Available Astronomy Research Topics?

In summary, the conversation is about a group planning a research project using two telescopes in different locations. They are wondering about the feasibility of finding research subjects with limited information available. They are seeking advice and resources to help with their ambitious project.
  • #1
My astronomy lab group is planning a research project. We will have access to a .6 m reflecting telescope in the northern hemisphere as well as I believe a .6 or larger reflector in Australia remotely.

We are curious how likely or practical it would be to be able to find research subjects in the sky that will not already have a lot of information already published on them, yet still be able to obtain a decent amount of information with the telescopes we have access to.

If anyone has any insight or knows of how to find this information it would be a great help. Our group is fairly ambitious and wants to make the most of this lab.

Astronomy news on Phys.org
  • #2
bleist88, A few minutes using Google search engine brings this list. Contained in the below sites are hundreds of different astronomical research opportunities:


Good Luck, and let us know here on PF about your project's results!
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FAQ: Available Astronomy Research Topics?

What is the importance of studying available astronomy research topics?

Studying available astronomy research topics allows us to expand our knowledge and understanding of the universe. It also helps us to make advancements in technology and develop new theories about the universe.

What are some current hot topics in astronomy research?

Some current hot topics in astronomy research include exoplanets, dark matter and dark energy, gravitational waves, and the search for extraterrestrial life.

How can I find available astronomy research topics?

There are several ways to find available astronomy research topics. You can browse through scientific journals and publications, attend astronomy conferences and seminars, or consult with experts in the field.

What are some potential career opportunities in astronomy research?

Some potential career opportunities in astronomy research include working as a researcher or scientist at a university, government agency, or private company. You could also become a science writer, educator, or work in science communication.

How can I contribute to astronomy research as a non-scientist?

There are many ways for non-scientists to contribute to astronomy research. You can participate in citizen science projects, such as classifying galaxies or searching for exoplanets. You can also support and advocate for scientific research and education, and stay informed about the latest discoveries and advancements in the field.

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