahmed Abdullah said:
if del H is positive and del S is negative then del G is always positive.

Not true! The changes in enthalpy and entropy refer to a single temperature and pressure. By changing the temperature or pressure, the free energy change will vary and may become negative. An example is the conversion of graphite to diamond. For this reaction (at room temperature and 1 atm.) the change in enthalpy is 450 cal. and the change in entropy is -0.79 cal/deg. But graphite and diamond have different densities, so that changing the pressure can effect a free energy change. Above a pressure of 22000 atm. diamond is more stable than graphite at room temperature.
  • #3
pkleinod said:
Not true! The changes in enthalpy and entropy refer to a single temperature and pressure. By changing the temperature or pressure, the free energy change will vary and may become negative. An example is the conversion of graphite to diamond. For this reaction (at room temperature and 1 atm.) the change in enthalpy is 450 cal. and the change in entropy is -0.79 cal/deg. But graphite and diamond have different densities, so that changing the pressure can effect a free energy change. Above a pressure of 22000 atm. diamond is more stable than graphite at room temperature.
You could be right, but however seems strange to me that delta(H) of the reaction graphite --> diamond is positive; are you sure?
  • #4
Ahmed Abdullah said:
Question Details: We know that
del G=del H - T(del S)

if del H is positive and del S is negative then del G is always positive. There is no way of making del G negative. My question is whether such a reaction take place at all (to any extent)?
If delta(G) of reaction is positive, the reaction can also happen, it only have a lower equilibrium constant:
when delta(G) < 0 then K >1, when delta(G) = 0 then k = 1, when delta(G) > 0 then k < 1:
delta(G) = -RTlnK
0.5N2 + O2 <--> NO2
delta(G) = 3.32*10^(4) + 1.57*10^(2)*T
at T = 1000K:
delta(G) = +3.48*10^(4) J/mol
but we all know how NO2 pollution by internal combustion engines (diesels) is a terrible world problem.
  • #5
lightarrow said:
You could be right, but however seems strange to me that delta(H) of the reaction graphite --> diamond is positive; are you sure?
Hi Lightarrow. I'm not sure of exact value, which I took from "Thermodynamics" by Lewis and Randall, but I am pretty sure that graphite is more stable than diamond at standard temperature and pressure. A graph of the free energy change can be found at

www.physics.rutgers.edu/ugrad/351/Lecture 14.ppt

Why do you find it strange? Perhaps it is the power of advertising: "A diamond is forever!"
  • #6
lightarrow said:
If delta(G) of reaction is positive, the reaction can also happen, it only have a lower equilibrium constant:
when delta(G) < 0 then K >1, when delta(G) = 0 then k = 1, when delta(G) > 0 then k < 1:
delta(G) = -RTlnK

It finally eliminates my confusions.
Thx pkleinod.
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  • #7
pkleinod said:
Hi Lightarrow. I'm not sure of exact value, which I took from "Thermodynamics" by Lewis and Randall, but I am pretty sure that graphite is more stable than diamond at standard temperature and pressure. A graph of the free energy change can be found at

www.physics.rutgers.edu/ugrad/351/Lecture 14.ppt
Thanks for the interesting link.
Why do you find it strange? Perhaps it is the power of advertising: "A diamond is forever!"

I found it strange just for the fact that in diamond there are more covalent bonds per atom than in graphite (in diamond every C is bound to other 4 C atoms, in graphite to other 3 atoms).
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FAQ: If a reaction is not spontaneous is there any of making that reaction occur?

1. Can a non-spontaneous reaction be made to occur?

Yes, a non-spontaneous reaction can be made to occur, but it requires an input of energy or a change in conditions.

2. How can a non-spontaneous reaction be made to occur?

A non-spontaneous reaction can be made to occur by increasing the temperature, changing the concentration of reactants, or adding a catalyst.

3. What role does energy play in making a non-spontaneous reaction occur?

Energy is required to make a non-spontaneous reaction occur. This energy can come in the form of heat, light, or electricity.

4. Is it possible to make a non-spontaneous reaction occur without any external energy input?

No, it is not possible to make a non-spontaneous reaction occur without any external energy input. The reaction would remain non-spontaneous and would not proceed without the necessary energy.

5. Can a non-spontaneous reaction be made to occur indefinitely?

No, a non-spontaneous reaction can only be made to occur temporarily by providing energy or changing conditions. It will eventually reach an equilibrium state where the reaction stops occurring spontaneously.
