Cellular Respiration advanced formula?

In summary, cellular respiration is a complex process that involves three main parts: glycolysis, the Krebs cycle, and the electron transport chain. It is too detailed to be explained in a simple formula and can only be fully understood through a biology textbook or visual aids, such as animations. The simplified equation for cellular respiration is: C6H12O6 + 6O2 -> 6CO2 + 6H2O + 36ATP. However, in reality, there are additional inputs and outputs, such as ADP, NAD+, FAD, and H+. It is also important to note that ATP does not come from nothing, but rather, it requires a lot of energy and enzymes to
  • #1
Pseudo Statistic
Just out of curiosity, does anybody know the more advanced version of the following Cellular Respiration formula? Thanks.

C6H12O6 + 6O2 -> 6CO2 + 6H2O + 36ATP
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  • #2
Any biology or biochemistry textbook will have an entire chapter dedicated to the complete process of cellular respiration. It would be far too long to write here.
  • #3
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  • #4
Is this the fully extended formula? Or is there more to it? (Why I'm so interested is that the fact that "ATP comes from nothing" barely makes sense to me.. I want to fully understand)
[tex]C_{6} H_{12} O_{6} + 6 H_{2} O + 6 O_{2} + 36ADP + 36P + 10NAD^{+} + 2FAD + 14H^{+} -> 6O_{2} + 12H_{2} O + 36ATP + 10NADH + 10H^{+} + 2FADH_{2}[/tex]
And are there any mistakes?
  • #5
Pseudo Statistic said:
Is this the fully extended formula? Or is there more to it? (Why I'm so interested is that the fact that "ATP comes from nothing" barely makes sense to me.. I want to fully understand)
[tex]C_{6} H_{12} O_{6} + 6 H_{2} O + 6 O_{2} + 36ADP + 36P + 10NAD^{+} + 2FAD + 14H^{+} -> 6O_{2} + 12H_{2} O + 36ATP + 10NADH + 10H^{+} + 2FADH_{2}[/tex]
And are there any mistakes?

There's a lot more to it. Cellular respiration involves three different processes, glycolysis, the Krebs cycle, and the electron transport chain that drives oxidative phosphorylation. As I said before, there is an entire chapter of any biology textbook worth its salt on this topic, complete with illustrations and an entire page (or two) showing each of the three reaction processes. It is far too much to explain here.
  • #6
Hm, OK.
Thanks alot.
  • #7
Pseudo Statistic said:
Is this the fully extended formula? Or is there more to it? (Why I'm so interested is that the fact that "ATP comes from nothing" barely makes sense to me.. I want to fully understand)
[tex]C_{6} H_{12} O_{6} + 6 H_{2} O + 6 O_{2} + 36ADP + 36P + 10NAD^{+} + 2FAD + 14H^{+} -> 6O_{2} + 12H_{2} O + 36ATP + 10NADH + 10H^{+} + 2FADH_{2}[/tex]
And are there any mistakes?

First there should ATP going in your reaction. glycolysis requires the input of energy. Second you sugar are left out at the end (i.e. it is not balance).

Also, ATP does not come from nothing there enzyme that synthesise AMP, then AMP can become ADP. To create ATP, it requires a lot of energy, that were the sugar is for.
  • #8
iansmith said:
First there should ATP going in your reaction. glycolysis requires the input of energy. Second you sugar are left out at the end (i.e. it is not balance).

Also, ATP does not come from nothing there enzyme that synthesise AMP, then AMP can become ADP. To create ATP, it requires a lot of energy, that were the sugar is for.
Hmm, OK...
My teacher tells me the 6O2 on the right should be 6CO2, is that correct?
And how much ATP should be going in? Can you show me the correct version?
  • #9
Respiration is always simplified to show the net gain. 2 ATP has to go in in order for glycolysis to be started. Glycolysis will produce 4 ATP and net gain of 2 ATP.

CO2 show also be at the right of the equation.

As moonbear noted, the cylce is far too complex to synthesised in a formula and any formula will be far to simplified to illustatred the cellular respiration.
  • #10
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FAQ: Cellular Respiration advanced formula?

1. What is cellular respiration advanced formula?

Cellular respiration advanced formula is a scientific concept that describes the process by which cells break down glucose and convert it into energy in the form of ATP (adenosine triphosphate). It is a vital process for the survival of all living organisms.

2. What are the main components of cellular respiration advanced formula?

The main components of cellular respiration advanced formula are glucose, oxygen, and enzymes. Glucose is broken down through a series of chemical reactions to produce ATP, while oxygen is required as the final electron acceptor in the process. Enzymes act as biological catalysts to speed up the reactions involved.

3. Why is cellular respiration advanced formula important?

Cellular respiration advanced formula is important because it provides the energy needed for all cellular activities, such as growth, repair, and movement. It also helps maintain a constant supply of ATP, which is essential for the survival of cells and organisms.

4. How is cellular respiration advanced formula different from photosynthesis?

Cellular respiration advanced formula and photosynthesis are essentially opposite processes. While cellular respiration breaks down glucose to produce ATP and carbon dioxide, photosynthesis uses sunlight to convert carbon dioxide and water into glucose and oxygen. Additionally, cellular respiration occurs in all living organisms, while photosynthesis only occurs in plants and some bacteria.

5. What are the different types of cellular respiration advanced formula?

The two main types of cellular respiration advanced formula are aerobic respiration and anaerobic respiration. Aerobic respiration requires oxygen and is the most efficient way of producing ATP, while anaerobic respiration does not require oxygen and produces less ATP. Anaerobic respiration can be further divided into fermentation and anaerobic respiration using alternative electron acceptors.
