Filament Breakage: The Impact of Resistance and Temperature?

In summary, it is more likely for the filament of a light bulb to break when it experiences large changes in temperature, such as when being turned on and off frequently. This is due to concentrated thermal stresses and viscoplasticity caused by the non-homogeneous temperature distribution. Reading more about the constitutive response of tungsten, it is likely that the deformation of the filament plays a significant role.
  • #1
when is it more likely for the filament of a light bulp to break
Physics news on
  • #2
It is my experience that bulbs burn out when being turned on. Of course it is impossible to tell if a bulb burns out when being turned off you will not know until you try to turn it on. It makes sense to me that when the filament is feeling large changes in temperature it experiences a maximum stress, thus is more likely to break.

I say most bulbs burn out on On/Off cycling.
  • #4
Here is probably more than you ever wanted to know and more.

Feel nearly an expert after reading that ... so essentially is the root cause concentrated thermal stresses or viscoplasticity & deformations overall due to the non-homogeneous temperature distribution (I've no idea about constitutive response of tungsten but supposedly it behaves similarly as other metals at such high relative temps?) ... I'd put a greater mark on the deformation?
  • #5
wow...thank you everyone..problem solved :)

FAQ: Filament Breakage: The Impact of Resistance and Temperature?

What is resistance?

Resistance is a measure of the opposition to the flow of electric current. It is represented by the symbol "R" and is measured in ohms (Ω).

How does temperature affect resistance?

As temperature increases, the resistance of a material also increases. This is because as temperature rises, the atoms in the material vibrate more, causing more collisions and hindering the flow of electric current.

What is the relationship between resistance and temperature?

The relationship between resistance and temperature is directly proportional. This means that as temperature increases, resistance also increases.

Why is resistance important in electronic circuits?

Resistance is important in electronic circuits because it helps to control the flow of electric current. It also helps to prevent damage to components by limiting the amount of current that can pass through them.

How can resistance be calculated?

The resistance of a material can be calculated by dividing the voltage (V) by the current (I). This is represented by the formula R=V/I. However, the resistance of a material can also be affected by factors such as length, cross-sectional area, and temperature, so more complex formulas may be necessary for accurate calculations.
