How Do You Calculate the E-Field of a Semi-Circle with a Uniformly Charged Line?

In summary, the E-field, or electric field, is a physical quantity that describes the strength and direction of the electric force experienced by a charged particle in the presence of an electric field. In the case of a semi circle, it refers to the field produced by a semi circular charged object. The E-field of a semi circle can be calculated using E = kQ/r^2, and its direction varies depending on the position of the point with respect to the center of the semi circle. As the distance from the center increases, the strength of the E-field decreases following an inverse square law. Some real-world applications of the E-field of a semi circle include in particle accelerators, capacitor design, and the study of electromagnetic waves.
  • #1
A line charge of uniform density [tex]\lambda[/tex] forms a semi-circle of radius R0. Determine the magnitude and direction of the electric field intensity at the center of the semi-circle.

I won't bother with uploading a picture I'm pretty sure you can picture this without.

My trouble with this is I'm unsure whether I need to do a double integral.

So here is my working.

E = (1/4[tex]\pi[/tex][tex]\epsilon[/tex]) q/r2 r

As the problem is symmetric only the cos([tex]\theta[/tex]) components add. So for a small piece of charge dq

Ei = (1/4[tex]\pi[/tex][tex]\epsilon[/tex]) dq/R02 cos([tex]\theta[/tex])

Now for this I have to sum up all the dq's but they are also all have a different angle. So do I do an integral for theta from -[tex]\pi[/tex]/2 to [tex]\pi[/tex]/2 ?

Anyway the answer I get is [tex]\lambda[/tex]/2[tex]\epsilon[/tex]R0

Any help with this would be greatly appreciated.

P.S. I'm new to latex.
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  • #2
forty said:
A line charge of uniform density [tex]\lambda[/tex] forms a semi-circle of radius R0. Determine the magnitude and direction of the electric field intensity at the center of the semi-circle.

I won't bother with uploading a picture I'm pretty sure you can picture this without.

My trouble with this is I'm unsure whether I need to do a double integral.
First of all: no. Because it's a line of charge, i.e. a one-dimensional shape, you only need to do a single integral. (Think about it: if there were a double integral, what two variables would you integrate over?) If it were a two-dimensional surface, you might need to do a double integral; if it were a 3D volume, you might need a triple integral, etc.

forty said:
So here is my working.

E = (1/4[tex]\pi[/tex][tex]\epsilon[/tex]) q/r2 r

As the problem is symmetric only the cos([tex]\theta[/tex]) components add. So for a small piece of charge dq

Ei = (1/4[tex]\pi[/tex][tex]\epsilon[/tex]) dq/R02 cos([tex]\theta[/tex])
Actually dE, not Ei:
[tex]\mathrm{d}\mathbd{E} = \frac{1}{4\pi\epsilon_0} \frac{\mathrm{d}q}{R_0^2}\cos\theta[/tex]
but anyway:
forty said:
Now for this I have to sum up all the dq's but they are also all have a different angle. So do I do an integral for theta from -[tex]\pi[/tex]/2 to [tex]\pi[/tex]/2 ?

Anyway the answer I get is [tex]\lambda[/tex]/2[tex]\epsilon[/tex]R0

Any help with this would be greatly appreciated.

P.S. I'm new to latex.
I think your answer is off by a factor of [itex]\pi[/itex] but the procedure is basically right.
  • #3
When I say double integral I mean in respect to all the dq's and all the d[tex]\theta[/tex]'s.

When you sum up all the dq's to get the total charge isn't it [tex]\lambda[/tex][tex]\pi[/tex]Ro? And the integral of cos([tex]\theta[/tex]) from -pi/2 to pi/2 = 2?

So when I put it all together I get

E = (2/4[tex]\pi[/tex][tex]\epsilon[/tex])([tex]\lambda[/tex][tex]\pi[/tex]Ro/Ro2)

And it cancels to what I said?
  • #4
forty said:
When I say double integral I mean in respect to all the dq's and all the d[tex]\theta[/tex]'s.

When you sum up all the dq's to get the total charge isn't it [tex]\lambda[/tex][tex]\pi[/tex]Ro? And the integral of cos([tex]\theta[/tex]) from -pi/2 to pi/2 = 2?

So when I put it all together I get

E = (2/4[tex]\pi[/tex][tex]\epsilon[/tex])([tex]\lambda[/tex][tex]\pi[/tex]Ro/Ro2)

And it cancels to what I said?
For a small element dL, charge dq = λ*dL and dL = R*dθ.
So the electric field at the center dE = μο/4π*λR*cosθ*dθ/R^2
Or dE = μο/4π*λ*cosθ*dθ/R. Τake the integration from 0 to π.
  • #5
isn't the integral of cos(θ)dθ from 0 to pi equal to 0?
  • #6
forty said:
When I say double integral I mean in respect to all the dq's and all the d[tex]\theta[/tex]'s.
There's no double integral. You need to express dq in terms of the variable θ: dq = λrdθ
  • #7
Yeah I see that now... but rl.bhat said

dE = μο/4π*λ*cosθ*dθ/R. Τake the integration from 0 to π.

isnt that integral 0? (isn't the integral of cos(θ)dθ from 0 to pi equal to 0?)
  • #8
forty said:
Yeah I see that now... but rl.bhat said

dE = μο/4π*λ*cosθ*dθ/R. Τake the integration from 0 to π.

isnt that integral 0? (isn't the integral of cos(θ)dθ from 0 to pi equal to 0?)
The integral should be from -π/2 to +π/2. (To avoid confusion, next time describe the orientation of the semicircle and how you define θ.)
  • #9
I figured that after the first post I should of put up a picture. Thanks for clearing that up Doc Al (like always :) ). All makes sense now!

Thanks all!
  • #10
forty said:
isn't the integral of cos(θ)dθ from 0 to pi equal to 0?
Sorry. When you start with one end of the semicircle, the component of the field which add up is dEsinθ, rather dE*cosθ. Ιn that case the limit is 0 to pi.

FAQ: How Do You Calculate the E-Field of a Semi-Circle with a Uniformly Charged Line?

1. What is the definition of an "E-field" in relation to a semi circle?

The E-field, also known as the electric field, is a physical quantity that describes the strength and direction of the electric force experienced by a charged particle in the presence of an electric field. In the case of a semi circle, the E-field refers to the electric field produced by a semi circular charged object.

2. How is the E-field of a semi circle calculated?

The E-field of a semi circle can be calculated using the formula E = kQ/r^2, where k is the Coulomb's constant, Q is the charge of the semi circular object, and r is the distance from the center of the semi circle to the point where the E-field is being measured.

3. What is the direction of the E-field at different points on a semi circle?

The direction of the E-field at different points on a semi circle depends on the position of the point with respect to the center of the semi circle. At the center, the E-field is directed towards the center of the semi circle. At points on the semi circle's circumference, the E-field is directed tangentially to the circumference, and at points outside the semi circle, the E-field is directed away from the center.

4. How does the E-field of a semi circle change with distance from the center?

The E-field of a semi circle follows an inverse square law, meaning that as the distance from the center increases, the strength of the E-field decreases. This is because the electric force weakens as the distance between two charged particles increases.

5. What are some real-world applications of the E-field of a semi circle?

The E-field of a semi circle has many practical applications, such as in particle accelerators, where it is used to manipulate and guide charged particles. It is also used in the design of capacitors, which store electric energy, and in the study of electromagnetic waves and their propagation through space.
