Two Masses connected by Spring, Falling

In summary, the equations of motion for the system are derived from Newton's second law and the frequency of harmonic oscillation is given by w = sqrt(D/m_z0).
  • #1
Hi, perhaps a similar thread already exists, but I was not able to find it...

Homework Statement

Two masses m_1 and m_2 are connected by a spring with spring constant D. This setup is attached to the ceiling by a rope. We cut the rope. What happens?

Homework Equations

The center of mass is given by z0 = (z1*m1 + z2 * m2) / (m1 + m2)
The acceleration right after cutting the rope of the upper mass m1 is given by
a1 = (1 + m2/m1)*g
And the acceleration of m2:
a2 = 0
How are the equations of motion in our center of mass system?

The Attempt at a Solution

Find the equations of motion.
Find the frequency of harmonic oscillation.
Physics news on
  • #2
The equations of motion can be derived from Newton's second law: F=ma. For the center of mass, the equation of motion is given by F = m_z0 * a_z0 where m_z0 = m1 + m2 and a_z0 = (1 + m2/m1)*g This equation can be solved using standard techniques to get the equation of motion in terms of the displacement z0: z0(t) = A*cos(wt) where A = (1 + m2/m1)*g/w2 and w = sqrt(D/m_z0). The frequency of harmonic oscillation is given by w = sqrt(D/m_z0).

FAQ: Two Masses connected by Spring, Falling

1. What is the concept of "Two Masses connected by Spring, Falling"?

The concept of "Two Masses connected by Spring, Falling" is a classic physics problem that involves two masses connected by a spring and placed on a frictionless surface. The two masses experience a downward gravitational force and an upward force from the spring, causing them to fall towards each other.

2. How is the motion of the masses determined in this problem?

The motion of the masses is determined by Newton's Second Law, which states that the sum of all forces acting on an object equals its mass times its acceleration. In this problem, the forces acting on the masses are gravity and the spring force, and the acceleration is determined by the masses' positions and the spring's stiffness.

3. What is the equation that describes the motion of the masses?

The equation that describes the motion of the masses is known as the "harmonic motion" equation, which is a second-order differential equation. It can be written as F = -kx, where F is the spring force, k is the spring constant, and x is the displacement of the masses from their equilibrium positions.

4. How does the spring constant affect the motion of the masses?

The spring constant affects the motion of the masses by determining the stiffness of the spring. A higher spring constant means a stiffer spring, which results in a faster oscillation and a shorter period of motion. On the other hand, a lower spring constant means a less stiff spring, resulting in a slower oscillation and a longer period of motion.

5. What are some real-life applications of this concept?

The concept of "Two Masses connected by Spring, Falling" has many real-life applications, such as in shock absorbers for vehicles, tuning forks in musical instruments, and even in the design of buildings to withstand earthquakes. It is also used in the study of wave motion and resonance in physics and engineering.

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