Newton's Second Law: Light & Heavy Objects, Same Force & Acceleration?

In summary, if forces of the same magnitude are exerted on two objects and despite the heavier mass, the heavier object accelerates at the same rate as the lighter object, then that is a violation of Newton's second law.
  • #1
Mt. Nixion
I know that violating physics laws is impossible; this is just a question, so just answer it and don't say that can't happen. Anyways, if there is a light object and a heavy object, and forces of the same magnitude are exerted on the the objects, and despite the heavier mass, the heavier object accelerates at the same rate as the lighter object; is that a violation of Newton's second law (f=ma)?
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  • #2
Mt. Nixion said:
I know that violating physics laws is impossible; this is just a question, so just answer it and don't say that can't happen. Anyways, if there is a light object and a heavy object, and forces of the same magnitude are exerted on the the objects, and despite the heavier mass, the heavier object accelerates at the same rate as the lighter object; is that a violation of Newton's second law (f=ma)?

There's a problem here. Where do you get the idea that applying the same magnitude of force produces the same acceleration on the different objects?

I am guessing that you are trying to illustrate gravitational acceleration. But this is wrong. There is a difference between gravitational acceleration "g", and gravitational force or weight. g is identical for objects (close to Earth's surface assuming no variation in with height). But weight isn't the same, since it is obvious that W=mg will be different for different m.

There are no violations here.

  • #3
the answer is simple let be [tex] m(t)=at+b [/tex] then Newton equation becomes:

[tex] F=m\ddot{x}+a\dot{x} [/tex]
  • #4
Eljose, what does the equation of a line have to do with this topic? You need to be more clear if you are actually trying to answer this question.

To the original poster...First of all violating physics laws is NOT impossible, those laws are just numbers and equations men have come up with based on what they have observed in the real world. If, by experiment, we see that these equations do not hold we must revise them.

To answer your question regarding Newton's 2nd law...if two mass, one light one heavy both experience the same magnitude of force would they experience the same acceleration? No, look at the equation

F = m*a rewrite it solving for the acceleration...

a = F / m

Now if we have...

a_1 = F / m_1 & a_2 = F / m_2 (Since you've suggested the forces to be the same)

if m_2 > m_1 it is clear that a_2 would be less since the denominator is greater. This answer your question?

  • #5
Mt. Nixion said:
I know that violating physics laws is impossible; this is just a question, so just answer it and don't say that can't happen. Anyways, if there is a light object and a heavy object, and forces of the same magnitude are exerted on the the objects, and despite the heavier mass, the heavier object accelerates at the same rate as the lighter object; is that a violation of Newton's second law (f=ma)?
well, to answer the question cold: yes, that would violate Newton's second law. Two objects with different masses feeling the same net force willl not have the same acceleration according to Newton's law.

Now, experimentally, this has never been observed (same force on two different masses give the same acceleration).

As ZapperZ, I have a hunch that you are thinking about free falling objects which have the same acceleration (if there is no air drag). Yes, objects of different masses have the same acceleration. But it is because they feel *different gravitational forces*. So no contradiction with Newton's law there!
  • #6
Mt. Nixion said:
I know that violating physics laws is impossible; this is just a question, so just answer it and don't say that can't happen. Anyways, if there is a light object and a heavy object, and forces of the same magnitude are exerted on the the objects, and despite the heavier mass, the heavier object accelerates at the same rate as the lighter object; is that a violation of Newton's second law (f=ma)?
In this case the force is greater on the heavier object buty since its mass is greater it won't accelerate faster than the lighter object.

Consider an object falling in a uniform gravitational field (neglecting air resistance). Then F = -mg where g = acceleration due to gravity = constant. m = mass of object. Then

F = ma = -mg ---> a = -g

See how the masses cancel out?

Pete -

ps - To be more precise one of the masses is inertial mass (that which defines momentum m = p/v) and the other is passive gravitational mass (that which is acted on by gravity). Since they are proportional to each other (as measured in a lab) they cancel out.
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  • #7
Mt. Nixion said:
Anyways, if there is a light object and a heavy object, and forces of the same magnitude are exerted on the the objects, and despite the heavier mass, the heavier object accelerates at the same rate as the lighter object; is that a violation of Newton's second law (f=ma)?
Are you suggesting that I can push a dinky toy and an 18-wheeler with the same amount of force, and they will both accelerate at the same rate?

Your premise is incorrect.
  • #8
I think others have summed it up pretty well.

Like another person has stated if you're trying to describe the gravitational effects on an object, you set up the equation as follows

So if you have an object that's 5kg, to calculate the force you'd put in 5*9.8=49N

So the accelerate is always the same on Earth (it varries a little depending on your location). When you change the mass, you change the force. I'm not aware of any examples where this "law" has been broken.
  • #9
Mt. Nixion said:
I know that violating physics laws is impossible; this is just a question, so just answer it and don't say that can't happen. Anyways, if there is a light object and a heavy object, and forces of the same magnitude are exerted on the the objects, and despite the heavier mass, the heavier object accelerates at the same rate as the lighter object; is that a violation of Newton's second law (f=ma)?

If what you say happens, then yes it would be a violation of Newton's law, but then again... it ain't gona happen.


FAQ: Newton's Second Law: Light & Heavy Objects, Same Force & Acceleration?

1. What is Newton's Second Law?

Newton's Second Law states that the acceleration of an object is directly proportional to the net force applied to it and inversely proportional to its mass. In other words, the greater the force applied to an object, the greater its acceleration will be, and the more massive the object, the less its acceleration will be.

2. How does Newton's Second Law apply to light and heavy objects?

Both light and heavy objects will experience the same acceleration when the same force is applied to them. This means that a light object will accelerate faster than a heavy object when the same force is applied, but both objects will have the same acceleration.

3. Does the acceleration of an object depend on its mass?

Yes, according to Newton's Second Law, the acceleration of an object is inversely proportional to its mass. This means that the more massive an object is, the less its acceleration will be when the same force is applied.

4. How does the force applied to an object affect its acceleration?

The force applied to an object has a direct impact on its acceleration. According to Newton's Second Law, the greater the force applied, the greater the acceleration will be. This means that a larger force will cause an object to accelerate faster than a smaller force.

5. Can Newton's Second Law be applied to all objects?

Yes, Newton's Second Law applies to all objects, regardless of their mass or size. As long as there is a net force acting on an object, it will experience an acceleration in the direction of the force.

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