What is the Moment of Inertia for a Hollow Torus?

In summary, the formula for moment of inertia for a horizontal rotation of a circular tube or wheel with a mass of 65kg, a wheel diameter of 2m, and a tube diameter of 0.1m is the same as the one for a torus. There are three principal axes, two of which have the same moment of inertia. The formula provided can be used to derive expressions for any axis. For a hollow torus, you can use the formula for a solid torus with the outer radius and subtract the solid torus with the inner radius. It is important to note that the mass would be greater for a solid torus. Additionally, for a solid torus, the moment of inertia is the same for
  • #1
I would like to know the formula for Moment of inertia for horizontal rotation of circular tube(i.e wheel) of mass 65kg, wheel dia=2m, tube dia=0.1m.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
  • #3
But is the formula you have told applies for rotation around a horizontal axis? The figure shown in wiki is for vertical configuration.
  • #4
There are 3 principal axis. 2 of them have the same moment of inertia about them. The page I linked to gives you two formulae. You can use these to derive expression for ANY axis.
  • #5
Thanks for your answers...Actually i needed MOI for a hollow torus ...I got the two MOI expressions.

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  • #6
For hollow torus, take MOI for solid torus with outer radius, and subtract solid torus of inner radius. MOI is additive, so this should give you correct answer. Just keep in mind that the mass would be greater if the torus was solid. You need to account for that.
  • #7
One last Q: I verified your answer for the case of solid torus on the net and found that horizontal axis MOI and the diameter axis MOI are the same. Can i assume the same for a hollow torus. (Again i have MOI for it for two axes and i need for the horizontal one!)

FAQ: What is the Moment of Inertia for a Hollow Torus?

What is moment of inertia for a wheel?

The moment of inertia for a wheel is a measure of its resistance to changes in rotational motion. It is a property of the wheel that depends on its mass distribution and axis of rotation.

How is moment of inertia calculated for a wheel?

The moment of inertia for a wheel can be calculated using the formula I = mr², where m is the mass of the wheel and r is the radius of the wheel. This formula assumes that the wheel is a uniform, solid disk.

What factors affect the moment of inertia for a wheel?

The moment of inertia for a wheel can be affected by the mass distribution, size and shape of the wheel. A larger wheel or one with a greater mass concentration towards its edges will have a larger moment of inertia.

Why is moment of inertia important for a wheel?

Moment of inertia is important for a wheel because it affects how the wheel responds to changes in rotational motion. It can impact the wheel's stability, speed, and ability to resist changes in direction.

How does moment of inertia differ from mass?

Moment of inertia and mass are two different properties of an object. Mass is a measure of the amount of matter in an object, while moment of inertia is a measure of an object's resistance to changes in rotational motion. They are related, but not interchangeable.
