Calculating Load Magnitude for Normal Stress in a Uniform Cross-Sectional Area

In summary, BD has a uniform cross sectional area of 800mm^2, and the normal stress in that portion of BD is 50 Mpa.
  • #1
positive infinity
Knowing the portion of the link BD has a uniform cross-sectional area of 800mm^2, determine the magnitude of the load P for which the normal stress in that portion of BD is 50 Mpa. (Hint draw a free body diagram of the link ABC)

sorry for the paint sketch I don't have a scanner, anyway I approached the problem as σ = F/A and we already have σ and A so I rearranged the problem as σ*A=F which came out to 40000N or 40Kn I'm not sure as to where to go from here or if I am going down the right track any help is appreciated thanks!
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  • #2
Where is A, B, D?
  • #3
sorry about that i updated the picture
  • #4
ok i redid the math in order for mpa to be converted to force I would have to convert all the measurements to meters so now I get 40N. but I am still stuck I'm not sure if that's the force or do I have to calculate the cross sectional area of ABC if so how do I go about doing that?
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  • #5
You will soon learn in this class, that MPA * mm^2 = N One is x10^6 and the other is x10^-6
  • #6
alright I see that so MPA is N/mm^2 so I don't have to convert anything so it would be 40KN, 50MPa or 50N/mm^2 * 800mm^2 = 40,000N or 40KN, butI'm still stuck on the other link would it have the same thickness as link BD? link BD 800mm^2/510mm = 1.57mm? is it the same for the rest of the problem?
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  • #7
positive infinity said:
alright I see that so MPA is N/mm^2 so I don't have to convert anything so it would be 40KN, 50MPa or 50N/mm^2 * 800mm^2 = 40,000N or 40KN, butI'm still stuck on the other link would it have the same thickness as link BD? link BD 800mm^2/510mm = 1.57mm? is it the same for the rest of the problem?
I don't believe you are correctly understanding the definition of 'cross sectional area' and 'normal stress'. The given 800mm^2 cross sectional area of BD is its thickness times its width, and its plane is perpendicular to the normal (axial) force in member BD. You seem to be trying to calculate the area of member ABC (which, by the way, is not needed in this problem) by assuming that the cross section area is width times length. This is incorrect. Once you understand this, your next step is to draw a free body diagram of link ABC, as was suggested in the problem statement. In so doing, you must identify the magnitude and direction of the member force BD acting on joint B, and use statics/equilibrium equations to solve for P.

FAQ: Calculating Load Magnitude for Normal Stress in a Uniform Cross-Sectional Area

1. What is the strength of materials problem?

The strength of materials problem refers to the study of how materials behave under different forces and stresses, and how these forces and stresses affect the structural integrity and stability of the material. It involves analyzing the mechanical properties of materials, such as strength, stiffness, and ductility, to determine their ability to withstand external forces and loads.

2. Why is the strength of materials problem important?

The strength of materials problem is important because it helps engineers and designers to understand and predict how different materials will behave under different conditions, allowing them to select the most suitable materials for a given application. It also plays a crucial role in ensuring the safety and reliability of structures and machines, as well as in the development of new and improved materials.

3. What are some common examples of strength of materials problems?

Some common examples of strength of materials problems include calculating the load-bearing capacity of bridges, determining the appropriate thickness and material for a pressure vessel, analyzing the stress distribution in a beam or column under various loads, and predicting the fatigue life of a machine component.

4. How is the strength of materials problem solved?

The strength of materials problem is typically solved using mathematical equations and principles of mechanics, such as Newton's laws of motion and Hooke's law, as well as experimental testing. Computer-aided design (CAD) and finite element analysis (FEA) are also commonly used to simulate and analyze the behavior of materials under different conditions.

5. What are some factors that can affect the strength of materials?

The strength of materials can be affected by various factors, including the type and composition of the material, its microstructure, temperature, loading rate, and environmental conditions. The design and geometry of a structure or component can also have a significant impact on its strength, as well as any defects or imperfections in the material.

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