Understanding Superstring Reality: Dr. Sylvester Gates' Puzzling Expression

In summary, Dr. Sylvester Gates, a specialist in superstring theory, made a statement about how the more math makes sense, the less reality does and vice versa. This statement reflects the disconnect between physics and math in the past, with some theories being correct but not mathematically rigorous. There are four possible explanations for this disconnect, but Gates may have meant that both math and physics are different entities that cannot be reconciled. One possible example of this statement is quantum entanglement, where the math predicted a phenomenon that seemed to defy physical laws, but was later proven to be true through experimentation. Overall, Gates may have been referring to the different approaches and priorities of mathematicians and physicists when it comes to understanding the universe.
  • #1
I posted this thread in the math forum, but no one seems to know what I am talking about... since i heard dr sylvester gates say it and he specializes in superstring theory, maybe someone here can help me out..

im trying to understand the expression, "the more math makes sense, reality doesnt... and the more reality makes sense, math doesnt". Can someone give an example of this expression (mathematically, or however)? What does it mean?
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  • #2
It means Dr Sylvester Gates is confused.

Historically, since the 50s physics and math have somewhat parted ways, in that the physical theories that were predominantly used by physicists were not rigorous mathematically, even though they were correct (in the sense that they match experiment). That continues to be the case with String theory, though we no longer know if it is correct or not.

There are 4 logical alternatives

1) Mathematicians are wrong, physicists are right. This was the case for distribution theory, which was founded on the Dirac delta function (at the time it was not rigorous). Upon further review, it really could be made rigorous, but it was mathematicians who were confused

2) Physicists are wrong, mathematicians are right. Numerous examples come to mind, like Poincare, Weyl and others who rebelled against the consensus's of the time, in order to follow mathematical prejudice. It ended up revolutionizing physics when the masses figured it out..

3) Both Physicists and mathematicians are wrong (but perhaps both only slightly, which is what I think), upon further review things will be rigorous on all fronts.

4) Math and Physics are different entities and can't be made to both work simultaneously (which is what Gates is trying to say). Needless to say, I think most people will... disagree.
  • #3
cangus said:
im trying to understand the expression, "the more math makes sense, reality doesnt... and the more reality makes sense, math doesnt". Can someone give an example of this expression (mathematically, or however)? What does it mean?

Might it also mean, how counter intuitive reality is, in regards to the realization these math structures present of themself?

Hopefully that made sense and Haelfix will again respond.
  • #4
Haelfix made several good points, but I think Gates meant something a little less fundamental.

With something new and speculative like string theory, you need some guiding principles. A mathematician and a physicist might have a somewhat different set of concepts that they hold most dear. You can (a) try to make physically nice assumptions and "derive" the associated math, or (b) go for mathematical aesthetics while figuring out the physics later. Both of these approaches are of course related, and the line between them is blurry, but there are differences.

So I think what was being said is that if you take the mathematicians' viewpoint, you get lousy physics out, and if you take the physicists' viewpoint you get ugly or inconsistent math.
  • #5
what i thought Gates meant was that reality is an illusion and that the more math made sense, the less reality appeared to be real... or did i misunderstand?
  • #6
I think that Quantum entanglement may be a good illustration of the idea behind the statement. During mathematical treatment of the state of some particle (and electronic, let's say), physicists arrived at a rather odd conclusion. Should two electrons become "entangled", the state of 1 can determine the state of the other, even though they are separated by great distance and have no known means of connection. The only reason for this conclusion was that if the state of one particle did not define the state of the other, then the numbers in the equations that described those states would not come up even.

There was no physical reason why this phenomenon should take place, and even a few laws of physics that seemed to prohibit it, but it needed to happen in order for the equations to be "equal". As soon as a method was developed to test the theory, experimentation and observation showed that the phenomenon does indeed take place. So the math proved true, and the reality makes no sense!

FAQ: Understanding Superstring Reality: Dr. Sylvester Gates' Puzzling Expression

1. What is Superstring Reality?

Superstring Reality is a theoretical framework in physics that suggests that the fundamental building blocks of the universe are not particles, but rather tiny strings that vibrate at different frequencies. These strings are believed to be smaller than any known particle and make up the fabric of the universe.

2. Who is Dr. Sylvester Gates?

Dr. Sylvester Gates is a theoretical physicist and professor at Brown University. He is known for his work in superstring theory, supersymmetry, and other areas of theoretical physics. He is also well-known for his collaboration with Neil deGrasse Tyson on the PBS documentary series "The Elegant Universe."

3. What is the significance of Dr. Gates' Puzzling Expression?

Dr. Gates' Puzzling Expression refers to a code or error-correction code that he discovered in the equations of supersymmetry. This code, known as the "Adinkra symbols," has been found to have deep connections to other areas of mathematics and physics, leading to new insights into the nature of the universe.

4. How does understanding Superstring Reality affect our understanding of the universe?

Understanding Superstring Reality can potentially have a major impact on our understanding of the universe. It provides a new framework for understanding the fundamental building blocks of the universe and how they interact. It also has the potential to unify the theories of general relativity and quantum mechanics, which are currently incompatible.

5. Is Superstring Reality a proven theory?

No, Superstring Reality is not a proven theory. It is still a highly debated and researched topic in the field of physics. While there is evidence to support its validity, it has not yet been definitively proven. Further research and experimentation are needed to fully understand and validate this theory.
