Homemade elevator from electric motor

In summary, a homemade elevator from an electric motor works by using the motor's rotational force to turn a pulley system, which then lifts the elevator car up or down. The materials needed to build this type of elevator include an electric motor, a drive shaft, pulleys, cables or ropes, a sturdy frame or structure, and a car or platform. It can be used for multiple floors, but the design and construction may vary. Safety is important and regular maintenance and following safety guidelines is necessary. There may also be legal and building code requirements, so it is important to check with local authorities.
  • #1
I want to make an elevator lift from an electric motor. The motor has a 42 mm shaft that turns at 1800 rpm. I want to lift approximately 200 pounds total twenty feet high, slowly and safely. I was hoping someone with knowledge of pulleys and gears could help me figure out what I need to accomplish this.
Engineering news on Phys.org
  • #2
I assume this isn't for people, correct? As a) 200 lb does not provide nearly enough safety factor and b) Elevator operations which carry people require design certification and liability insurance, among other things.
  • #3
correct. this will be used for equipment and supplies only.

FAQ: Homemade elevator from electric motor

1. How does a homemade elevator from an electric motor work?

The homemade elevator from an electric motor works by using the motor's rotational force to turn a pulley system, which then lifts the elevator car up or down. The motor is connected to a drive shaft, which is then connected to the pulley system. As the motor turns, the drive shaft rotates, causing the pulleys to move and lift the elevator car.

2. What materials are needed to build a homemade elevator from an electric motor?

The materials needed to build a homemade elevator from an electric motor include: an electric motor, a drive shaft, pulleys, cables or ropes, a sturdy frame or structure to support the elevator, and a car or platform to ride in. Other materials may be needed depending on the specific design and construction of the elevator.

3. Can a homemade elevator from an electric motor be used for multiple floors?

Yes, a homemade elevator from an electric motor can be used for multiple floors. However, the design and construction may vary depending on the number of floors and the weight capacity of the elevator. It is important to ensure that the elevator is built safely and can support the weight of the car and passengers going up and down multiple floors.

4. Is it safe to use a homemade elevator from an electric motor?

The safety of a homemade elevator from an electric motor depends on the construction and maintenance of the elevator. It is important to follow all safety guidelines and regulations when building and using the elevator. Regular maintenance and inspection of the elevator is also crucial to ensure safe operation.

5. Are there any legal or building code requirements for a homemade elevator from an electric motor?

Yes, there may be legal and building code requirements for a homemade elevator from an electric motor depending on your location. It is important to check with your local government or building authority to ensure that your elevator meets all necessary regulations and requirements. Failure to comply with these requirements may result in safety hazards and legal consequences.
