Mastering the e^x Integral: Tips and Tricks from Eiano

  • Thread starter Eiano
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Now just convert back to the u variable and you're good to go.In summary, the conversation discusses a calculus problem involving an integral with a complex denominator. Various suggestions are made, including using substitution and partial fraction decomposition. Eventually, a solution using trigonometric integrals is proposed.
  • #1
Hey, everyone

I am working on a calc problem, and I have no idea where to start. The integral is

------------- [division problem]

Do I let my u equal to the 25+e^2x? or what...
then after that what do i do.

Thanks for all the help in advance.
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  • #2
Do I let my u equal to the 25+e^2x? or what...
then after that what do i do.

here's an ingenious idea, try it out, yes try the substitution you mentioned and we'll see what magically happens.
  • #3
Anyone else?
(i KNOW my u can't be 25+e^2x, that's what th OR WHAT was for)
but HAHA, u were so funny with that response.. haha
  • #4
Partial fraction decomposition? It looks like it'll take a long time, though.
  • #5
Eiano said:
Anyone else?
(i KNOW my u can't be 25+e^2x, that's what th OR WHAT was for)
but HAHA, u were so funny with that response.. haha

He was serious.. that's the solution.
  • #6
uhmm, actually I wasn't, he he o:)

partial fractions...hmm...sounds interesting, we'll have to try it out, although I've never done partial fractions with e^x,e^2x as a variable.

[tex]u=(25+e^{2x}),~du=2e^{2x}dx,~e^{x}= \sqrt{u-25}[/tex]

next substitute u=1/t

simplifying will give you soley a square root function in the denominator, convert this to a completed square, the rest should be easy

I'm sure there's a more elegant solution though

latex is ****ing up, I've actually typed the whole problem and solution out through latex, however for some reason it's picking up some old latex data from a couple of months ago :confused:
  • #7
alright finally got the latex to appear

[tex]I = \int \frac{e^{x}dx}{(25+e^{2x})^4}[/tex]

[tex]u=(25+e^{2x}),~du=2e^{2x}dx,~e^{x}= \sqrt{u-25}[/tex]

[tex]I=.5 \int \frac{du}{u^{4} \sqrt{u-25}} [/tex]

[tex]u=1/t,~du=-1/t^{2} dt[/tex]

[tex]I=-.5 \int \frac{dt}{ \sqrt{1/t^{2} - 25/t}}[/tex]

[tex] -.5 \int \frac{dt}{ \sqrt{(1/t -12.5)^{2} - 12.5^{2}}} [/tex]

[tex] (1/t -12.5) = 12.5sec \theta [/tex]

the rest should be easy


see any errors, please point them out, I'm guessing that there's probably a more elegant solution
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  • #8
But e2x is (ex)2 so 25+ e2x= 25+ (ex)2. Try letting u= ex first, so that du= exdx. Now the integral is [tex]\int \frac{du}{25+u^2}[/tex] and that smells like an arctangent. Let u= 5 v so that du= 5 dv and 25+ u2= 25(1+ v2). Now the integral is [tex]\frac{5}{5}\int \frac{dv}{v^2+1}= arctan(v)+ C[/tex].
Of course, that's [tex]arctan(\frac{u}{5})+ C= arctan(\frac{e^x}{5})+ C[/tex]
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  • #9
Unfortunately, there was a 4th power in the denominator... :wink:
  • #10
But e2x is (ex)2 so 25+ e2x= 25+ (ex)2. Try letting u= ex first, so that du= exdx. Now the integral is
I'm not quite sure what you're getting at there can you clarify? also note as TD said, there's a fourth power in the denominator.

I'm not able to see anything wrong with my solution.
  • #11
HallsofIvy, nevermind, I thought you were pointing out an error in my solution
  • #12
If it weren't for the fourth power, HallsofIvy would've had an easy solution. He just must have missed it, I don't think he meant that yours was wrong. Without the fourth power, yours just seemed so long :smile:
  • #13
his method might lead to a partial fractions solution
  • #14
GCT said:
[tex]I=.5 \int \frac{du}{u^{4} \sqrt{u-25}} [/tex]
[tex]u=1/t,~du=-1/t^{2} dt[/tex]
[tex]I=-.5 \int \frac{dt}{ \sqrt{1/t^{2} - 25/t}}[/tex]
I think I might have found an error here, GCT. Substituting gives:
[tex]I=.5 \int \frac{(-1/t^2)dt}{ (1/t)^4\sqrt{1/t - 25}}[/tex]
[tex]=-.5 \int \frac{dt}{ (1/t)^2\sqrt{1/t - 25}}[/tex]
[tex]=-.5 \int \frac{dt}{ \sqrt{1/t^5 - 25/t^4}}[/tex]
  • #15
I'm not quite sure what you did there, note that bringing in 1/t^2 within the square root will reduce it to 1/t within the square root.
  • #16
Doesn't it go like this:
[tex]\frac{1} {t^2}\sqrt{x} = \sqrt{\frac{1} {t^4}}\sqrt{x}=\sqrt{\frac{x} {t^4}}[/tex]
  • #17
yeah, you're right
  • #18
alright, shame on me

What we can do is

[tex]I=.5 \int \frac{du}{u^{4} \sqrt{u-25}} [/tex]
[tex]u=25sec^{2} \theta ,~du=25tan \theta d \theta [/tex]
[tex]I= \frac{-1}{10(25^{3})} \int cos^{8} \theta d \theta [/tex]
which can be solved using standard procedure ("table integral")

hopefull I haven't goofed up this time, I'll be posting the full version later
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  • #19
Oh, man bad news, GCT. If [itex]u=\sec^2{\theta}[/itex] then
you were probably thinking of
[tex]\int \sec^2{\theta}=\tan{\theta}[/tex]
It's Ok, we all have bad days!
  • #20
I think I've been drinking way too much these days, anyways thanks for pointing that out.

So the modification would result in
[tex]I= \frac{-1}{10(25^{3})} \int cos^{6} \theta d \theta [/tex]
...right? :wink:
  • #21
so, so far I have

[tex]I = \int \frac{e^{x}dx}{(25+e^{2x})^4}[/tex]

[tex]u=(25+e^{2x}),~du=2e^{2x}dx,~e^{x}= \sqrt{u-25}[/tex]

[tex]I=.5 \int \frac{du}{u^{4} \sqrt{u-25}} [/tex]

[tex]u=25sec^{2} \theta ,~du=50tan \theta sec^{2}\theta d \theta [/tex]

[tex] \frac{-1}{25^{2}10} \int cos^{6} \theta d \theta [/tex]

which can be solved easily using standard procedure (trignometric integrals, formula should be listed within the list of table integral-back of text)
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  • #22
Looks right to me.

FAQ: Mastering the e^x Integral: Tips and Tricks from Eiano

1. What is the e^x integral and why is it important?

The e^x integral is a mathematical concept that involves finding the area under the curve of the exponential function e^x. It is important because it is used to solve a wide range of problems in physics, engineering, and other fields.

2. How can I improve my understanding of the e^x integral?

One way to improve your understanding is to practice solving problems involving the e^x integral. You can also read articles and watch videos explaining the concept, or attend workshops or classes that focus on mastering this integral.

3. Are there any special techniques or tricks for solving the e^x integral?

Yes, there are several tips and tricks that can make solving the e^x integral easier. These include using substitution, integration by parts, and partial fractions. It is also helpful to have a good understanding of algebra and trigonometry.

4. What are some common mistakes to avoid when working with the e^x integral?

One common mistake is forgetting to use the correct limits of integration. It is also important to pay attention to the signs when integrating by parts and to be careful with algebraic manipulations. It is always a good idea to double-check your work and make sure your final answer makes sense in the context of the problem.

5. How can I apply the e^x integral in real-world situations?

The e^x integral has many applications in physics, engineering, and economics. It is used to model growth and decay, as well as to solve problems involving exponential functions such as radioactive decay, population growth, and compound interest. It can also be used to solve differential equations, which are used to model various phenomena in the natural and social sciences.

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